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Fitness Test Discharges


Why not set up a system that means every gym has a swipe card system, dont let the mirror techs control the swipe cards either. Program the mag strip on our ID cards, that way every time FT comes around, if someone fails it then a history of their gym activity can be checked for the previous 6 months.

If they cant be bothered then it will become clear rapidly, whereas if they have been going to the gym on a regular basis yet still fail, then there remedial can be more focused to help them out. Just an idea, but it could work.

I laughed my head off when I hit my 25th and the levels went down, only for it to go back up again and to twice a year. I have trouble with the fitness test which means I now have to train to pass it, which is fine by me its just another aspect of my job that I dont particularly like but I realise its part and parcel for me to stay in, and at the moment the pros still out weigh the cons. So until things change and the cons take the lead then I am in and training.


Why not set up a system that means every gym has a swipe card system, dont let the mirror techs control the swipe cards either. Program the mag strip on our ID cards, that way every time FT comes around, if someone fails it then a history of their gym activity can be checked for the previous 6 months.

A fair idea in theory, but a lot of expenditure would be necessary in the form of extra gym equipment. Pretty much everywhere I've ever been, the demand for runners, x-trainers etc far outstrips the supply!


Flight Sergeant
Why not set up a system that means every gym has a swipe card system, dont let the mirror techs control the swipe cards either. Program the mag strip on our ID cards, that way every time FT comes around, if someone fails it then a history of their gym activity can be checked for the previous 6 months.

At least one unit already does this.


Super Moderator
The fitness test has been in long enough now and not enough perople took it seriously as there was never any real penalty. I dont think anyone when they join up are shocked that they have to be fit. Its the military, our fitness levels are poor and embarrassing in comparison to the Army.

Its not too much to ask for someone to run for 10 minutes and do a few press ups / sit ups. There are plenty outside desperate for work.

I'm actually surprised that no one has commented on the above highlighted statement.


In a Commons written answer last year, the government said the proportion of the military "fully fit for task" at the end of 2007/8 was 82.7% in the Army, 89.7% in the RAF, and 90.4% in the Royal Navy.


A fair idea in theory, but a lot of expenditure would be necessary in the form of extra gym equipment. Pretty much everywhere I've ever been, the demand for runners, x-trainers etc far outstrips the supply!

Not that expensive when you think that the majority of the gyms now have fitlinx equipment which you can log into and plot your work out sessions. And most gyms I have been too have some sort of out of hours magnetic entry system, if anything it would be cheaper to standardise it instead of having loads of different systems.....

....but hey ho thats too simple lol


This is a rumour site and I have been known to have the odd cynical moment so try this for a theory. Bear with me, UK Ltd is skint, the government need to save Billions some how. The armed forces pension bill is a rising cost on the public purse. The problem is how to reduce the forces numbers, and therefore shrink the wage bill, yet not pay redundancy or pensions to leavers and to do all this without upsetting the pro forces British public.
Cynical me surely not

Now the cynic in me thinks that the next change in the fitness test requirements will target the older personel. How much do you want to bet that the younger ages get a small percentage increase in targets but the older bands get a higher percenatge increase. Simplest way to remove the higher paid staff which are also the biggest burden to the pension scheme.


Master of my destiny
Now the cynic in me thinks that the next change in the fitness test requirements will target the older personel. How much do you want to bet that the younger ages get a small percentage increase in targets but the older bands get a higher percenatge increase. Simplest way to remove the higher paid staff which are also the biggest burden to the pension scheme.

That's what happened last time so why not?


Originally Posted by BJW
I recall as a 34 yr old in 1994 I had to get to level 6.02, as a 51 yr old I now have to get to 7.07

Why, are you doing 6 shuttles for the queen?:pDT_Xtremez_19:

Good spot, I should only be going to 7.01, I think I got to around 9.10 before I binned it this year; by that time I was gasping for a fag and my colostemy bag was full


Not that expensive when you think that the majority of the gyms now have fitlinx equipment which you can log into and plot your work out sessions. And most gyms I have been too have some sort of out of hours magnetic entry system, if anything it would be cheaper to standardise it instead of having loads of different systems.....

....but hey ho thats too simple lol

Fitlinx is a great idea, and officially counts as a supervised session, so it is proveable. Imagine my amazement when they ripped the system out of the fitness suite at our secret base nr aylesbury!!!:pDT_Xtremez_25:


Why not set up a system that means every gym has a swipe card system, dont let the mirror techs control the swipe cards either. Program the mag strip on our ID cards, that way every time FT comes around, if someone fails it then a history of their gym activity can be checked for the previous 6 months.

If they cant be bothered then it will become clear rapidly, whereas if they have been going to the gym on a regular basis yet still fail, then there remedial can be more focused to help them out. Just an idea, but it could work.

I laughed my head off when I hit my 25th and the levels went down, only for it to go back up again and to twice a year. I have trouble with the fitness test which means I now have to train to pass it, which is fine by me its just another aspect of my job that I dont particularly like but I realise its part and parcel for me to stay in, and at the moment the pros still out weigh the cons. So until things change and the cons take the lead then I am in and training.

Good idea but what about those who keep fit by running, cycling or by playing a sport? If for whatever reason they failed the test would they then be penalised simply becuase they didn't utilise the gym?


Good idea but what about those who keep fit by running, cycling or by playing a sport? If for whatever reason they failed the test would they then be penalised simply becuase they didn't utilise the gym?

Yes because what they are doing outside the gym isnt good enough and they fail to meet the required standard.


I've heard that the bleep test should be run in a triangle as well which is a lot easier on the knees and I can't think of one good reason why we don't do it that way. Every Unit I've ever been to has had a sports pitch that it could be run on so why not?

If the test was ran in a triangle (or square as the rumour i've heard) then the level would skyrocket since it'd be less "stop start" So the pass mark for the 17-29 year olds would end up being about level 20.

In the pre 2009 setup of the test, the only people to reach end of level 24 (as far as it went) are Lance Armstrong, David Beckham and a couple of others...now the test lasts 22 minutes, and the end is level 21.16

The test format changed in 2009, weather the RAF changed with it or not I dont know, but on the new style test level 10 starts 10 minutes 32 seconds into the test (1 shuttle after the magic number for the younguns)

However I'd like to know why a policeman, who should be able to chase theives etc, only needs to reach level 5.4... Is this a unisex test that has the mens passmark the same as the older womens to maintain sexual fairness?


Warrant Officer
However I'd like to know why a policeman, who should be able to chase theives etc, only needs to reach level 5.4... Is this a unisex test that has the mens passmark the same as the older womens to maintain sexual fairness?

The Police Force/Service is very PC these days and the pass mark for both sexes is the same no matter what age. Oh and people still fail at 5.4!


The Police Force/Service is very PC these days and the pass mark for both sexes is the same no matter what age. Oh and people still fail at 5.4!

My mate in the West Mercia Police said he did his over a 15 metre run as well, that was about 18 months ago.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
There are 2 tests available, one for 20m and one for 15m, as long as you don't mix the tapes up they should be as hard as each other.


Can anyone help as I'm a bit confused. New unit asked when I last took my fit test, April I says and got Light blue so not due till next April. Reply was "We don't do that blue thing, everyone does their test every six months no matter what you got in your test". My question is: Have unit commanders got devolved power to do this? Surely if RAF policy is the 3 pass system (Green,light and dark blue) then that is what should be stuck to.

This isn't the asking people to do tests early due to Sqn testing dates which I know goes on this is IMO ignoring policy.
From what i've heard, its a unit discretion thing to allow people who achieve the higher passes to do it every 12 month.

Something to do with freeing up the PTI's to focus on people who need the help/supervision.

So basically its at your unit discretion.