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Should hoodies be banned?

Should hoodies be banned?

  • Allow, but only in cold weather.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


get over it

You'll regret saying that one day, when you are doddering down to the local shop and you get jumped by a couple of 10 year olds who steal your pension, and because the CCTV can't see their faces they don't get caught, leading to them getting braver and attacking someone else. Then it happens to you again, because they know they can't get caught.

Hoodies are not the cause but they can be part of the solution if it becomes unacceptable to wear them with hoods up in certain places/situations.


Tashied Goatee
You'll regret saying that one day, when you are doddering down to the local shop and you get jumped by a couple of 10 year olds who steal your pension, and because the CCTV can't see their faces they don't get caught, leading to them getting braver and attacking someone else. Then it happens to you again, because they know they can't get caught.

Hoodies are not the cause but they can be part of the solution if it becomes unacceptable to wear them with hoods up in certain places/situations.

And what will our wonderfull justice system do to the toerags when they are caught because they aint wearing hoodies ??...Hmmmmm NOTHING....maybe after the 3rd mugging they'll get a warning, then maybe an ASBO (street cred goes up apparently at this stage)....fcuking waste of time.

Every pensioner should be issued with a baseball bat for protection.

Crack on............:pDT_Xtremez_09:

airframe doctor

Right on!! That may be the one thing that they understand.

Whilst I appreciate that the actual garment isn't the real problem, just the ****ing w**kstain inside it, with all the news reports of stabbings and so forth happening on a regular basis the idea of banning it in public places isn't a bad idea.
I find it slightly amusing but yet sad as **** when you hear the little wankers go on about such and such gangs "dissing" them, who the **** do they think they are???? I know we are now a puppet nation of the US but its not the Bronx or downtown LA, so why carry a knife, speak like a knob & wear a top that to be honest makes you look a complete tit!!!
On the other hand I'm well up for a bit of "Chav Whacking" so letting them wear hoodies would make identification easier............St Giles Centre Elgin would be a damn good place to start!!!

****ING ******'s!!!::/: ::/: ::/:

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
I'm with Moggy totally - the problem is not the garment. Damn it, I've got a couple of hoodie tops, I haven't mugged anybody lately. There have always been problems with groups of teenagers (remember the "short, sharp, shock"? Maggie's version of the ASBO) and they have always had some kind of identifier (skinheads, tattoos and so on).

I don't know how valuable CCTV is in securing convictions, perhaps Tigger can comment, but if Crimewatch is anything to go by you can really only make out height, build and ethnic origin from most systems. Facial details are always grainy.


Flight Sergeant
Ban hoodies? Why? Not all hoody wearers are thugs, it's just a fashion statement. The thugs all wear trainers too, which makes quick getaways easier, so lets ban them. And phones with cameras, ban them to stop the happy slappers.

Doc Martens used to be the choice for thugs, but we didn't ban them and it moved on. Tossers will always be tossers, but hoodies are just a phase.


Ban hoodies? Why? Not all hoody wearers are thugs, it's just a fashion statement. The thugs all wear trainers too, which makes quick getaways easier, so lets ban them. And phones with cameras, ban them to stop the happy slappers.

Doc Martens used to be the choice for thugs, but we didn't ban them and it moved on. Tossers will always be tossers, but hoodies are just a phase.

the difference being trainers and camera phones aren't worn over the head and face to prevent identification whilst mugging old ladies, happy slapping school kids and generally earning their ASBOS.

I'd ban em and so would most of those working in the law enforcement business that I know.


well in my humble opinion they are nowt but a set of lazy low life scummers..

most are scared of their own shadows when they are on their own, thick as fcuk too, who in their right mind would hide a meat cleaver down the front of a pair of tracky bottoms.... one fall and ooops no more chavvy scum kids coming along in years to come...

had a couple on my tram this afters! the tram was full of old dears going to the market and they (chavs that is!) were sat there as quiet as mice until we stopped and they saw the revenue team had one of their brethren face flat on the floor waiting for the old bill to turn up!! apparently he slapped one of them.. when i arrived his face was beetroot red and tears were streaming down his face!! so cue these two mongs who then started acting all hard for their pal.. obviously i didn't want to kick them off the tram for doubling the problem already on the platform, so i winked at the female rev and said to have the police meet me at the next stop... doors shut, and then for the next two mins i pi$$ed myself laughing as they then got a tirade of old style abuse from the pensioners on the tram..... tram stopped, doors open and well you would of thought that someone had set a tiger after them.... sh^theads the pair of em...

the problem with these inbred fu*kers is that they are brought up to believe that everyone else should provide for them!! total bollox as far as i'm concerned....

the gutter press make it ten times worse when they print their pock marked faces in the chip wrappers so they think they have some street cred... then make short pieces of them the next day on tv.... talk about sucking upto their every fantasy!!!!

if you watch the clip from the first post... that mong reckons he'll be dead soon as he's that hard and people are after him! bright then eh! go on tv and tell everyone where you are.....

it's about time that this country stopped this molly cuddling of these di^ks and get them in uniform, away to a sandpit, out in front of the nearest rag head and see how hard they really are................

i think i'd better stop as i'm in proper rant mode and my company have already sent me on two anger management courses cause of my runs in with these fcuk wits...

on a lighter note i was hilarious to see a few pi$$ed up football loonies sort a 'crew' of these mongs out once when they started to abuse people on a tram.. shame the tram didn't have cctv as it was ace to watch... and they even did a bow when everyone applauded them afterwards.... lol


Master of my destiny
well in my humble opinion they are nowt but a set of lazy low life scummers..

most are scared of their own shadows when they are on their own, thick as fcuk too, who in their right mind would hide a meat cleaver down the front of a pair of tracky bottoms.... one fall and ooops no more chavvy scum kids coming along in years to come...

had a couple on my tram this afters! the tram was full of old dears going to the market and they (chavs that is!) were sat there as quiet as mice until we stopped and they saw the revenue team had one of their brethren face flat on the floor waiting for the old bill to turn up!! apparently he slapped one of them.. when i arrived his face was beetroot red and tears were streaming down his face!! so cue these two mongs who then started acting all hard for their pal.. obviously i didn't want to kick them off the tram for doubling the problem already on the platform, so i winked at the female rev and said to have the police meet me at the next stop... doors shut, and then for the next two mins i pi$$ed myself laughing as they then got a tirade of old style abuse from the pensioners on the tram..... tram stopped, doors open and well you would of thought that someone had set a tiger after them.... sh^theads the pair of em...

the problem with these inbred fu*kers is that they are brought up to believe that everyone else should provide for them!! total bollox as far as i'm concerned....

the gutter press make it ten times worse when they print their pock marked faces in the chip wrappers so they think they have some street cred... then make short pieces of them the next day on tv.... talk about sucking upto their every fantasy!!!!

if you watch the clip from the first post... that mong reckons he'll be dead soon as he's that hard and people are after him! bright then eh! go on tv and tell everyone where you are.....

it's about time that this country stopped this molly cuddling of these di^ks and get them in uniform, away to a sandpit, out in front of the nearest rag head and see how hard they really are................

i think i'd better stop as i'm in proper rant mode and my company have already sent me on two anger management courses cause of my runs in with these fcuk wits...
on a lighter note i was hilarious to see a few pi$$ed up football loonies sort a 'crew' of these mongs out once when they started to abuse people on a tram.. shame the tram didn't have cctv as it was ace to watch... and they even did a bow when everyone applauded them afterwards.... lol

What's the alternative? Lie down and let these little cnuts get away with it? With these total w@nkers on the street, a little anger is the proper emotion don't you think? Well done Big Man!:pDT_Xtremez_28:


What's the alternative? Lie down and let these little cnuts get away with it? :pDT_Xtremez_28:

NEVER!!! not as long as i have a hole in my ar$e will i let these scumbags do what they like!!

in fact i spend the vast majority of my working day doing the upmost to cause them as much grief as possible.... it aint half fun sometimes too!!!!!!!


Tashied Goatee
Slightly Off Topic but by son is due to start high school in the summer and came home with a kit list of items to buy from the new school with the badge on......Hoodies INCLUDED....so looks like the schools are encouraging the wearing of them.....

Crack on.........:pDT_Xtremez_09:


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
And another thing....These wankers who wear their jeans around the bottom of their arses...WTF is that all about?

I passed some drip the other day in my motor...He was hooded up, looked to have weighed about 5 stone wet with his armed draped around some equally malnourished drippy girl and his keks were under his buttocks...He must have pinned them there otherwise how were they staying up? He looked like he was 'proper ghetto' however where they were is 'proper surburbia bordering on millionaires row' so theres a high chance he was some solicitors son trying to look disadvantaged...

It was all I could do to stop myself getting out of the car and forcibly hoiking his jeans up for him the tw*t...

On re-reading the above I appear to have turned into my dad...I'm off for a lie down now :pDT_Xtremez_42:


And another thing....These wankers who wear their jeans around the bottom of their arses...WTF is that all about?

something to do with american 'crims' and not being allowed a belt inside jail..

it's obviously a 'gangsta' thing and we are far too old to be getting involved as we obviously don't understand ....

it's either that or they are all secret vegies and wont wear leather!!!!!!!!

anti chav kit...

1 x syringe

1x gallon bleach

on you go son!!!

Bill Bones

It comes from New York where you wore your brothers hand me down jeans (much as I used to when a nipper). The bigger your big brother, the bigger your jeans.

Now, I have a hooded jumper, not that I ever wear the hood up. It's just a jumper.

By all means ban scrotes with scarves/hats/hoods being used to hide their faces and look hard. IE, not being allowed in shops dressed like that or having to ''unmask'' upon request (as should Muslim wimmin). But how can you ban a jumper?


Master of my destiny
It comes from New York where you wore your brothers hand me down jeans (much as I used to when a nipper). The bigger your big brother, the bigger your jeans.

Now, I have a hooded jumper, not that I ever wear the hood up. It's just a jumper.

By all means ban scrotes with scarves/hats/hoods being used to hide their faces and look hard. IE, not being allowed in shops dressed like that or having to ''unmask'' upon request (as should Muslim wimmin). But how can you ban a jumper?

Erect a tall fence!:pDT_Xtremez_28:


...Hoodies are not the cause but they can be part of the solution if it becomes unacceptable to wear them with hoods up in certain places/situations...
My soon-to-be step-son gets ribbed mercilessly by me for wearing a hoodie, track pants etc. He looks, as a later poster said, like a complete tit, not to mention an embarrassment to his mother.

He's getting away with it right now but he's under no illusion that it will stop the moment he starts living under my roof. While he's at home, or with his father, he can dress how he pleases (God knows I do! - at home I meant :pDT_Xtremez_42: ) but once we go out he can flippin' well smarten himself up a bit. I just won't tolerate it.

It really is that simple.

I'm also going to have him standing by his bed for inspection before he has breakfast and he's going to do an hour of drill before he goes to school...........Oh, OK, I made that bit up :pDT_Xtremez_15:
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I'd like to see them all sent to Porton Down, to help with experiments into finding a cure for the common cold.

airframe doctor

Maybe this is the solution........

Maybe this is the solution........

Sometime ago a few of us on the Mighty XV were discussing a feesable way of tackling these to$$ers, and we came up with this.........

We all wear designer suits, ties smart shoes the complete ish, a la Reservoir Dogs style (complete opposite to the youth of today) & relocate the transit van from work to the Metropolis known as Elgin City.
We then lay in wait until one of these "stains on society" is on his own, when we then stage a "snatch & grab" raid
After capture/detention we would then drive to a secluded spot where "re-education" would take place in the confines of the transit van where "no-one can hear you scream".
After the short sharp lesson had been concluded he would then be taken back to the rest of his "home boys" (I think thats the correct term forgive me if its not hip & trendy to say that but, I'm getting on a bit now) to recount his tales of how "the smartly dressed men showed him the error of his ways".
After a few of these ******'s had been to "school" the word may get round to the rest of the "baseball/hoodie wearing ****ers" that things should change!!!

I'm sure that this isn't legal by any means (Tigger could enlighten me further) but it would be hell of laugh and we would be providing a worthy service at NO extra cost to the taxpayer!!!
For more info vist


Girlie Brosette Mod - I owe you nothing...oooh ah!
I honestly cannot see what all the fuss is about, its an item of clothing for gods sake! This kind of uproar about 'fashion' has been going on for years, look at what happened when Mary Quant launched the 'mini' skirt! Obviously I can understand that these chavs look completely gormless in hoodies and they can be intimidating to the more mature section of society but not every 'yoof' in a hoodie is gonna mug them


I honestly cannot see what all the fuss is about, its an item of clothing for gods sake! This kind of uproar about 'fashion' has been going on for years, look at what happened when Mary Quant launched the 'mini' skirt! Obviously I can understand that these chavs look completely gormless in hoodies and they can be intimidating to the more mature section of society but not every 'yoof' in a hoodie is gonna mug them

It's not about fashion. It's about attitude.