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fed up with tg9



7yr SAC not many of us around i know, fed with there mass of orifcers clogging our trade trying to re-event the wheel to further themselves and junior officers taking up fom positions(bring back aircrew in charge least they left you alone most of the time), fed up with people getting promoted without trade knowledge it would seem, thinking off going RAF Regt, SF, Special employment anything to get out. :pDT_Xtremez_09:


Warrant Officer
Ops Occifers taking FOM Jobs........where's this then?

Maybe a 'lurker' could look into it, but I sense that its not true.


well doing the doc's jobs in various places and creating positions on a few fast jet sqns in particular as i was on a sqn, started with 2 cpls and an sac, then 2x cpls and 2 x sac's then went on four monther changed to a flying officer a sgt, 1x cpl and 2xsacs, what said officers job was is anybodies guess, things like that just seems to be jobs for the boys ll the time and cut the boots on the ground, i know ours isn't the only trade undermanned but it must be one of the most top heavy


7 yr SAC in TG9 , you must be really useless. Regardless of your gripe, the going rate right now is 3 recs and you'll get promoted. Don't drip on about the world being against you if can't even hack that.


7 yr SAC in TG9 , you must be really useless. Regardless of your gripe, the going rate right now is 3 recs and you'll get promoted. Don't drip on about the world being against you if can't even hack that.

Controversial there Hmmmm, but I agree with the sentiment. All trades have these types who cannot even be bothered to punctuate their sentences properly let alone air their grievences in an adult manner.

Are the TG9 bods doing their jobs properly where you are urhavingalaugh or are they merely marking time whilst the world goes by? Sounds like the whole section needs a boot up the behind if you are being replaced by JOs. I do however question whether this is the case as the capitation rate for a FO/FL is much higher than an SAC or a Cpl so this move does not make financial sense.


3 recs well since i've more than that think your theory might be wrong and if that really is the case then the trade really is in a sad state of affairs isn't it we'd have lac's running the place next and corprals up the ying yang


Not 'my theory' at all but to clarify it is 3 recs in a row. Like many here, I've actually sat on prom boards and now work at the RAF unit which has the single biggest contingent of TG9 SAC/Cpl.

However, at last you are making some sense in saying that TG9 is in a sad state. But then again, have a quick look around this forum and you'll find that issue has already been discussed to death.

The Stig A.D.I.

3 Recs!!!

3 Recs!!!

Promotion after 3 Recs? WTF!

It took me 11 years & lots of specs to get my bananas & at the time, that was quicker than most!!! Fair enough, I joined in '90 and I'm MT (stop tittering you futhermuckers - I've got A levels too, lol!) but how can anyone in any trade be proficient in their trade knowledge after a minimum of just 3 years? It's bizarre, in fact no, it's impossible!

Anyway, Urhavingalaugh, despite your being told previously that you're useless, having 7 years' experience behind you would suggest that you're more eligible than most! With your experience of prom boards, Hmmmm, you must be well aware of the fact that some people don't receive the deserved level of recognition for a variety of reasons, including the fact that some of our SNCO 1st ROs can't write for toffee! Granted, Urhavingalaugh, it must be disheartening, seeing others get on ahead of you (you're not alone - if they're honest, the majority of people in the mob have felt the same way), but ask yourself this - How long would it take you to gain seniority elsewhere?

Mate, before you do anything rash, go and see the Chf Clk, get a career brief and then make an informed decision.



obviously you meant three in a row no point having alikely thrown in the middle is it, just because i've been in a while does not make me an idiot .

Just been unlucky with not seeing eye to eye with my 1st flight cdr and i certainly wasn't the only one, then due to people being 24hr posted and pvr rates being high i was moved around the unit alot due to being one of the more experienced SAC's which didn't take much with an influx of LAC's plus the usual burden of detatchments, this affects the continuity of report writing plus the fact i do secondary duties i enjoy not just for the sake of it looking good. However since having some continuty i have a rec and 3 high's.
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Victorian dad, alternatively, URH may have been one of the most disruptive individuals going. He may have been charged loads of times, subject to a formal warning etc etc; you and I just don't know. However, experience tells me that, like it or not, a 7 yr SAC in TG9 has done a little more than just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Seeing the Chief Clerk, maybe is the best course of action. Bleating on here.......... hmmmm

The Stig A.D.I.

Victorian dad, alternatively, URH may have been one of the most disruptive individuals going. He may have been charged loads of times, subject to a formal warning etc etc; you and I just don't know. However, experience tells me that, like it or not, a 7 yr SAC in TG9 has done a little more than just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Seeing the Chief Clerk, maybe is the best course of action. Bleating on here.......... hmmmm

Agreed, Hmmmm!

I appreciate your experience of that particular trade far outweighs mine (I don't have any!); however, I, like many others, can empathise with how he feels re being passed-over.

That said, if there are significant reasons why you're drawing a blank with prom selection, URH, then obviously your dilemma is not without reason, but if you're genuinely bewildered as to why you're not an NCO yet, put your concerns to the Chf Clk.

Let us know how you get on.


Never Alert

Controversial there Hmmmm, but I agree with the sentiment. All trades have these types who cannot even be bothered to punctuate their sentences properly let alone air their grievences in an adult manner.

Are the TG9 bods doing their jobs properly where you are urhavingalaugh or are they merely marking time whilst the world goes by? Sounds like the whole section needs a boot up the behind if you are being replaced by JOs. I do however question whether this is the case as the capitation rate for a FO/FL is much higher than an SAC or a Cpl so this move does not make financial sense.

Agreed, can't think of an 7 year SACs that I know who have not brought it on themselves.

As for JOs replacing SACs & Cpls, that would be a travesty in itself and I don't envisage it ever happening.
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IC Tea's and Key's
well doing the doc's jobs in various places and creating positions on a few fast jet sqns in particular as i was on a sqn, started with 2 cpls and an sac, then 2x cpls and 2 x sac's then went on four monther changed to a flying officer a sgt, 1x cpl and 2xsacs, what said officers job was is anybodies guess, things like that just seems to be jobs for the boys ll the time and cut the boots on the ground, i know ours isn't the only trade undermanned but it must be one of the most top heavy

The Harrier Force started to employ Ops Officers after Op TELIC....reason.....100 Sqn had one!!!

Said Ops Officers job....all the crap secondary duties that the pilots didn't want.

Aircrew looking after number one again.
Bring on the UAV's and a geek flying them on a playstation!


Victorian dad, alternatively, URH may have been one of the most disruptive individuals going. He may have been charged loads of times, subject to a formal warning etc etc; you and I just don't know. However, experience tells me that, like it or not, a 7 yr SAC in TG9 has done a little more than just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Seeing the Chief Clerk, maybe is the best course of action. Bleating on here.......... hmmmm

i have had a forml warning very early on for something p1 had told the air force wouldn't get involed in, i have never been charged and pesonally more bothered about the miss management that goes on day to day than being missed over for promotion.

my complait is more to with mis management that seems to be everywhere especially in the ivory towers and the them and us attitude that splits our rade sraight down the middle. personally tought that was what forums where for to get other points of view or to gage opinion on various subjects wether you agree with them or not. :pDT_Xtremez_26: