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Wishing wells @ Weddings.....


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
So as some of you may know I'm getting married soon and as we have been living in sin for a few years we have everything we need so what are your views on that delicate subject whereby you request your friends / family company at a wedding and not to purchase any gifts but if they do want to give anything, stick it in a card and place it in a wishing well at the reception? It's the birds idea and it does sound American to me.


Warrant Officer
So as some of you may know I'm getting married soon and as we have been living in sin for a few years we have everything we need so what are your views on that delicate subject whereby you request your friends / family company at a wedding and not to purchase any gifts but if they do want to give anything, stick it in a card and place it in a wishing well at the reception? It's the birds idea and it does sound American to me.

Not heard of the wishing well bit, but have heard of the money in the card bit to go towards big purchases etc. The problem it causes is that not everyone can afford to give a lot of dosh and what is considered to be an acceptable amount?


Hmmm Im in the same position. I am going to ask for Virgin Holiday vouchers in lieu of presents!!! Its not going to be optional either!!! You come to my wedding... you get me a present!

Could go towards the honeymoon or perhaps a holiday on your first anniversary.


Flight Sergeant
I have just been to a wedding and everyone was asked to buy holiday vouchers for a wedding present.

Everyone did, nobody was bothered or offended by it, seemed sensible to me.

Wishing well sounds a bit queer though?


Warrant Officer
Went to one recently and they asked for everyone just to give them the cost of a gift they would have got in Dollars, as they were going on a 3 week honeymoon in SpamLand. Seemed fair to me.

rest have risen above me

Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Get on a really "Holier than thou" trip and seen as you've got everything just ask for a normal set of presents, and the old ones donate to charity, you get new stuff and charity does ok as well.

Actually go for the money...but say it's to fund a charity trip to an orphanage in Cancun that way they'll be guilt tripped into giving more .:pDT_Xtremez_14:


Super Moderator
I think its a great idea and if you haven't sent your invites include this:

Because at first we lived in sin
We've got the sheets and a rubbish bin
A gift from you, would be swell
But we'd prefer a donation to our Wishing Well

More than just kisses so far we've shared,
Our home has been made with Love and Care,
Most things we need we've already got,
And in our home we can't fit a lot!

A wishing well we thought would be great,
(But only if you wish to participate),
A gift of money is placed in the well,
Then make a wish .... but shhh don't tell!

Once we've replaced the old with the new,
We can look back and say it was thanks to you!
And in return for your kindness, we're sure
That one day soon you will get what you wished for.


Super Moderator
I also like this one:

The date has been set and we'd love you to come,
To our wedding in (place name), a long way for some,
All you must do, is decide what to wear,
Then polish your jewellery and comb up your hair.

Don't worry about gifts, don't buy us a yacht,
The things that we need, we've already got.
Our home is quite compact, we may have to move
Then our storage and space will surely improve.

Don't go out shopping or get yourself stressed,
Don't alter your plans for a pre wedding rest.
If you want to be generous, despite what we've said,
Then save all the hassle and do this instead.....

Don't know how to word this but will give it our best shot..
Contributions are most welcome, we'll go somewhere hot!
A honeymoon would be marvellous, to start off our life,
In our long winding journey, as new husband and wife!

Thank you


Warrant Officer
You could ask them to put the envelopes in without who it's from written on the front. Then there's no pressure about who gave more or less.


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
Cheers for those Sniffer, you wouldn't believe how long the missus spent last night browsing Google for those kind of Rhymes. It caused a few arguments anyway.

I suppose some of the more old fashioned members of the family may be offended but hey ho! :S


Warrant Officer
I forgot to ask - is it a 'Service wedding' - ie, everyone in No1's etc?

If so, back hand the missus, tell the outlaws to shut it or they'll get the same, put on an industrial vat of curry and a shed load of cash behind the bar.



Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
I forgot to ask - is it a 'Service wedding' - ie, everyone in No1's etc?

If so, back hand the missus, tell the outlaws to shut it or they'll get the same, put on an industrial vat of curry and a shed load of cash behind the bar.


:pDT_Xtremez_30: PMSL

Only the best man and I are in No1's but that's just because we are a tight bunch of buggers and refuse to splash out on a suit which is (hopefully) only worn the once! :D


Super Moderator

When it comes to weddings there will always be someone or other who gets the hump over something or another.

Me and Mr Sniffer just buggered off to the States for 2 week and did it whilst we were there. We broke the news to friends and family when we got back. There were a few miffed family member who felt they had been done out of a few stale butties, vol-au-vents and a slice of cake but sod em. Its the bride and grooms day.


It's the brides day, then the grooms night.

It all goes downhill after that...................! :pDT_Xtremez_14:


Balls to the wedding, you might as well don a balaclava and leave a swag bag by reception.


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
Balls to the wedding, you might as well don a balaclava and leave a swag bag by reception.

Correct me if my assumption is wrong but I take it that you are of the generation that takes a dim view of this sort of thing? Would you care to elaborate on your post?


No offence intended at all, I just feel being there and celebrating with you should be all the gifts you need.

However, I am not in a position to get married, so generally do not know the costs of such things.


Super Moderator
No offence intended at all, I just feel being there and celebrating with you should be all the gifts you need.

However, I am not in a position to get married, so generally do not know the costs of such things.

But the problem is OldDan, that people will buy you a load of old $hite when you get married, even if you ask for no gifts (because tradition makes them feel they should buy something).

Therefore I see no harm in requesting that if people really feel like they want to splash the cash, then just give the cash.

It is the same with Christenings. A friend of mine recently christened her son and ended up with 5, yes 5 silver money boxes, each of which probably cost around 20 quid. Now surely giving the child or parents the cash, so they can put it together and buy something the child actually needs or wants or hell just banking it for the sprog to blow on whatever he wants when he is older makes more sense.
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