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Long time, no see


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Sometimes life is strange! I was leaving my local chippy tonight and this bloke came up to me and asked if I was an armourer, told him I'm a rigger and I gave him my best puzzled look (not too hard to pull that off!) and asked why? He then asked if I was ever on 3 Sqn as he was the chef in the feeder, well blow me down, I left 3 Sqn in 91, when I was 22, what a memory he must have. Sorry to say I couldn't remember his name, but he seemed like a nice bloke.
Anyone else had such bizzare reunions/meetings?


Sometimes life is strange! I was leaving my local chippy tonight and this bloke came up to me and asked if I was an armourer, told him I'm a rigger and I gave him my best puzzled look (not too hard to pull that off!) and asked why? He then asked if I was ever on 3 Sqn as he was the chef in the feeder, well blow me down, I left 3 Sqn in 91, when I was 22, what a memory he must have. Sorry to say I couldn't remember his name, but he seemed like a nice bloke.
Anyone else had such bizzare reunions/meetings?

Strangest one may come under the heading of six degrees.

Looked after a patient and when I asked for his next of kin details it turned out I worked with his dad in the RN in the early 80s.

Oh dear, I feel too old and may have to go for a lie down beofre shopping for a plastic covered wing back arm chair.


pie sandwich

I was on the p1ss in downtown kingslynn in Chicago's and I was trying to pull this bird, she was a bit tasty and as we were chatting she asked me what I did and where I came from. I told her I was in the RAF and from Manchester to which she said So am I, well not too much of a small world so far.
It was when she asked where in manchester I was from so I said I am from Sale and lo and behold so was she, she then asked which school I went to I said Cecil Ave it was at this point she looked at me and said (no not fcuk me now big boy, shame I know) but did you have a teacher call dave Gar**de for technology I asked how she would know that and it turned out to be her DAD !!

Another one

I was at a wedding a few years ago, I was at the bar chatting to the brides dad, who was a teacher from Liverpool. I asked just as a casual question where abouts in Liverpool he told me he used to teach in Norris Green Primary school, which is the school opposite from where my granny and grandpa lived.


Warrant Officer
Whilst on Op Telic in Akrotiri, I met up with an MT snec. One afternoon we were chatting about family roots and origins. Turns out that from his bedroom window as a kid, this guy had witnessed the motorcycle crash my brother-in-law had at a junction near his home.

pie sandwich

Ahh I forgot when in Basrah I was coming out of the EFI and bumped into my old flat mate from Akrotiri who I had not seen or spoken too for over 4 years.

Someone must know him, he bought a subaru impretza (sp) turned out to be and ex rally car and spent more time in the garage than on the road. and had to have another ar$e hole made to remove an in growing hair so we all called him two butts (it rhymed with his surname)


Back in 97 I was transiting through Frankfurt enroute to Venezuela when I saw a fellow walking towards me whose face rang a bell...as we passed he also gave me a weird knowing look. We both then suddenly stopped about 2 ft passed each other, Turned around and simultaneously said each others names...we had last seen each other about 20 yrs before hand whilst working on AEs at Lyneham!

Two years later whilst trekking through the mts of nth Thailand my missus and I were chatting to a young couple who came from Chester. During the general conversation they mentioned that their local bobby used to go in their local and play the sax...."Oh you mean Geraint I replied"...I then had to cough that I also worked that area!

a small world......


Warrant Officer
Bumped into a mate off my Mechs course at Halton that I hadn't seen for 15 years...... in New York! That was a "Whoa" moment. :pDT_Xtremez_35:


Sometimes life is strange! I was leaving my local chippy tonight and this bloke came up to me and asked if I was an armourer, told him I'm a rigger and I gave him my best puzzled look (not too hard to pull that off!) and asked why? He then asked if I was ever on 3 Sqn as he was the chef in the feeder, well blow me down, I left 3 Sqn in 91, when I was 22, what a memory he must have. Sorry to say I couldn't remember his name, but he seemed like a nice bloke.
Anyone else had such bizzare reunions/meetings?

was it Wayne???????


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
About 14 yrs ago, I was travelling back to Norfolk from Sunderland on the train when a guy got on at Darlington and sat next to me. He looked very familiar - and in fact was a former roomie during my time at Wattisham in the late 80s. He was a Brighton fan who had been watching them at Middlesbro the same day. He'd left the mob and was a postie in Brighton.

Small world!


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Not sure Rikster, he had a geordie accent if that helps!
I've been thinking about it, and the only one I can remember in the feeder (apart from silvia, mmm, nice baps, bacon one's that is!) was a skinny bloke, suppose we've all put a bit of beef on though!


Not sure Rikster, he had a geordie accent if that helps!
I've been thinking about it, and the only one I can remember in the feeder (apart from silvia, mmm, nice baps, bacon one's that is!) was a skinny bloke, suppose we've all put a bit of beef on though!

I can't remember if Wayne was a geordie or not???????? Its about a million years ago aint it!


I was leaving work one day and managed to drive into another car. As I was on my Dads insurance (and I'm a wuss) I gave the guy Dads details and ran away.
Turns out this guy and Dad worked together in Basrah years before.

My great uncle was in the barbers one day when the guy next to him looked at him and nearly fell off his chair. Apparently my uncle had rescued him at Dunkirk.



Met a girl through some mutual friends In Bridgend, we hit it off immediately started chatting had a great night, got down to where we had lived in the past as we were both Scaley brats and turned out we were both at St Athan as kids and in the same class in school no less.

Her old man was my Stepfathers wobbly

Teh Wal

Flight Sergeant
Two from me:

1. Back in '94 I was on a Tonka SMS course based at Rochester. We were accomodated in a hotel down in Chatham (7 weeks of Hell...Not!) and used to get picked up by a company car and driver in the mornings for the course. One morning I got chatting with the driver and it turned out he was ex-RN. I mentioned my old man is ex-RN too. We chatted more and it turned out he was on the same destroyer, HMS Caprice, out in the far east back in the mid-60's... and he knew my dad :0.

2. At Laarparts back in 88. Did the obligatory camping holiday to Southern Germany taking in Salzburg, Munich, etc, etc (ahhhh, good old Yank AFRCs). Anyhoo, was up at the Eagles Nest above Berchtesgarden (Hitlers Bavarian retreat) when I spotted the SWO from Laarparts admiring the view! So I sidled over to him, dug him in the ribs gently with my finger and muttered that I hope he wasn't getting any ideas from the surroundings. He looked at me strangely as I wandered off obviously not having a clue who I was. 2 weeks later when I was on Orderly Dog he wisened up pretty quick tho :pDT_Xtremez_31:


Bumped into a lad whilst on holiday in california in 1993 who i,d last seen working on 8sqn in muharraq in 1970.Cue for a few beers and a reminice
Small world ain,t it.