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Fine for having his wheelie bin lid open


Warrant Officer
And yet people have to put up with 1 collection every two weeks!

Any wonder it was over full?


And the coppers must be pleased that their crime statistics show a higher conviction rate.::p:
The government is trying to promote recycling and all the other good stuff, but with this sort of thing happening people arent going to bother.

Having only one pick up a fortnight doesnt help matters. I myself have 3 different bins at home, of which 2 are always full at the end of the fortnight, the third one will be when we start cutting the lawns more during the summer. And this is only with two people living in the house, this guy had kids too iirc.

The Dog's

The government is trying to promote recycling and all the other good stuff, but with this sort of thing happening people arent going to bother.

Having only one pick up a fortnight doesnt help matters. I myself have 3 different bins at home, of which 2 are always full at the end of the fortnight, the third one will be when we start cutting the lawns more during the summer. And this is only with two people living in the house, this guy had kids too iirc.

This is an easily solved problem given a small small step ladder and a pair of DMS boots. Simply don said boots, climb small ladder and step into the apparently full bin. Amazingly the level of rubbish dramatically falls! With my 13.5 stones I frequently manage to halve the volume of rubbish in my wheelie-bins. My extra weight has not, so far, damaged the bins nor has there ever been any problem with rubbish getting stuck in the bins when emptied. The only draw back is the funny look from the neighbours when stood in the bins!:0

billy bollox

Bit of common sense by the council woudndn't have gone amiss!! Like previously stated, easy money for the council to afford expenses!!!


Warrant Officer
And yet people have to put up with 1 collection every two weeks!

Any wonder it was over full?


And the coppers must be pleased that their crime statistics show a higher conviction rate.::p:

It wasn't the Police who fined the man, it was Council Enforcement Officers. The report doesn't mention the Police.
Yet more small mindedness demonstrating that this country is slipping into an Orwellian style Big Brother state.
I can't believe that the court didn't throw it out, laughable, absoloutely laughable.
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Warrant Officer
I think you'll find he got a criminal conviction for this heinous crime.
Hangings too good for him.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Another good example to leave this country at the end of 22 Years service. And they wonder why people are P1SSED OFF!!! Increase the rate of Council Tax, decrease the bin collection while at the same time confusing the hell out of everybody by nobody knowing what bin is supposed to be outside for collection. Plus inadequate Recycling facilities.

In North West Spain they have wheelie bins every 50 METRES in the street which have separate parts for for Organic/Inorganic waste. The council then deal with it.

Unlike our Councils who happily fine you but do not provide the facilities you need. A problem they create but they fine YOU!!! Easy money. Another UK cash making scam from our councils up there with Speed Cameras.

Only 12 years of service to go then SPAIN.

PS UK is now even more SH@TE. Foreign overseas postings every chance I get look good!!!!


Warrant Officer
It wasn't the Police who fined the man, it was Council Enforcement Officers. The report doesn't mention the Police.
Yet more small mindedness demonstrating that this country is slipping into an Orwellian style Big Brother state.
I can't believe that the court didn't throw it out, laughable, absoloutely laughable.

He was convicted in court, as far as I know that goes on the police successful conviction stats.

I could be wrong.


This is an easily solved problem given a small small step ladder and a pair of DMS boots. Simply don said boots, climb small ladder and step into the apparently full bin. Amazingly the level of rubbish dramatically falls! With my 13.5 stones I frequently manage to halve the volume of rubbish in my wheelie-bins. My extra weight has not, so far, damaged the bins nor has there ever been any problem with rubbish getting stuck in the bins when emptied. The only draw back is the funny look from the neighbours when stood in the bins!:0
what happens when thay start charging by the pound pack it down as mutch as you want thay are going to charge x- amount per killo


Cynic & Conspiracy Theorist
Just seen this on the news, his kids must get through a hell of a lot of fizzy pop! by the contents of his recycling!!!!! that's the judgemental bit out of the way. This chap did state that the fine for fly tipping in his area was £80, so in future......


In no way do I want to stand up for the Nasty, spiteful bast'rds running our town halls but really there is no excuse for giving them a chance to do this is there? FFS if that mong the Dogs is bright enough to work out how to close a bin lid that chav tw@t with the 4 kids could as well.


My home is in the general area and I know the area where dumb ass lives. He's not the only chomper on that street by the way.
He's had several chances to literally sort his $hite out, and he's been caught, so tough
I'm not defending our 'esteemed' local council as they are a bunch of overpaid, scrounging, penny pinching Bstards who use any excuse to screw the local tax payers.


The Other Mods Made Me Do It
As WJ said, there is more to this than meets the eye. On the news tonight the council stated that he had been warned on numerous occassions but continually ignored them.

As always, there are 2 sides to the story.


A quick trip to the local council tip is quicker, and cheaper.


As WJ said, there is more to this than meets the eye. On the news tonight the council stated that he had been warned on numerous occassions but continually ignored them.

As always, there are 2 sides to the story.

Agreed there might be 2 sides to the story but my point is how the fcuk can you fine someone £110 for having the bin lid open by 3-4 inches? What did it cost the council to stalk this guy in the first place? A bit more than £110 i'm sure.


Warrant Officer
People seem to be missing the point here. The fine may be a pain but he's got a criminal conviction now.


Flight Sergeant
Doesn't matter what sort of pikey this fella is, it is still a sh1t system::/:

What if you have small children in nappies FFS? IIRC, a week of nappies for one child is a fairly substantial amount. Twins would cost you a bloody mint in council charges, wouldn't it?

One wheely-bin emptied every fortnight is rank as hell and not really that practical.

Our local recyclers collect all paper, cardboard, glass, cans and plastic milk bottles. In addition to that, we have a compost bin and I take the plastic drinks bottles to the local recycling centre (no idea why they're not collected).

Even with all of that, I finish up with a full black sack every week, mostly because nobody wants to recycle all of the plastic trays, yoghurt pots, styrofoam and other cr@p that companies seem to think we need.

Maybe the govt. should impose fines on companies that put things in unnecessarily large "LOOK AT ME!" packaging.