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How are PVR's affecting where you work?


At my present posting, by the time all the PVR's filter through the only non JNCO or above ranked guys on my desk (for my shift) will be myself and an SAC(t), both of us having only newly arrived on the section. He has no 1st line experience and I have no experience on this aircraft type, only fast jet.

In the space of 15 months nine fairys from my shift have PVR'd leaving a gaping hole in experience. Add to this the continued desert dets, flying the boll*cks off the jets and plumeting morale I was wondering if this is a problem all are encountering Airfarce wide?

Anyone else got examples of how bad things are?


Master of my destiny
At my present posting, by the time all the PVR's filter through the only non JNCO or above ranked guys on my desk (for my shift) will be myself and an SAC(t), both of us having only newly arrived on the section. He has no 1st line experience and I have no experience on this aircraft type, only fast jet.

In the space of 15 months nine fairys from my shift have PVR'd leaving a gaping hole in experience. Add to this the continued desert dets, flying the boll*cks off the jets and plumeting morale I was wondering if this is a problem all are encountering Airfarce wide?

Anyone else got examples of how bad things are?

Oh, yes indeed! Example... 125 names on shift list, actually on shift - 40 across all ranks and trades.:raf:


At my present posting, by the time all the PVR's filter through the only non JNCO or above ranked guys on my desk (for my shift) will be myself and an SAC(t), both of us having only newly arrived on the section. He has no 1st line experience and I have no experience on this aircraft type, only fast jet.

In the space of 15 months nine fairys from my shift have PVR'd leaving a gaping hole in experience. Add to this the continued desert dets, flying the boll*cks off the jets and plumeting morale I was wondering if this is a problem all are encountering Airfarce wide?

Anyone else got examples of how bad things are?

Things are just as bad down south. All the NCO and above experience has PVR'd or taken redundancy and the dets just keep coming all this resulting in Morale snowballing and more PVR's. Snecks PVRing I can understand (its not like when I joined up etc etc) but SAC's with 3-4 years experience bad isn't it.


Things are just as bad down south. All the NCO and above experience has PVR'd or taken redundancy and the dets just keep coming all this resulting in Morale snowballing and more PVR's. Snecks PVRing I can understand (its not like when I joined up etc etc) but SAC's with 3-4 years experience bad isn't it.

So what do you suggest?
It's no point whinging if you have no idea how to fix the problem


How about we take all the Techies out of non operational- shiney posts and put them back on the shop floor and leave CIO s and paperwork to Admin trades!!! Also drag the desert dodgers out of the offices and DWR them to do some Guarding and convoy duty!!!!! DAG NAM IT!


we have just lost 1/4 of our manpower but we still have to fullfill all the other commitments that any sqn has to.

we ended up with 7 techies on shift.

ops still expected us to get the the jets out on time, but we didn't have the blokes to multitask. on paper it may look possible but it's just not. i'm fed up with working my nuts off and insted of getting a thanks we get more tasking and less blokes.

(anyone thinking of coming to 99 don't)


its bad at leuchars, its getting worse and worse every week as we struggle to keep the jets green. They only got 1 sortie this week from monday - wednesday as they surge flew last thursday and broke every jet. it took us 4 days to get a sortie up again.

IN 6 months once the PVRs have filtered through we're looking at 4 SACs on my shift on my desk, and taking into account 40 people on shift ATM,20 of those having PVRd just before XMAS ur looking at 20 people on shift come autumn.

How to solve it.......

huge payrises to stop PVRs,and recruit loads more people to bring the RAF strength back up to what it was 3 years ago before the "yes men" told the goverment the RAF can cope fine with just 80,000 personnel :pDT_Xtremez_34:


Master of my destiny
its bad at leuchars, its getting worse and worse every week as we struggle to keep the jets green. They only got 1 sortie this week from monday - wednesday as they surge flew last thursday and broke every jet. it took us 4 days to get a sortie up again.

IN 6 months once the PVRs have filtered through we're looking at 4 SACs on my shift on my desk, and taking into account 40 people on shift ATM,20 of those having PVRd just before XMAS ur looking at 20 people on shift come autumn.

How to solve it.......

huge payrises to stop PVRs,and recruit loads more people to bring the RAF strength back up to what it was 3 years ago before the "yes men" told the goverment the RAF can cope fine with just 80,000 personnel :pDT_Xtremez_34:

Feck me, the yes men were right!!:pDT_Xtremez_28:


Master of my destiny
41k sorry,they planned to reduce to 41k by next year thru redundancies and natural wastage,i wonder what the current level is? and what will it be in 08??

I suspect the level in 08 will be much lower because the drawdown will have been modelled using (amongst other things) traditional PVR rates which are about a third or less than the prevailing ones if the rumour mill is to be believed.


How do we fix the problem...until Bliar has gone the problem will remain. We cannot contiue the current pace of Op's in Iraq and Afgahistan. This is the reason why people are PVR'ing, operational bonus or not, people have simple had enough of being overstretched and under manned and yes I blame the spinless men at the top, they are the ones in a position to say no, but no they get that career caption and say yes!

Sadly, I think it's time to leave, thank you Mr Bliar!


when asked by the AVM for pay and personnell what one incentive would keep you in the airforce i replied more pay.
his answer was that it wasn't about pay but the life style and all the good things that the air force has to offer above civvy street.
one of my mates then said "yes sir but civvies aren't getting bombed in Kabul"

the reply from AVM " yes but thats character building"

Goes to prove the men at the top don't have a clue or care about us

Captain Gatso

when asked by the AVM for pay and personnell what one incentive would keep you in the airforce i replied more pay.
his answer was that it wasn't about pay but the life style and all the good things that the air force has to offer above civvy street.
one of my mates then said "yes sir but civvies aren't getting bombed in Kabul"

the reply from AVM " yes but thats character building"

Goes to prove the men at the top don't have a clue or care about us

well just proves how much the senior airships, know whats going on when it comes to the great unwashed of the airforce.:pDT_Xtremez_08:


Working in the fine land of Joint Aviation (spelt A-R-M-Y), I can confirm that even the army are "signing off". Decent pay levels are reached far quicker, taking roughly five years service to become a "Stripey" (SNCO) but still working in a role comparative to a RAF Jnr Tech or Cpl. I suspect the reason can only be that the fcukaround factor is no longer acceptable.


41k sorry,they planned to reduce to 41k by next year thru redundancies and natural wastage,i wonder what the current level is? and what will it be in 08??

we had a groopie up at lossie a couple of weeks ago who said ' however bad you think the Airforce is, it's much worse'. PMA don't actually know how many people are in the RAF and none the figures take into consideration any prv's since the second lot of redundancies. he quoted around 37500.

we had one lad posted to marham, the date was 2 weeks into his terminal leave.... *uk yu he said

oh and big cracks in the tonka wings have just been discovered by xray - 'can you send me a photo' said the IPT????

BAE Systems seem to be doing ok though................
It's not all bad

It's not all bad

Since the PVR rate has gone up, we have more manpower, more experienced guys. A fair proportion of the guys recruited lately are all ex-RAF, life is good in industry.:pDT_Xtremez_28:

Get Tae

Flight Sergeant
So what do you suggest?
It's no point whinging if you have no idea how to fix the problem

Whats your problem freek?

Give us all the wisdom of your years of experience and tell us all prey tell, what is the brilliant fix you have worked out then????