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Proposed State Funeral for the Iron Lady


E-goat Head *****
I tell you what, lets have a state funeral for all the servicemen and women that are killed serving their country instead. These people have paid the ultimate sacrifice instead of being overpaid and underworked. She may/may not have been the first lady as a premiere but she was bloody hated in certain areas of the country.

We seem to be treating these overpaid trough noshing knobheads more and more like a president each year. Just remember these ****s are emptying our pockets to buy their free second homes along with furnishings and busiiness meals etc. They deserve to at least pay for their own bloody funeral.

Just my peneth.


I tell you what, lets have a state funeral for all the servicemen and women that are killed serving their country instead. These people have paid the ultimate sacrifice instead of being overpaid and underworked. She may/may not have been the first lady as a premiere but she was bloody hated in certain areas of the country.

We seem to be treating these overpaid trough noshing knobheads more and more like a president each year. Just remember these ****s are emptying our pockets to buy their free second homes along with furnishings and busiiness meals etc. They deserve to at least pay for their own bloody funeral.

Just my peneth.

Totally agree there Wobbly, one area the Spams seem to get right is their treatment of the fallen.

There is also a rumour that there would not be enough servicemen/women in the country available to line the route.

Much as I like the old girl I am not sure she deserves this accolade.
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A lot of the fallen that she sent 8000 miles away to save her votes in 1982 didn't even get the chance to be buried (I'm referring to those poor souls who went down with the ships). No way should that witch get a state funeral.

Major Geek

Fully justified in my opinion.

She sorted this country out when it was in a right mess. Some (OK maybe a lot) of her policies might have been unpopular but they were needed at the time. The union stranglehold on the economy needed breaking and she had the balls to do it.

The Masked Geek

If it wasn't for her, Nu Labour would have had nothing to squander over the last 10 sh!t years. The least they can do is save a little bit of it for her.


E-goat Head *****
If you do it for her then you should do it for the rest of them as well. Would you like to see Gordon Brown buried at public expense as well? You can't just do a singleton burial just because people thought she was a good egg ffs.

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
Justified in my opinion on the same grounds that Churchill was given a state funeral. When the country was on its knees she gave us a reason to be proud of being British.


Cynic & Conspiracy Theorist
If you do it for her then you should do it for the rest of them as well. Would you like to see Gordon Brown buried at public expense as well? You can't just do a singleton burial just because people thought she was a good egg ffs.

Agreed, can you imagine B-liars glee at the thought of the electorate mourning (dancing with glee more like) his passing:pDT_Xtremez_19:? This would appeal to his ego that much that he might just top himself to hasten the process (I think I may have defeated my own argument and changed my mind):pDT_Xtremez_31:


What about a Viking type event. Plonk her in an old wooden rowing boat with a gallon of unleaded (will need a whip round for this at todays prices) and push her out into the Thames.

A few burning arrows (or flicked swan vestas) and.....

Bobs yer muvvas bruvva!:pDT_Xtremez_28:

the lovetoad

If you do it for her then you should do it for the rest of them as well. Would you like to see Gordon Brown buried at public expense as well? You can't just do a singleton burial just because people thought she was a good egg ffs.

Yes I would and hopefully the fecker will still be alive when it happens!


She should get one. A full state funeral with lots of important witnesses there.... just to check the lid's on well and good in case there was a mistake when they declared her dead. The miners should be given the honour of digging the hole.


SNAFU master
Much as I suffered during her premiership ('the green shoots of recovery' have not sprouted yet), she did what needed doing. Scargill and his uber-left mates held this country to ransom and needed seeing-to. The U was trying to do things to the UK which were plain wrong (Jacques Delors & co).
The Falklands was a necessary event. The UK needed to demonstrate its support and opposition to the Argies.

But a state funeral?. No, I don't think so. A large public do at the Abbey, perhaps, or a good-sized memorial service after the family funeral, but not a state jobby.


You ain`t seen me.
1000+ Posts
The Falklands was a necessary event. The UK needed to demonstrate its support and opposition to the Argies.

Alternatively she might have vetoed the scrapping of that big red boat that signified to the Argies we had no interest South of the Equator anymore. Then there would have been no war, and we could all carry on thinking the islands were in the Orkneys.


She's hardly the same league as Churchill ffs, whether you agree with her policies or not she doesn't warrant a state funeral.
I will refrain from going into one of my rambles about the perilous state this great nation had been reduced to at the end of the seventies, but one thing is for sure, if Maggie had not had the biggest bollocks ever seen in British politics I shudder to think where we would be today.

She is hated with a passion by a lot of people who saw their jobs go up the swanny when she made the tough decisions needed to drag the nation from the abyss. So I do not think that she should get a state funeral, purely because it will be heavily disrupted by these people who still hold (rightly in their view) a big grudge.

And I cannot see even the most fervent Thatcherites lining the streets, so I fear the only people who will attend are those who want to lob rocks not flowers.

So no, even though I hold the old cow in some esteem, there should be no state funeral. She loved armed forces people (and yes I am fully aware of her defence cuts, it is the people I am talking about) so I imagine as it is hardly likely she will give a rat's ass,whether she is buried, burnt or left in a bin bag, she may prefer the money spent on something like the National Memorial Arboretum.



She's hardly the same league as Churchill ffs, whether you agree with her policies or not she doesn't warrant a state funeral.

One could ask does anyone, especially at 3 million quid. We talk about tightening belts in other areas yet we can find the cash for something like this.

I personally don't think anyone regardless of what they have done is worth that sort of cash. Maybe a 200 quid wreath and a card of condolence but thats about it.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I'm not going to argue the rights or wrongs of wether she should be getting this honour but what does strike me is how odd she must be feeling sitting in her front room reading about her future funeral plans...Imagine how'd you feel? It's not as if she's at death's door either so it must be just weird for her...

I Look Like Kevin Costner

Grand Prix fanatic..
The real effects of Thatcher will be felt still in the future. Her "market forces" idea's killed British manufacturing industry stone dead (helped by the idiots that ran the unions). She also sold off the Oil rights at a bargin bucket price!We don't make anything and that was where the wealth of this country came from.

Since Churchill, no PM (bar prehaps Attlee) deserves a state funeral and that includes Maggie.