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Just watching the news on the telly box. The corruption and injustice in Zimbabwe is almost beyond belief.

Our government along with the yanks believe we should act as the world police. Why don't they decide to send us in to do some real pest control, or is there no oil in Zimbabwe?


Warrant Officer
The worst part is that South Africa doesn't condemn Mugabes' sh1te as there are family ties through marriage between the two countries governments.

You can't blame the leader of the opposition though, he probably likes living.

Mugabe decided to punish the evil white man by removing his land from him and handing it to people with no idea how to run a farm.

What did they do with these farms? Grow crops? Raise cattle?

No. They burnt the buildings and sat around getting pi55ed.

Now the locals have inflation in the thousands and must import food, whereas before they used to be a major exporter.

Zimbabwe is a shadow of it's former self under, "White rule".::p: ::p: ::p:


SNAFU master
I noticed from the News this evening that even South Africa is getting quite impatient with Butcher Bob and his pals, and he ain't he only one.

I have a feeling that the Organisation of African Unity may step in under the auspices of the UN. I sure hope so; with a decent mandate to shoot!


(PS; there may be no oil, but there's a lot of potential for export of expertise)


And you say there's no oil? Well there's no crude oil, but plenty of land for Veg Oil and similar plantations for fueling!

pie sandwich

I think it might be Uganda or Nigeria is a very oil rich country, Every now and then you hear of people being kidnapped when out there working for Shell.

Not to mention Diamonds, the place is full of them but banned from selling them.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
With all the reported thuggery, rigged elections, suppression of opposition and the rest going on, I often wonder if Mugabe is modelling himself on Hitler. He's already made a start with his stupid little square 'tash.
I think the only way that Mugabe will leave power is when he kicks the bucket, and bearing in mind he's well in his 80s, that will hopefully be very soon.

The international community appears to be unwilling to do anything about it. All the neighbouring countries just express their concern and hope they can negotiate a solution. WTF!! Get in there and slot the murdering ****!!

Our illustrious leader has said that he's "dissapointed"!!! My god, Mugabe is murdering, torturing his opponents as well as bankrupting his country with inflation in the 100,000%s, meaning that most of his country is starving, whilst he lives in luxury. Anyone spot the similarties between Mugabe and Saddam?? And Brown is dissapointed!!! What a ******. But like some have said, no oil to be got!!


Cynic & Conspiracy Theorist
is there no oil in Zimbabwe[/I]?

The only chance the people of Zimbabwe have for salvation is to start digging for the stuff. It does seem you can be an evil dictator and head a tyrannical regime with impunity if there's none of the black stuff to be had, Burma, N Korea, China (although to be fair they have some oil and a massive army), E Timor and others


Techie & Proud
Well simple way I see it is get a few crack SAS or special forces troops and take him out by assisination, you cant tell me its not been thought of already and as the country escolates into a mess this Im sure is being considered (by many countries im sure) of course but will never be made common knowledge

Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
Gordon acts at last

Gordon acts at last

Well one eyed Gordon has acted at last and stripped Robert Mugabe of his Knighthood. Well done Gordon I say; Mugabe must be ****ing heart broken now. I expect he'll jack it all in any minute.................................................................................................................


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Just watched an item BBC News which featured Mugabe. He said he has no quarrel with the British people and he respects the Queen. He added that his quarrel was with 10 Downing Street and we must exorcise the demons that live within 10 Downing Street - at least I agree with him on that, but he's still a tw@t!


Flight Sergeant
The bloke is nearly 90, WTF was he doing in charge of anything?

To quote Billy Connolly,

"My fathers younger than him, and we don't let him have the remote for the telly!"

Hope GB is taking notes, this is what happens when pensioners have no choice but to work :pDT_Xtremez_14:

Scaley brat

Trekkie Nerd
1000+ Posts
this is what happens when pensioners have no choice but to work :pDT_Xtremez_14:

I can see it now, 100,000 Meldrews emptying bins across the country.

"I don't believe it you've put garden waste in with the plastic !!" :pDT_Xtremez_31:


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Feel sorry for the real people

Feel sorry for the real people

At the end of the day it is the normal Joe who will suffer, those in power (including the woman in the street on TV earlier) live by the sword and will die by the sword).

The country is imploding and I am thankful that Madella said something at last, also things on the horizon in South Africa (unions and Mr Zuma) may change local attitudes soon.


Flight Sergeant
New Labour won't do anything
After years of being the champion of the minority they can hardly invade an African country and impose 'White mans rule' whilst they whole of Africa sits back and does nothing
Africa will sit back and wait until Mogabe dies and then it wil be a free for all over who charges in by that time the Army and the people will be to weak to put up a fight

If Africa asks for help from the UK and US we may go in but until then nobody will dare


Techie & Proud
yep we will as a so called UK power to help people in the world , we will just as hewhodaresrodney says sit back wait for him to die and if ther eis any political gain to be had do something productive like give 10 tanks a few choppers and some aid.

Now if Zimbabwe had oil would things be the same . Its just a shame for the poor *******s that are getting slaghtered by a regime that are just as evil as saddams yet our government ignores. Id rather do my duty and help there than what crap we are asked to do these days .


I caught some of the Sky News coverage about the protesters in London outside the Zimbabwe and S.A. embassy who were furious about the latest sham election.
Have to admit I nearly spat my Carling all over the TV when one of the protesters (with the caption 'Zimbabwe refugee' underneath) was shouting at the camera that she was disgusted that the British government hadn't invaded Zimbabwe to rid it of it's evil dictator and all his henchmen..............OH God.........not again!


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Zimbabwe and lots of countries in the continent of Africa never seem to change. But it's not our problem. Unfortunately Nation States including ours will not go to war unless there is a political and strategic gain to be made. The "Oil" issue is there and fortunately for Mugabe he is land locked with ZERO oil. The do-good campgains against the likes of Serbia etc are no longer with us as the Public are reluctant to get more involved in other people's problems. Yes it is horrendous but Africa is Africa and unless the majority of the people of the continent change from their "tribal" attitudes then we are wasting our time even mentioning intervention.


African Oil

African Oil

Sudan - especially the south has a huge oil field - but no-one has gone in there to help prevent what's happeing in Dharfur. Mad Bob and many other african countries don't give ash1t baout their people as they're so obsessed with hanging onto power by whatever means they can. By keeping food from the people it stops them having the strength to take up arms against the government. Sooner he's dead, the better - maybe - what if his mad generals decide to take the reigns and it just gets worse? People forget that the replacement might be even worse...