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juan kossof

The concept of Lean is firmly entrenched in the Engineers vocabulary. Is it possible to apply it to Air/Eng Ops? What are the Pros and cons of the process?


Decorated war hero
1000+ Posts
Don't know how it would apply to air/eng ops etc, but as for the pros and cons. It's all b0llocks and $hit.



I recently took part in a LEAN 'event' at my unit- looking at the Eng Ops task as a non-trade member.
From my experience with this I would say yes there are some area's of the trade that would benefit but we would always be pushing s**t uphill to implement them.
By far the most intresting part was the training which teaches you to think a bit laterally and not accept the 'we do it this way because we've always done it this way' attitude.

The three why's system is a good test- Think of a task you do that is not directly connected to your core task- a non value stream task.
Then ask yourself why do you it? Repeat this twice more applying this to the first answer, if you can still justify you doing the task after doing this three times carry on doing it, if not stop= useless task. - Still follow me...
Certainly the Sqn Ops/ Wg Ops world could certainly be leaned. I had a good look at what I do in my current post (FJ Sqn Ops) and reckon I could cut my workload by a third just by cutting out the 'Non Value Stream' tasks.....Still interested?
Certain things to look at are-

Why in the 21st Century are we still doing notams by hand with coloured pens and bits of paper when the aircrew use computerised Mission Planning systems and never look at the Notam Board. NB- i aware of forthcoming developments i.e mfis or whatever it is- will it be compatible with HAMPA/TAMPA etc..

Why do all fg sqns have their own ops desk and flt planning? Centralised Mission Planning/ Ops is the way ahead from a lean point of view, of course we all know that would happen!! Why have four teams of Ops staff (12 people) doing the same work in four separate locations when 6 could do it all from one. See what I'm getting at....

Conclusion- YES, we could lean the trade but bearing in mind half of our task involves doing stuff for other people, usually of a higher rank, without some serious backing from high up it's never going to happen.

juan kossof

I agree with you a one stop shop for all of your operations needs is the way to go. It would have to be a directive from the top and it would only occur if there was a drive to drastically cut manning in TG9. I know a lot of Stations have already cut manning in Ops by combining two squadrons but when do you do that where do the priorities lie. Who gets first pick for the Detachments, what happens when both squadrons are deployed at the same time, when one is on deployment the other may be working up for deployment. It will eventually happen as Mr Bliar gets us more involved in other areas and we have to mend and make do...I am just not sure how it will work in the long run.
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You Can Call Me Al

Lean, well, what can I say?

I could start with a predictable quip about what I do when leaving the Mess after happy hour…

…or I could give you a few top tips on understanding our modern (corporately styled) RAF and the jargon associated with it. Read on (and weep).

Demonstration of the corporate food chain, whereby larger eats smaller and then excretes all non-essential nutrients.

Action Item
Something which needs to be either done or at least placed in a list of things in need of doing. This is probably the most annoying corporate term that there is.

A big problem that nobody in the organisation knows how to fix. A challenge may very well lead to the demise of said organisation. If your organisation spends much time talking about challenges, it may be time to look for a new job.

The group of people in an organisation that make the important decisions and all of the money. You are probably not a member of this group.

Corporate Vision
The list of things that the organisation would like to provide and accomplish. Most are more like hallucinations than visions.

Diversity awareness/training
The classes that are taken in order to limit legal liability when a racial discrimination or sexual harassment complaint has been filed.

Key Enabler
The person that will get all of the credit on a project.

Next steps
Next steps are where you go from here and can refer to a project or a process. It is difficult to ever complete these steps due to the number of meetings scheduled to determine what the next steps are.

Poor choices have been made and the organisation needs to start again from scratch. Will include massive layoffs and double the workload for those that remain. Upper management will all receive raises.

This term refers to a group of people that work together. The team is strongest when composed of "Yes" men and women.

So that's sorted that out then.


The Controller

I don't know if this is useful to you AL?...or anyone else on this thread?....but a useful acronym to remember that big list you just cleverly produced is.............

A. A. C. C. C. D. D. K. N. R. T.

Hope this helps???:eek:

You Can Call Me Al

Reading between the lines, I think I've just been called a K. N. R. T.



Flight Sergeant
If you are reading between the lines that, surely, is a non related task, or do we no longer need the lines that we read between, seeing as we read between them rather that the lines themselves. Therefore by saving on writing we are being "lean" and of course we save paper and by that very action we save trees making us all round tree huggers and enviromentalists. Consequently "lean" is good, two legs better, big brother is watching you, what was the question again? Am I actually here? Mother! where are you? Wibble
Face it -lean sucks the big one, the only decent thing to happen in darkest wiltshire is the lean team @rses managed to lean themselves out of a job-result.