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Troops to receive Council Tax rebate


Warrant Officer
Have a read here

Its a start at least, but apparently its to be paid for centrally by the MoD, rather than from the local councils. According to the Tories, its not coming from new money - so if that is the case, Are they robbing Peter to pay Paul? so where or what IS Peter?


So what's the deal? I know folks who've done 4 month DWRs and successfully claimed their council tax back? Maybe he's just highlit the fact that it can be done. More spin anyone?


As Roobsta says, there's nothing new there, we've always been able to claim back council tax after being away for an extended period. I've done it on several occasions.


Could anyone who has claimed back the tax please let me know how this was done. Lincolnshire council have said you can't do it. I asked them once when was I to put my bin outside my room for collection when I was in Q8 as I was paying for my rubbish to be collected while I was away still... They just didn't get it.

Also why will you be able to claim it back just for being in Iraq and Afgan? Yes they are the worst places to goto but you are still not using the services when you are in other locations.
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The Loan Ranger

Total spin by an ever failing government...

Quote from BBC News...
Armed Forces serving in Afghan and Iraq can claim back 25% of Council Tax whilst away from the country, this can amount to £120 for a 6-month tour...

I' love to live somewhere where the council tax is only £480 a year, and to top it all it's not the local council who will refund this amount, it will come from the MOD so it's not really a council tax rebate then is it Gordon, and if you think throwing us another scrap will keep us happy whilst our families live in sh!te accom, whilst we are doing sh!te jobs that your predecessor and his bum-chum in Washington sent us to then you Mr Prime Minister should think again.

There is speculation that Gordon is going to call an early election, well if he thinks that this paltry sum is going to win him a few votes then his advisors are living in cloud cuckoo land because the whole country should see this handout for what it really is, local councils have been robbing us blind for years when it comes to DWR's and being out of the country for an extended period and they think £120 from the MOD will keep us happy....

I think not Mr Brown....
Mr Brown does it again.. Our PM has a knee jerk reaction to criticism of his government's treatment of our armed forces and gives as little as possible to grab as many headlines as he can. Why only Iraq and Afghanistan?? Can you benefit from local council bin collections in the Falklands or the Balkans??

As an aside, why do news channels (especially BBC and Sky) constantly refer to all servicemen as Soldiers...grips my ****!!


Absolutely pathetic. A £140 rebate is far less than the 25% that some councils discount single adult occupation of a house.

Obviously better than nothing but not a vote winner. It still falls short of decent pay for the job and conditions.

Gordon, get real!


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Lets look at the facts here........

All these figures are courtesy of BBC, Wikpedia and the MOD DASA.

"The measure will be worth £140 to every soldier who pays the tax on a UK property and is serving a six-month tour of duty.

About 13,000 soldiers will benefit from the tax rebate, which amounts to 25% of the average Band D council tax bill."

So 13000 will benefit, ignoring any reservist who will get this, the current strength of the armed forces is 190,400 so a measly 6.8% of us will benefit.

Secondly:- "As of 2006, the average annual levy on a property is £1,056 (the average Band D tax is £1,268)"

So the average D Band tax is £1268 25% of this is £253.

So there we have it, thanks a bunch !


Council tax rebate for UK troops.

Council tax rebate for UK troops.


It's not much, £140 rebate for any troops in a UK property and are deployed for 6 months.

An insult? Or better than a kick in the slats?

I don't pay much council tax anyway, so it's no big deal. I think that income tax should be suspended for troops serving overseas, but maybe that's for another thread.
Back from the 'Stan 2002 to find I had been charged for food, accom and the council tax while living in a tent. Quick jaunt to PSF where it was sorted in a flash.

2007 back from the same place to find the same mistake. Three months wrangling with the JPAC for the same result.

Perhaps the paltry sum should be spent on better service from JPA, or better still give the poor sods in PSF more troops and the capability to help.

I wonder along with others where the money is being axed. Less first class air travel for MOD civil servants perhaps? Less glossy magazines telling us nowt, but in very pretty colours? Mech of the year being scrapped and proper incentives given?

Methinks not!


Wonky Tonka

Yet another round of political bollox if you ask me!

I don't see how that will make any difference to things.

It's fair enough for singlies who's homes are left empty whilst they are OOA.
When I go away, my family still live in my house and still have to use the council services. How will that work?


Somewhere else now!
£23 a month rebate. Would that cover extra life insurance?
This government is an absolute disgrace. Political gestures instead of tackling the real issues. Why should someone pay for services they arent using? Its basically theft isnt it?

Loosely linked is the story about SLAM (Single Living Accommodation Modernisation). I found it on yahoo's news page chucked in with the council tax story.
Here is the story on it from reuters main site.
Bear in mind that we have just had CINC come down to our secret airbase for a brief. He basically said that all the people before him had created the state of the forces today and it wont be getting any better. He is trying.
He also stated that SLAM wouldnt be completed until 2020.
Now this story about pumping £80million into it..............who is telling the truth?
It doesnt do the government any favours when you just start reading Lions, Donkeys and Dinosaurs does it?!!:pDT_Xtremez_28:

Wonky Tonka

From the briefing I heard last week, SLAM won't be completed at all!!

Not enough money left in the pot.

As it was put to us,

"some of the lads under your command will go their entire careers without having an en-suite room"

And there's no morale problem in the forces these days................
I notice (on the Yahoo news page) that the scheme will be extended to other areas next year. Quite right too. I am not suggesting that those lucky enough to be sent to MPA for their DWR should receive the operational bonus, but they are just a detached as those in Iraq and the Stan nor do they (usually) get flown back to the UK for R & R, again fair enough; why should they have to wait until next year, when it will probably be forgotten or brushed under some polticos "can't be bothered" tray.:pDT_Xtremez_25:


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
I think you'll find that the rebate talked about is for those personnel who live in MQs. Having a quick look at my payslip tells me that my Council Tax deduction for Sep was just over £90. Therefore 25% of that will be just shy of £23, which broadly equates to the £140 talked about in the headline.

Also bear in mind that £140 is for 6 months and is 25%, which is the discount given for single occupancy. Double it and add on the other 75% that the spouse/partner pays whilst in permanent residence and you come up with £1120, which is about right for an annual CT bill.

This has been a well-visited subject within the Harrier Force, particularly amongst those who have spent approx half the year in Kandahar for the past 5 years or so. During my last stint there, we engaged in dialogue with all our local councils to try and get them to offer a 25% rebate to families who owned properties in the area (rather like people who are put in prison enjoy!). Every one of them refused. It was also mentioned to a group of visiting MPs, so perhaps they may have heard what we were saying!

At least by increasing the Op Allowance, all living-out personnel, regardless of their location will enjoy the benefit. Living-in personnel of course still enjoy 100% rebate, but then again they do not leave someone behind using their room.


If anyone wants their blood to boil even more, have a look at some of the comments posted on the BBC website (See my original post) to see what your Great British public thinks of the rebate.

Did someone mention a broken covenant? :pDT_Xtremez_42:


Warrant Officer
And this is from an ex matlot:

Armed forces personnel are already paid well above standard UK wages - why offer them more.
Contrary to popular belief, they are poorly qualified academically entering and leaving service, even the officers, so quite why they should be already paid well over standard is beyond me. Poor academic qualifications in civilian life does not get you paid above standard, generally. So no, I do not think theyshould be paid anymore than they already are. I had 14 years in the Royal Navy - what a skive!


Techie & Proud
Great news for the Army and long term deployed troops and about bloody time , but for the majority its useless, we still do like over 4 months per year in theatre but over split shifts :/ so as usual nothing to benefit majority of RAF lads unless its cumlative , if so ill take that back :pDT_Xtremez_40:


Shameful, shameful,shameful.

This isn't about keeping troops happy, we already know what they think of the British Forces. This is about polictical spin to fool the average civvy into thinking the government is helping out the boys and girls in sandy places.

As the average civvy is as thick as pigsh1te when it comes th the military, they will think this is a good deal. Not that most of them give to hoots to be honest.

Most of the people on this website are still serving and nearly everyone else has served. We know a fair deal for the military. This isnt one.

Do you expect anything else though?