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Gas and leckie going up....Your thoughts?


I was with Bulb up until 4 months ago when Martin Lewis said get out and fix your rates, which I did, so will be fine for the next 18 months or so.
The plot thickens, that might be why Bulb 'told' me last week that my DD is going up to £200 per month despite me only using £145 of Gas / Lecky on average and being in credit........🤔


Your exclamations about what your magic "bulb" professes astounds me. This is all wrong, I shouldn't be here. I should be in school on the other side of the world. But oh no!!!!! I am sat here having to save the world from your ignorance....oh hang on, the diesel generator powering my eco village has just packed up and my laptop has gone onto battery mode. Back in a bit when I've topped the genny up.


Flight Sergeant
Any other options...cannibalism??? Sheep herding???
There's a great bit of comedy from Billy Connolly about this - basically we should eat all the prisoners in jails - that's one problem solved. Then all the old can live in the prisons - another problem solved!

I don't think anyone would stretch to eating the old, as there's unlikely to be a lot of meat on them bones. Perhaps we should eat all the athletes? There's plenty of footballers out there and none of them would be missed on an intellectual level...


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Makes you wonder how price hikes will affect the economics of buying electric vehicles?
Not just that - a coal fired power station had to be brought back on-line a couple of weeks back (in the summer remember) because the wind/solar/nuclear stations couldn't cope with the demand. Now imagine winter levels of domestic demand, with all the extra EVs......


Not just that - a coal fired power station had to be brought back on-line a couple of weeks back (in the summer remember) because the wind/solar/nuclear stations couldn't cope with the demand. Now imagine winter levels of domestic demand, with all the extra EVs......
But isn't it windier in the winter? Oh, hang on the days are shorter so less solar. Hmm, anyone remember the 70s when black outs were common?


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
But isn't it windier in the winter? Oh, hang on the days are shorter so less solar. Hmm, anyone remember the 70s when black outs were common?
It's windier in the winter.... to the extent that wind turbines have to be turned off to stop them going too fast......

Sadly, I am old enough to remember the blackouts due to the miners' strikes, & as a nation we used far less electricity then than we do now.... certainly domestically although I couldn't say for certain about commercially


"I'll eliminate all these small energy companies as part of my 'Great Reset'.....and next, I will Build Back Better!"...."WORLD DOMINATION!".....


Everyone of these energy supplying companies is… or….were, in the business to make a profit for the company which would then give each CEO and his executives a nice wage and bonuses. The bubble was bound to burst one day just as it seems to with many services that were eventually privatised to make money for a few.
We’ve always been with BG who supply both gas and electricity with aDD of £60 a month for both and we use what is needed, the house isn’t like a sauna nor Blackpool illuminations. If we are in a room the lights are on, if not , they aren’t, it’s not rocket science.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Everyone of these energy supplying companies is… or….were, in the business to make a profit for the company which would then give each CEO and his executives a nice wage and bonuses. The bubble was bound to burst one day just as it seems to with many services that were eventually privatised to make money for a few.
As it’s been some time since we had nationalised services I think a lot of people have rose tinted spectacles on how good these providers were.

The waste and inefficiency of a public provider tends to be much higher than the profit earned by a shareholder, and not forgetting that most shareholder returns are reinvested in the economy, there have been issues with the water industry but in the main I think we’ve all benefited from energy privatisation. The current crisis is partly the fault of some behind the scenes state activity, lack of investment in nuclear and partly the reliance on less reliable green means of energy production, it’s not a simple issue that’s got an easy fix.

If a company sells a product at less than its cost then it doesn’t take long for them to fail, if you’ve been on cheap deal because of this then be happy with the savings you’ve made in the past, sorry about the pain of now paying full price. Most on here will be able to afford the rise, lots of people lower down will find it a bit harder.


If everyone races to the bottom of the ladder eventually someone must fall off the end.

We've been in a race to the bottom for so long to get "value for money" we've broken the market.


Station Cashier
34 degrees here today in Thailand, no longer have to live in the far north of Scotland, with severe winters, and the cost of electricity will be horrendous, no gas service that far north.


As I've said before on here I've been a meter reader for the last 15 years (proud like I was a professional CPL lol) and there are so many things wrong with this industry.
Here's 2 to ponder over...

Many rural households are still on 2 rate elec meters, mainly (Due to storage heaters) similar to the old "economy 7" well, many many peoples timers that switch it over to the cheap rate are many hours out and they don't know it, so they are paying a fortune......years ago that would be addressed by the scruffy herbert like me and be sorted...not any more, you report it and nothing gets done.

Secondly. Over a million and will soon be many more are about to be involuntarily "switched" to one of the big six of which their bills will go up, like everybody else. As said before with smart meters (early ones and not sure if the 2nd gen ones) Many will not connect with their new supplier and they will have to send in readings by phone/email etc after reading it themselves.

There are so many smart meter fitting companies out there who all use different meters of which many are mental in how many different buttons you have to push especially to get 2 rates out of them.

If you live in a city with a good mobile signal you probably think I'm a twat...but if you are Mrs miggins living in the back of beyond, there are really going to be be a lot of issues inbound unfortunately.

Key and card meters.....let's not even go there yet


As I've said before on here I've been a meter reader for the last 15 years (proud like I was a professional CPL lol) and there are so many things wrong with this industry.
Here's 2 to ponder over...

Many rural households are still on 2 rate elec meters, mainly (Due to storage heaters) similar to the old "economy 7" well, many many peoples timers that switch it over to the cheap rate are many hours out and they don't know it, so they are paying a fortune......years ago that would be addressed by the scruffy herbert like me and be sorted...not any more, you report it and nothing gets done.

Secondly. Over a million and will soon be many more are about to be involuntarily "switched" to one of the big six of which their bills will go up, like everybody else. As said before with smart meters (early ones and not sure if the 2nd gen ones) Many will not connect with their new supplier and they will have to send in readings by phone/email etc after reading it themselves.

There are so many smart meter fitting companies out there who all use different meters of which many are mental in how many different buttons you have to push especially to get 2 rates out of them.

If you live in a city with a good mobile signal you probably think I'm a twat...but if you are Mrs miggins living in the back of beyond, there are really going to be be a lot of issues inbound unfortunately.

Key and card meters.....let's not even go there yet
Do I not know about the key meters.

Rented a house out for a few years. 5th Tenant moved out. Alright, time sell it. When I lived in it, regular gas and electric. Letting agent let one of the tenants change it to a card/key without my permission. The amount of coin I had to pump into that fucker just to have an empty house in the summer, no gas to cook, electricity for the telly, no heating, nothing, was mind blowing. It's so true how expensive it is to be poor.