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Limit on the amount of food an Airman can consume in the mess question

Rambling Sid

When I joined I could not believe how easy life was for everyone, one food payment, all electric paid for, cheap accomodation and no bills to worry about apart from what you bought yourself. What a doddle.
I could not grasp the rational behind those who complained incessantly about food charges and the like. My answer was always, go and live out, see how much you "save" then.

I agree, but the thinking was a tad different in those days of yore. We used to get a food allowance if we went on leave, but never complained about the fact we might miss a meal or two when on camp. Quality of food varied from outright pigs swill in the Army Catering Corp mess in Bahrain, to excellent in Tengah and Upavon.

You are correct about the rising cost of electricity may be put on to the accommodation allowance, if everyone suddenly starts cooking in the blocks. If the catering contractors suddenly find they are not getting income, it wouldn't be beyond reason for them to somehow try and stop food being prepared anywhere else, from what I have read squadron tea bars are a thing of the past.

I left in the 70's and never once wanted PAYD, was happy with the warm free accommodation we had, would probably have preferred more a/c'd blocks when abroad, but I survived. We had a clothing allowance, which we never saw, but made new uniforms seem free.

As far as breakfast is concerned, the thought of someone with low blood sugar clambering around an aircraft is kinda frightening.


Looks like a very bad idea indeed. I do remember people winging about married people serving on unaccompanied tours eating free (bean stealers) and also bods having to pay for meals when they were on stand-down and left the Unit. Quite a lot when working a 4 on 4 off shift system.

But life was easy and pay was really considered a beer allowance. I do recall many a man running out of beers chits near the end of the month. Under this current system the man may take short cuts concerning food.

If this is not the case, then alot has changed with the air force in the last 20 years.

The last post on Army Catering reminded me that whenever soldiers served or visted an RAF Mess they used to say how brilliant it was. We of course carried on moaning, but truth is we knew this to be true.

GD on Wheels

You are not wrong on the Army front. I remember being on terror alert at JHQ one day. So my self plus four or so Army bods mit Staff Sgt roll into the Airmans mess for supper at midnight, Staff goes "WTF you've got sauce bottles per table!" and to top it all the food was cr*p that night and they loved it. Just goes to show how sh*t their stuff was.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
The last post on Army Catering reminded me that whenever soldiers served or visted an RAF Mess they used to say how brilliant it was.

......and proceded to steal the cutlery, which they were not trusted to return with the plates. in their own units.


Limit the amount of food an airman can consume in the mess

Limit the amount of food an airman can consume in the mess

As far was I was aware every service person has an obligation to maintain the standard of their health. I put this as on parade for the Queen in London a no. of years ago we were told if u faint u would be blood tested for alcohol and food content. Similar to a suntan failure to eat would be classed as a self-inflicted injury, this in effect should negate any eating disorders. With this in mind should PAYD be taken to task under an MO's orders or H & S within all 3 services. I have heard all the horror stories re airmen not eating but there is an administrative system in place to feed them irrespective if they have the funds to pay for it there and then. This was initiated from day 1 as all 3 forces were afraid of servicemen/women going hungry. Would like to know how QR's, H & S stack up against PAYD. The previous system made money as every one was charged for breakfast but only minimal no's took part but all the 40p addded up and enhanced the other 2 meals. You can pay a lot for not a lot outside and I have eaten in airmen's messes with dedicated sandwich/baked potato bars which would rival O'Briens/Subways why fix what ain't broke, our cater's best in industry let's keep them and celebrate them. Would love medical input on this apost especially re health eating and 5 a day or is that at a cost also. In answer to previous post I have also seen a HIVE coffee shop put out of business which had lots of links to local community, pensioners used to come in for coffee and it mattered as they were surrogate grandparents for the service children who were often miles away from family. PAYD has erroded more than just a system, community ties lost and the health of our service personnel put to one side as I do not agree a pot noodle constitients a healthy meal !


You should see the flood of (U/T) squaddies here who go down Tescos/Lidls at 5pm and a bit later for the yellow stickers in Tescos !



......and proceded to steal the cutlery, which they were not trusted to return with the plates. in their own units.
you are right, KFS was issued equipment which they carried with them everywhere. Was a right bugger if you turned up an Army mess as they gave you a lot of stick when you were searching around looking for cutlery and asked them where it was.

My mate once eat his dinner with his 1250.

billy bollox

Really? The whole thing that made me start this thread was that it was one of the muscle lads upset that he wasn't getting his massive meals to help his bicep girth. So he can get a chit off the doc eh?

If he can get a plan of calories required and the nod of agreement from PEd then yes, Med chits have been given.


If he can get a plan of calories required and the nod of agreement from PEd then yes, Med chits have been given.

Next time I'm on a course I'll grab a copy of Mens Health and find the workout plan to make you massive, walk into the med centre and say I'm doing that one. Infinite pie!
Airmens Messes

Airmens Messes

Not really off-topic, but a slightly wider view. As a service the RAF needs an ethos, a feeling of'self'. Having your own 'services' bolsters that feeling of self - your own mess to eat in, your own doctor, dentist, padre. Removing these 'services' and 'contractoring' them out degrades the service feeling - when the doctor is shared with the nearest village surgery, and you take your turn with the well-woman clinic, when the dentist isn't recognisably from the RAF, and the well meaning chap in the woven tofu sandals and Aztec jumper turns out to be the husband of the female rector come for an 'outreach' service of happy-clappy and pet-blessing, then it doesn't really feel as if anyone actually gives a sh*t about you, does it?
And it is just the same when some teenager on minimum wage point helplessly at a few bits of food that the catering company can dredge up.
Thr RAF - and all the Armed Forces - don't only exist as services when away - they need to be recognised and nurtured at home as well.


Not really off-topic, but a slightly wider view. As a service the RAF needs an ethos, a feeling of'self'. Having your own 'services' bolsters that feeling of self - your own mess to eat in, your own doctor, dentist, padre. Removing these 'services' and 'contractoring' them out degrades the service feeling - when the doctor is shared with the nearest village surgery, and you take your turn with the well-woman clinic, when the dentist isn't recognisably from the RAF, and the well meaning chap in the woven tofu sandals and Aztec jumper turns out to be the husband of the female rector come for an 'outreach' service of happy-clappy and pet-blessing, then it doesn't really feel as if anyone actually gives a sh*t about you, does it?
And it is just the same when some teenager on minimum wage point helplessly at a few bits of food that the catering company can dredge up.
Thr RAF - and all the Armed Forces - don't only exist as services when away - they need to be recognised and nurtured at home as well.

Couldnt agree more and well put, most people joined the military to be in the military, not to work for a large corporate organisation. To me PAYD blows a huge hole in the ethos that you mention. But as has been quoted "we" asked for it, and therefore will have to deal with it. A shame some people seemed incapable of understanding the consequences of their whining at the time...:S


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Is it really what we asked for.

Is it really what we asked for.

Most guys wanted to pay a fair price for a fair meal, what they got was a low price for carp food and a high price for a larger portion of carp food.

As I've said many times before the MOD wouldn't do anything that increases costs and civi companies don't do anything that doesn't creat a profit. Old system MOD pay for food that you eat and those that don't eat every meal benefit from having better meals at other times (service ethos, a bit of sacrifice for the better good).

Now the MOD pays a company to provide a service, which before it gets to you has a portion of profit taken out, so not only are you no longer subsidising the meals you have with the money you pay for the meals you don't have, you pay for a meal and only that meal and towards the profits of the company. It is impossible under this system to provide the same level/quality of food under this system.

If you want to train hard an build a bigger body then pay for extra food, it's your choice and won't be provided by a contracted company.