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PRTC fitness failure - dont let it be you!!!!!


The local RAF Unit can be over a hundred miles away, for a 30 minute test. The RAF would have to provide transport and food for these potential recruits. That is an immediate cost that they don't want to pay, paying Fitness First is a way making themselves feel like they've cooked the books. I do know of at least one OC of an AFCO who sent two rather baby faced NCO's to undertake the test, one to deliberately fail it and one to pass. The reports from the NCO's wasn't good and this was passed on to Cranwell, Fitness First still have the contract some years on. Typical RAF really.

You stole both my points there!

We both know that my "local" base is not that local! But there is also the option for people my side of the country to go to that well known fishhead base where their PTIs run a very similar setup (I completed one of my RAFFTs last year in a Navy run gym). Even for us at our regular location we still lost half a day twice last month with guys having to be bussed up to the gym to get their bounty tick. A fairly large waste out of 3 days training!

Also there has to be mystery shopper visits on FF. If a particular AFCO is constantly sending fatties to fail PRTC but are genuinely stumped because FF are passing them on the mile-and-a-half then the boss has a right to test the testers, even if those higher up don't take any notice at least his NCOs in the office can warn the kids coming through the door that their FF pass counts for nothing? Or get them to bang out 30 pressups on the floor in the office, no equipment required. That way the potential recruit can be coached on their performance.

At the age of 30 I motivated myself to lose a lot of weight, get fit, join the Auggies and apart from the first 6 months when I was still working at it, I pass all my tests. The last one I was nudging light blue for the first time! KG is right, there are those who want it and have to be restrained from hurting themselves (which is why my knees hurt after every lunchtime), and those that think they are getting something for nothing.

Ask the kiddies to lodge £100 deposit with the AFCO against their travel warrant, refundable on passing the fitness element of PRTC. Watch the pass rate rocket.


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
Probably a stupid question but here goes ...

Why is the Pre Joining Fitness Test at Fitness First (1 1/2 miles on a treadmill) different to the RAF FT (Bleep Test with Sit-ups and Press-ups) that they have to do at Halton on PRTC ?

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Probably a stupid question but here goes ...

Why is the Pre Joining Fitness Test at Fitness First (1 1/2 miles on a treadmill) different to the RAF FT (Bleep Test with Sit-ups and Press-ups) that they have to do at Halton on PRTC ?

Probably cos Fitness First can't do the requirements of the RAFFT but have plenty of treadmills going spare!


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
Probably cos Fitness First can't do the requirements of the RAFFT but have plenty of treadmills going spare!
That brings up another question ...

What is the annual rebate paid to the Contract signatory?


The local RAF Unit can be over a hundred miles away, for a 30 minute test. The RAF would have to provide transport and food for these potential recruits. That is an immediate cost that they don't want to pay, paying Fitness First is a way making themselves feel like they've cooked the books. I do know of at least one OC of an AFCO who sent two rather baby faced NCO's to undertake the test, one to deliberately fail it and one to pass. The reports from the NCO's wasn't good and this was passed on to Cranwell, Fitness First still have the contract some years on. Typical RAF really.
With this in mind should we now advocate a recruitment selection centre similar to OASC? I am aware that this has been suggested in the past however, the political will was not there from off station. We could get everything under one roof: admin, medical, fitness, apptitude etc. This would not only provide savings but also ensure the quality we get through. We currently hand over the responsibility to get these recruits through the front gate to outside agencies then whinge when it goes wrong. Typical of today's Air Farce that we are happy to overlook quality for quantity.


Warrant Officer
I wouldn't go that far. Everyone can have a blip. I've twisted my knee before on the bleep test, still went down as a failure even though I got injured.


Flight Sergeant
I have to say (probably as a grumpy old un I know) this for me is one of the most annoying, saddest and depressing threads I've read on here.
I joined in '87 there was no PRTC never mind a pre PRTC fitness test.
You knew the requirements and when you turned up at Swinderby you were expected to be reasonably fit.
I find it's sad that people are unable to motivate themselves to reach what appears to be a resonably achievable state of fitness.
It's not AFCO's or Fitness Firsts resposibility to ensure that recruits are fit enough to pass a basic test.
It's the individuals sole responsibility if you can not motivate yourself enough for Recruit Training then I would ensure that there are no second chances.
It's the Royal Airforce FFS if you get the chance to join it at least put in some leg work opportunites don't come along every day.
If you want to be part of it at least make some sort of effort.
NCO's shouldn't have to be sending warning out on here it's laughable.
I did it at 17 and I went back and did it at 34 so it's achievable
If your 17,18 or 19 and can't do 1.5 miles or a press up maybe best to stay at home with your x box anyway.


I have to say I can do a 1.5 mile run fairly easily but I do struggle with the bleep test, mainly down to the turns and I know I'm not the only one. As far as I'm aware it is supposed to be run in a triangle not a direct back and forth but hey, so I can see how someone can pass the mile and a half but not the bleep test.

I joined up with a guy who couldn't do any press ups and could barely do 2 when he passed out - yes he actually passed out! God knows why they let that happen as he went on to prove that he wasn't suitable for our trade let alone the service in general.

Warwick Hunt

Persona Non-Grata
1000+ Posts
Recruiters can only send a candidate to PRTC/PGSC on what that candidate tells him in the AFCO during the recruiting process. Mind you, people can be caught out in the interviews when asked how much training he/she does and they say they run 3 miles in 20 minutes 5 days a week yet they have a waistline Fatty Arbuckle would be ashamed of. PJFT isn't that much of an indicator, really just another hoop for candidates to jump through so 22 Gp can say they are addressing the unfit recruit dilemna. So when the recruit turns up at PRTC and fails the RAFFT is when the recruiters actually find out that their precious candidate has pulled the wool over their eyes and they've sent a chubber through the process who has denied someone a place who could have been really motivated towards a career with the RAF and could have been a top candidate.

Certainly when I was recruiting, when I told youngsters about the fitness standards that were expected of them if they wanted to join, they looked like I'd asked them to hold baby seals down so I could club them to death, with that "why the feck do I want to do fitness for?!?!?!" look in their eyes.
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