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Vaccination Thread

Will you have it when offered

  • Yes

    Votes: 50 90.9%
  • No

    Votes: 5 9.1%

  • Total voters


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Also i see today that early results from a trial suggest that you are more likely to get side-effects from the 2nd jab if it is a different brand from the first one. I know there have been some suggestions in recent weeks that a mix & match approach could have benefits since the different vaccines work in slightly different ways and giving someone 2 different vaccines might strengthen their immune system more than just just 2 doses of one vaccine. This study might provide the downside to that approach.


Well being a civilian for sometime now not sure if this effect the military. But I had my test for Antibodies blood kit today and when doing all the correct checks and drawing my blood came back Negative for any Antibodies. Which seems odd one as I had my Astra Zeneca jab on 11 March at Man City ground, giving enough more chance of developing the darn things to swim about the old bloodstream, yet came back bugger all. I did have side effect too in regards feeling rough few days after and having fingers covered in a rash on both hands for several weeks, still got the odd marks to this day. All reported on the Yellow Card website. And frankly since the virus came into this country on several stopovers via Chinese lab there been more opportunities for my body to be infected cured infected cured like many. So I'm no angel.


Well being a civilian for sometime now not sure if this effect the military. But I had my test for Antibodies blood kit today and when doing all the correct checks and drawing my blood came back Negative for any Antibodies. Which seems odd one as I had my Astra Zeneca jab on 11 March at Man City ground, giving enough more chance of developing the darn things to swim about the old bloodstream, yet came back bugger all. I did have side effect too in regards feeling rough few days after and having fingers covered in a rash on both hands for several weeks, still got the odd marks to this day. All reported on the Yellow Card website. And frankly since the virus came into this country on several stopovers via Chinese lab there been more opportunities for my body to be infected cured infected cured like many. So I'm no angel.
Addendum Could this be related to working on a couple of Radar Stations and glowing in the dark since leaving:alien::unsure:


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
Well being a civilian for sometime now not sure if this effect the military. But I had my test for Antibodies blood kit today and when doing all the correct checks and drawing my blood came back Negative for any Antibodies. Which seems odd one as I had my Astra Zeneca jab on 11 March at Man City ground, giving enough more chance of developing the darn things to swim about the old bloodstream, yet came back bugger all. I did have side effect too in regards feeling rough few days after and having fingers covered in a rash on both hands for several weeks, still got the odd marks to this day. All reported on the Yellow Card website. And frankly since the virus came into this country on several stopovers via Chinese lab there been more opportunities for my body to be infected cured infected cured like many. So I'm no angel.

Did you apply for the antibody test or was it done through your work or GP ?


Did you apply for the antibody test or was it done through your work or GP ?
A request from the Government NHS department random check asking for volunteers.The research was done Imperial College of London and Ipsos Mori for questions . So I applied on the internet to do my bit thinking since the Jab I had at Man City ground must have okay anyway. Work wise I am semi retired due to my Homer Carering is seized since my mother death before Christmas last year. Frankly for seeing local GP I gave up when the receptionist policy act as Bouncers. As I mentioned earlier the result for Antibodies came back Negative according to the kit. Which bi of a surprise since all my time after the Jab and side effects associated with this seems wasted.


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
A request from the Government NHS department random check asking for volunteers.The research was done Imperial College of London and Ipsos Mori for questions . So I applied on the internet to do my bit thinking since the Jab I had at Man City ground must have okay anyway. Work wise I am semi retired due to my Homer Carering is seized since my mother death before Christmas last year. Frankly for seeing local GP I gave up when the receptionist policy act as Bouncers. As I mentioned earlier the result for Antibodies came back Negative according to the kit. Which bi of a surprise since all my time after the Jab and side effects associated with this seems wasted.

My cousin had one through her work (NSPCC) and she got a negative result as well.



My cousin had one through her work (NSPCC) and she got a negative result as well.

Strange really did she have issue before the first injection. As the cover-19 was hyperactive before Christmas and equally before the first lockdown. Frankly when the first lockdown began there was many times I could have caught the virus with mother hospital and clinic visits and carers coming in the morning not rally protected. I mean I did my bit to clean as much, but equally at my unhealthy age and condition, I would have been a smorgasbord for Covid. Manchester in fact Manchester Evening News keeps a log of areas surrounding where i live of Covid deaths but we are no different any other major city when spikes happen. The issue I v'e had is from the jab feeling crap for a few days and fingers covered in small rash like red sores.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I thought Novavax was supposed to reach approval this week?

Chatting to a vax coordinator last night he said the J&J, when approved, is going to be a game changer...single dose only, comparable results to date with any other vaccine and stored in a standard fridge.
My wife and were due our second AZ jabs 01 Jun, but both got a text Sunday 16 May to go early. So a quick change on the NHS Covid booking site and booked last Monday 17 May. Incredibly slick and easy to use service once again.


First one completed, second one due in July, only side affects was sore muscles and tiredness for about a week.

All is well in The Land Down Under.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Had my 2nd jab Thurs evening. After my first jab I had no effects bar an irritating minor headache. This time, my arm was sore for 18 - 24 hours but yesterday (Sat), although I had only very mild flu like symptoms (fuzzy head etc), I was absolutely knackered & kept falling asleep in the armchair... much better today though.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I overheard a GP telling an old chap, when I pitched up for my 2nd, who'd voiced concerns about blood clots that he had little to worry about as all the blood clot incidents from AZ vaccine had happened to females only.

Surprised that hasn't made into general circulation?


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
I overheard a GP telling an old chap, when I pitched up for my 2nd, who'd voiced concerns about blood clots that he had little to worry about as all the blood clot incidents from AZ vaccine had happened to females only.

Surprised that hasn't made into general circulation?
Possibly because Correlation does not necessarily equal Causation?

Going by this article, yes more women have been affected but men have been as well. Other factors will be at play here including medical history (if accurate) and uptake of the vaccine by gender etc.



Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
It's been mentioned a few time, the numbers are small compared to the impact of COVID on those at high risk, however, young people are very much less likely to die from COVID, so they could be more likely to die from potentially Vaccination linked blood clots as they are COVID, so the benefits of the jab, to them, are reduced. They should still have one of the less clotty vaccines as this will protect the wider community by reducing transmission.

Just looking at the numbers male incidents appear to be close to background expectations whilst women appear to have an increased risk, still low though, this is probably what the Dr meant.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Mrs Seed had her second AZ a week or so ago. After a problem with pain and tiredness with her first one, her second didn't cause a eyelid to move. Mind you she is a month or so older than me.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
A single-dose Covid vaccine made by Janssen has been approved for use in the UK by the medicines regulator.
The vaccine was 85% effective in stopping severe illness from Covid-19 in trials and has met expected safety standards.
Twenty million doses have been ordered for the UK and will arrive later this year.

Another piece of good news. Made in Belgium so hopefully no issues in receiving what we ordered?


I had my second yesterday. Whereas the first gave me almighty shivers like Parkinson’s and a headache, this time I was burning up sweating my cogs offa and really weird dreams.Fine 24 hrs later..weird


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
It’s almost certain that the 21st June reduction in Covid restrictions is going to be pushed to the right according to the broadsheets today. Infection levels, as expected after a selective reopening of society in May, are rising at a pace. This move to slow down reopening wasn’t unexpected but what isn’t clear is how the emerging fact that the current vaccines only offer 33% effectiveness after one jab against the delta variant is going to be countered by remaining at the current level of restrictions?

Over the past 15 months, when figures went South, we tightened up the restrictions. Figures come down and we loosened them, in essence, to give people a break. The wiggle room to go backwards here seems to not be as available this time. Go backwards now and you damage the credibility of the vaccine programme, stay at the same levels and see infection rates climb which will lead to an unknown number of hospitalisations and potentially more variants.

Some tricky decisions ahead for those in the hot seat.


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
It isn't surprising that the R value is going up.

Look at what else comes into play at this time of the year ...

They have told people that meeting outdoors is a lot safer than indoors (perfectly safe to some), BUT the lack of outdoor restrictions have also tied in with Hay Fever season.
A two metre distancing rule isn't going to help you if a slight breeze is blowing towards you with a sneezing Covid infected Hay Fever sufferer not far away.