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Is anybody in the RAF happy any more?


Staff member
1000+ Posts
Despite the many niggles and general erosion of the quality of service life, I am fairly happy with my lot in the RAF...

I generally enjoy my job, work with a good bunch of lads (bar the odd one or two), we have a good social scene in our section, still have a reasonable amount of promotion in our trade....

A lot of the whinges that seem to crop up here regularly don't seem to arise in our crewroom, albiet we are a small section of only 30, but everyone seems pretty content....

Is anyone else happy in the mob or am I (we at our section) swimming against the tide?


I think that most people who come onto these types of open forums and whine should just leave. If they don't like it then do something about it. Many just can't understand that somebody might actually be happy with what they do for a living. Me I enjoy my job and they pay me very well so I am happy.

Bucc Boy

I think that most people who come onto these types of open forums and whine should just leave. If they don't like it then do something about it. Many just can't understand that somebody might actually be happy with what they do for a living. Me I enjoy my job and they pay me very well so I am happy.

Thanks for the advice, but after being in the Service for over 22 years I feel that I am more than entitled to log onto the this great ‘unofficial RAF forum’. My unhappiness has been addressed with a PVR and if I want the occasional winge……..best you just sit back and await the incoming!!

In answer to the question, I think there are far fewer people who treat the RAF as a way of life and the majority of the youngsters joining now are mature enough to recognise the probability of early termination of contract if something better comes along. However, while the RAF Squadrons/sections are still able to ‘self generate’, morale, banter, and camaraderie there probably aren’t many workplaces that are, as you say, ‘as much fun’.

Unfortunately, it’s all the other political bollox I’m sick of.


I never said that you weren't entitled to come onto this forum. I said that you should leave, which you appear to be. Many just jump on the band wagon and think it is fashionable to moan and whine about everything.


Master of my destiny
Thanks for the advice, but after being in the Service for over 22 years I feel that I am more than entitled to log onto the this great ‘unofficial RAF forum’. My unhappiness has been addressed with a PVR and if I want the occasional winge……..best you just sit back and await the incoming!!

In answer to the question, I think there are far fewer people who treat the RAF as a way of life and the majority of the youngsters joining now are mature enough to recognise the probability of early termination of contract if something better comes along. However, while the RAF Squadrons/sections are still able to ‘self generate’, morale, banter, and camaraderie there probably aren’t many workplaces that are, as you say, ‘as much fun’.

Unfortunately, it’s all the other political bollox I’m sick of.

I think that's a fair appraisal of how lots of people feel, to the letter.

PTR Hoar

to be honest i'm quite happy with my life in the RAF for the time being. I think alot of things could and should be alot better but it's the people who make it enjoyable although i'm finding it's more the case that it's "uncool" to enjoy the raf now!


I'm happier now that i've made plans for my exit, even if it will take 2 or 3 years to sort out! In the main i'm happy, my job is first line, I work with good people, I get enough money to get by on and I've a fair shot at promotion to 3 bannana down the line at some point. I love going on det, don't really care where.

My unhappiness is generated by shifting goal posts, the disparity between sh!te officers and good SNCO's, the constant penny pinching by the MOD at the same time as they burn money on pointless projects, and a whole host of other small niggles that have gradually eaten away at the Job. And thats how I view it nowadays, a Job, its not a career anymore.

Civvi aviation awaits me.


Somewhere else now!
My favourite work will always be 1st line.
Having just been posted to somewhere I environmentalled out of, I am now in a 2nd line post working alongside civvies and navy.
Now I dont mind the mix of people, even the work could be ok if I was allowed to do any of it.
I am now in the post of an "inspector" and as such it is frowned on if I pick up spanners.
This environment is soul destroying in my opinion. I never wanted it and discussed with my drafter various other posts I knew of. Instead I was given somewhere I didnt want to be.
Before I arrived I was expecting an office job (LITS/docs) which didnt really bother me, I've never done an office job. Then when I arrived I found out that I had been turfed out onto the hangar floor.
So from start to finish my posting has been disagreeable all the way.

PMA/ACOS have never listened to any of my requests or dream sheets and they even managed to miss me out on a board once! Turns out I should have been promoted and missed out by 6 months or so whilst they reboarded me. In turn whilst in this rank I have missed another board because I was promoted later than I should have been.

Am I happy?
Sometimes, although I am actively keeping my ear to the ground for any other posts around that I may be able to sidestep into.
Just marking time it seems, 22 years and pension.
Promotion is out of my hands, just awaiting the lucky ticket, otherwise its time to start thinking about civvie street.


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
I love the job, and the great bunch of lads/lasses I work with (bar the odd chod) and the morale, spirit and ethos are what I will miss when I leave.

What I don't like is the sh1te management, virtually non-existant career management for anyone without a Queens Commission and the obsession the RAF leadership has with everything BUT our primary task - to get aircraft in the air to perform their respective mission(s).

I'm sure I'll attract some "get some in" remarks but I don't give a to$$ to be fair! :pDT_Xtremez_17:


Warrant Officer
Next time someone pipes up with the old, "I'm going to PVR", line tell them that PSF is open if they're serious. Then watch the back-tracking and the, "I'm a bit busy right now", start.

No job is perfect. The mob has a lot of Pro's and a few con's. But on the whole it isn't really that bad.

It depends on what you want from life that makes it right or wrong for you.

Just my tuppence worth.
Despite the many niggles and general erosion of the quality of service life, I am fairly happy with my lot in the RAF...

I generally enjoy my job, work with a good bunch of lads (bar the odd one or two), we have a good social scene in our section, still have a reasonable amount of promotion in our trade....

A lot of the whinges that seem to crop up here regularly don't seem to arise in our crewroom, albiet we are a small section of only 30, but everyone seems pretty content....

Is anyone else happy in the mob or am I (we at our section) swimming against the tide?

I reckon it depends on your management!!!


I love it. I get paid a wad of cash to do a job I enjoy with people I like. Chods come and go on a daily basis but generally there are more good eggs than bad. I have been all over the world, played sport to a decent level. had more than my fair share of AT, I can see a Doctor anytime, I don't have to pay for the Dentist and I have been paid to get an education. Only had one posting in 20+ years that I asked for, but never had a bad tour. I believe I have had out of the RAF what I have put into and I would do it all again.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Happy Now

Happy Now

Happy right now, have been unhappy in the past but on the whole have been happy in the past.

Happiness comes and goes, life ain't perfect but I've had a good innings and I'm looking forward to my future outside of the MOB, where I'll try to be happy too.

Biggest thing I've tried to do is have a reasonable amount of control in what I do, volunteer early to go where you want, rather than be pushed where you do not, be flexible in your choices and try your best to just get on with it without a moan.


Master of my destiny
Next time someone pipes up with the old, "I'm going to PVR", line tell them that PSF is open if they're serious. Then watch the back-tracking and the, "I'm a bit busy right now", start.

No job is perfect. The mob has a lot of Pro's and a few con's. But on the whole it isn't really that bad.

It depends on what you want from life that makes it right or wrong for you.

Just my tuppence worth.

Simply a question Shugster, how long have you been ex RAF? Things have changed vastly since the Millenium(ish).


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
Simply a question Shugster, how long have you been ex RAF? Things have changed vastly since the Millenium(ish).

You don't even have to go down to PSF! You can PVR right from the comfort of your very own office/bay/terminal in the JRM or whatever!

I think they should include a klaxon or big flashing red light (or maybe yellow and black handle!) as well.

Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
You don't even have to go down to PSF! You can PVR right from the comfort of your very own office/bay/terminal in the JRM or whatever!

I think they should include a klaxon or big flashing red light (or maybe yellow and black handle!) as well.
Just like when you drop the Jackpot on the slots in Vegas:pDT_Xtremez_28:


I love the job, and the great bunch of lads/lasses I work with (bar the odd chod) and the morale, spirit and ethos are what I will miss when I leave.

What I don't like is the sh1te management, virtually non-existant career management for anyone without a Queens Commission and the obsession the RAF leadership has with everything BUT our primary task - to get aircraft in the air to perform their respective mission(s).

I'm sure I'll attract some "get some in" remarks but I don't give a to$$ to be fair! :pDT_Xtremez_17:
