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Sweet now Sour Chariot


Super Moderator
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1000+ Posts
It’s now deemed incorrect cultural appropriation to sing Sweet Chariot at rugby matches, it is believed, but no proof, to be linked to the underground network used by American Slaves to escape their owners. Whilst it’s a journey that should never had needed to be made, to me even if this is linked then it’s a positive rather than negative anthem.

So will Jerusalem be off limits next?


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
It's under review by the RFU. I wonder how they will police that with 80k+ drunk rugby fans in Twickenham?

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
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1000+ Posts
How far do we, as a society, want to go with this? Statues, songs, street names , movies, TV shows the list grows by the day
The statues that have or will be removed, once they are destroyed or put in dusty museum then what? Within 50 years the majority of folk will have no knowledge of the individuals behind the statues, why they were placed on a plinth or why they were dismantled. How many under 35's know how many pennies were in a pre-decimal pound (its 240 pennies kids)? That simple fact has become forgotten knowledge from an event that happened 50 years ago. One other thing to ponder as components in my cars braking system I have, amongst the other bits and bobs needed to make it function correctly, a master cylinder and a slave cylinder. Do we now need to re-write garage manuals?


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Two things -

First; in the book 1984 Big Brother says " He who controls the past controls the future; he who controls the present controls the past". The point of the statement being that when the past has been reshaped - things forgotten (or invented) then that new past becomes the justification for doing whatever those in control want to do in the future. At the moment the mob seems to be making headway in controlling the past - for example, forgetting rather than celebrating Britain's leading role in ending slavery and decrying all colonialism as evil despite the huge advances in technology that the colonial powers delivered to many countries.

Second; I was watching a documentary on the Yesterday channel the other day about the growth of the Nazis in 1930's Germany and how the universities played a leading role in suppressing opposition to the party by promoting and effectively justifying and enforcing 'correct thoughts' and this led to the burning of 'inappropriate' books that expressed non-Nazi views and then the rest of what followed.

Does anyone else see the parallels with mob rule and only orthodox views being permitted (e.g. no-platforming speakers at uni's)?

Frightening times......


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
Dion Dublin hit the nail on the head yesterday. He said that all cultures need to open their eyes to the history of other cultures and it should be the law that it is taught at school, both good and bad. By all means teach the kids that Britain was a leading country in the slave trade, but also teach them that some of the descendants of slavery are BAME families who reside here today as British citizens, but hang around in gangs knifing people for shits and giggles, or refuse to allow their daughters to marry outside the faith, or in some instances, outside the family. We cant just teach that whites are bad and BAME are good - it has to be a "Warts and all" approach.

Nobody is born a racist. They are trained that way, generally by isolation from, and ignorance of, other cultures. School is a good place to start.
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You ain`t seen me.
1000+ Posts
Dion Dublin hit the nail on the head yesterday. He said that all cultures need to open their eyes to the history of other cultures and it should be the law that it is taught at school, both good and bad. By all means teach the kids that Britain was a leading country in the slave trade, but also teach them that some of the descendants of slavery are BAME families who reside here today as British citizens, but hang around in gangs knifing people for shits and giggles, or refuse to allow their daughters to marry outside the faith, or in some instances, outside the family. We cant just teach that whites are bad and BAME are good - it has to be a "Warts and all" approach.

Nobody is born a racist. They are trained that way, generally by isolation from, and ignorance of, other cultures. School is a good place to start.
Or...we should have only one culture.


Super Moderator
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Being BAME doesn’t necessarily mean you are a victim, not all victims of racism are BAME.

I could go a bit further and say that certain cultures are more racist than others, and some of the most racist people I’ve come across are not white.


Hung Like a Baboon.
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1000+ Posts
Just caught that back end of a debate on GMB with Piers and one from each side. I think they all roughly agreed that if BLM start to dismantle society in the UK, removing every statue, song, street name etc that can be linked to slavery then BLM will lose any traction they might have right now.

As yourselves this...If the globe hadn't been in lockdown when the GF incident occurred would there have been such a reaction around the globe and certainly in the UK? And would it have been dealt with in the way it was by the Met?

Currently we are a tinderbox of pent of emotion and aggression... unless C19 has directly touched your lives people are starting to doubt that the lockdown was necessary or that the reaction to it appropriate. Too many people normal busy working or being students have been sat around, have watched everything on Sky, Netflix and Prime and are looking for a release.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
Just caught that back end of a debate on GMB with Piers and one from each side. I think they all roughly agreed that if BLM start to dismantle society in the UK, removing every statue, song, street name etc that can be linked to slavery then BLM will lose any traction they might have right now.

And in 80 years time, kids will be asking their parents why there are black and white people living in the UK, but only black people living in Africa and the West Indies, and their parents will shrug their shoulders and reply "I don't know". Then someone will ask the same question of a black person, and they wont know either. Then the whites may get a bit annoyed that the blacks have countries that appear exclusively for them, and countries where they live with whites, but there are no white countries. Then it all kicks off.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Saw on the news coverage of one of the protests at the weekend a placard demanding 'reparations now!'...... So to whom or what should any financial restitution be made please? Do we give every person who traces their ancestry back to slavery a cash sum? Do we then deduct from that an amount in consideration of the benefits that person may have had from growing up in the US (there were very few actual slaves in the UK) compared to had they been left to grow up in Africa where, according to daytime TV adverts, people still walk miles each day just to get water..... in countries that haven't been part of the empire for over 50 years but voluntarily remain part of the Commonwealth

Or do these people just want a cash handout for themselves?


Super Moderator
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Reparations don’t do it for me, the west has chucked billions if not trillions into Africa, the diaspora that live in the west have generally done well for themselves and economic development in the west has resulted in a general global betterment that goes beyond any monies due in reparations.


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
Well I think we should offer compo up to £1 million to all those in the UK and Africa that can prove as an individual that their way of life is worse than it would have been because of slavery.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Anarchy thrives on division and division is easier to achieve when you're distracted. Ideal growing conditions at the moment for anyone fancying mixing it up with a silent majority by attacking songs, street names, statues etc.

I wonder what people who aren't from a rugby background will make of the 50 or so other songs that get sung in clubs and on away coaches after a few beverages??


If we have no history how do we learn? I just wonder where will it sop, the older generation get tarred with not being up to date with whats going on and such. But at least we can have an adult conversation about what is right and what is wrong. Rather than just go mob handed and follow the rest of the lemmings and start pulling down statues and so on because they have no individuality.