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Flying Muppets....!!!!


Douglas Bader's Right Leg

And you don't think that was a fishing trip?

You'd hope so, but its dfficult to tell with the PPRUNErs.

Granted the Officers in question may not be charged (because you can't charge officers), but there are severely career limiting actions that Harry Staish, the AOC, CINC or CAS can take which may see them finishing their current engagement and leaving without promotion. That said if they are spec aircrew they will be virtually unpunishable without discharging them.

A couple of month's orderly officer each, a sizeable donation to charity and a 1021 should do nicely!


Flying Muppets

Flying Muppets

Its Theft Its The Gulf ....be Lucky To Come Away With Three Hands Between Them!! They Are All A Bunch Of T*****s


They are a disgrace,the mighty Fighting cocks as well. Kick them out thats what would happen to any junior rank. High Spirits my AR*E.


Fighting cocks

Fighting cocks

I have it from the horses mouth (well a friend on an F3 Sqn at Leuchars that isn't 56 or 111) and ALLEGEDLY the story goes...

Indeed the said Ruperts had emerged from a Justin Timberfake concert and to avoid being spotted by anyone that knew them they dived into a limo thinking it was a taxi (as they are in Vegas etc). Despite there being ample room in back of said Limo only 2 of said Rodneys got in the back and one in the front which confusingly as they were in a foreign country meant the steering bit was where the passenger bit should be! If said Rupert attempted to drive off in limo with his "rears in the rear" is unknown but here is the crucial bit;

Said limo belonged to brother of the King/Emir/Grand Fromage of UAE. OOPS!

Just like to point out that a Corporal at Coningsby recently got £300 and formal warning for having a party (well 3 of his mates) in his hotel room whilst on det in Spain. All they did was wake up some moaning (British) old giffers on holiday in the next room but that brought the RAF into disrepute. Good luck Sirs I'm sure you'll be back home soon with no more than a smacked wrist and Harry Staish teaching you some "colourful new language"...


"three off-duty members of an RAF Tornado crew " Where does the third guy sit?


Flying Muppets....!!!!

Whilst most readers condemn the actions of the 3 persons involved, let's take a different view and assume the following: They really were trying to nick the car and they had succeeded (would it fit in a C17 or Herc) and they got it back to UK. What a gizzit! :pDT_Xtremez_28: Would look great in the Sqn crew room, definite one-up there!
Just too bad that they broke the eleventh commandment.:pDT_Xtremez_15:

PS Should any member of the Saudi Royal family read this I'm only joking. I cannot condone crime

most of the time.


As mentioned before by a previous thread having a Commission seems only a small step from Diplomatic immunity; SAC - WO = banged up and left to rot & discharged, Fg Off + up = "Sorry it was only a joke old bean, tradition don't you know!"

Do you honestly still believe that? Perhaps that was the case umpteen years ago but it most certainly isn't now!


"I thought the same thing. Presumably these are ground crew. I can't believe an officer would be that dumb."

A bit short sighted that isnt it??? or is that dumb enough to get caught?

The Bowmeister

Darkside Jedi Master
Ah our "Commisioned BUFFOONS", i hope they get the book thrown at them.. If it was one of the LADS they would be left to ROT. Still goes to show what a PUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATION and Training at "CRANNERS" does for one!!! Give me a Comprehensive and the School of Hard Knocks anyday :pDT_Xtremez_32:

Douglas Bader's Right Leg

Ah our "Commisioned BUFFOONS", i hope they get the book thrown at them.. If it was one of the LADS they would be left to ROT. Still goes to show what a PUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATION and Training at "CRANNERS" does for one!!! Give me a Comprehensive and the School of Hard Knocks anyday :pDT_Xtremez_32:

Feeling a bit chippy are we? One of the lads would not be left to rot, the FCO and CoC would pull the stops out to help them, but if anyone is convicted of an imprisonable offence then they will be subject to the country in question's prison system regardless of rank.

If no civilian charges are brought against these individuals, I expect any punishment the RAF deals out to be extremely harsh although it will be done via a different method to that used for non-commissioned personnel.

As for the public school education bolleux, only a small number of RAF Officers are privately educated, indeed most are products of the Comprehensive School system that spawned you.


Flight Sergeant
If no civilian charges are brought against these individuals, I expect any punishment the RAF deals out to be extremely harsh although it will be done via a different method to that used for non-commissioned personnel.

Thats the problem though. The 'different' punishment systems create resentment.
An Airman and Officer committing the same offense will be treated in a completely different manner with the Airman usually being the worse off.
Privilege of Rank is one thing, parity in the disciplinary system is another altogether.
A 'Donation' to charity and a 'Fine' whilst both cash punishments are 2 separate things altogether.
The Donation contains none of the stigma that a Fine carries.

Douglas Bader's Right Leg

Thats the problem though. The 'different' punishment systems create resentment.
An Airman and Officer committing the same offense will be treated in a completely different manner with the Airman usually being the worse off.
Privilege of Rank is one thing, parity in the disciplinary system is another altogether.
A 'Donation' to charity and a 'Fine' whilst both cash punishments are 2 separate things altogether.
The Donation contains none of the stigma that a Fine carries.

Not at all. A situation which would result in restrictions and/or a fine for an airman can result in a report raised under QR1021 for an officer; a career stopping event for all intents and purposes. Extra duties effectively take the place of restrictions for smaller offences (often discretions which would be overlooked in an airman) and larger fines are used because we are supposed to be able to afford them.

Par example, a piano burning occurrence should be planned in advance, notified to Harry Staish, the PMC and the Fire Section, a suitable area set aside and the fire controlled at all times. Any resulting damage will be paid for by the officers concerned, regardless of cost. We are allowed to take risks in the name of "high jinks" because we are expected to have the finances to pay for the consequences. At one unit I served on 5 years ago an unofficial piano burning led to damage of the mess gardens and car park and resulted in a £3k bill for each officer involved. Fortunately I wasn't there otherwise, as a blunty and (at the time) a Plt Off, I would have only just finished paying it off now.

Bear in mind also that the Officer Corp tends not to wash its laundry in public and punishments handed out to officers are generally kept quiet to avoid unnecessary damage to the reputation of all.


Flight Sergeant
Par example, a piano burning occurrence should be planned in advance, notified to Harry Staish, the PMC and the Fire Section, a suitable area set aside and the fire controlled at all times.

Off Topic
What is the deal with burning pianos anyway? It was all very well and good when Jerry Lee Lewis used to do it, but I don't see the link to the Commissioned community.

Do you play it while burning as a sort of musical version of The Dance of the Flaming 4rseholes? Song of the Blistered Fingers perhaps?
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A bit short sighted that isnt it??? or is that dumb enough to get caught?



That was a quote from Pprune. Not my own comment. I copied/pasted it into the thread.:pDT_Xtremez_34:

Teh Wal

Flight Sergeant
Said limo belonged to brother of the King/Emir/Grand Fromage of UAE. OOPS!...

...And of course the brother of said King/Emir/etc of UAE has no security cover for his own personal limo which is why it was so easy for 3 RAF fliers/anyone to nick it??? Sounds a little far fetched IMO.