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Fast Trackers Stiffed?


Flight Sergeant
I have just been informed by one of my FTs that they won't be on their course next year as they were recently informed. Instead, due to a marked increase in JO recruitment, all Fast Trackers will have their courses suspended until at least 2011 to allow throughput of DE and JO applications.

Confirmation has been received from WO TG9 that this is infact the case.
The cynic in me can quite believe that this decision has been made. However, the fact that our DSATCO was only told 'accidentaly' and that no plans had been made to officially announce this is a bit off.
It also appears that all FT have had an automatic extension of their service upto 9 years added to accomodate for this change and no one has been informed of this either.

I now have (unsurprisingly) 3 rather p1ssed off FTs. 2 of which are seriously considering jacking it in.

I can completely understand their anger and frustration, they are now being forced to either accept what has happened, or apply for DE in the hope that they can get through. Either way, they will not be starting their course's as early as they had hoped.

I am not surprised that the senior's who have made this decision have just ridden roughshod over their subordinates in this way, it's not the first time. I am surprised that they have decided to make the decision, and then allow 'Gossip' to become the way this information is disseminated.

Very poor show.


Warrant Officer
I have just seen the email from WO TG9 and to be honest, I can see why it has been done. Big picture and all that....

But look at it this way, under the old JATCC selection procedures, the numbers were flexible anyhow and if you weren't used one year you would go back into the 'pot' and on the flip side, you could also be called forward at short notice to go.... and that still stands.

This will also be a prime opportunity to professionally develop these guys to a better standard prior to selection. By the way, the 5 year rule for selection has been removed....
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IC Tea's and Key's
I have just seen the email from WO TG9 and to be honest, I can see why it has been done. Big picture and all that....

But look at it this way, under the old JATCC selection procedures, the numbers were flexible anyhow and if you weren't used one year you would go back into the 'pot' and on the flip side, you could also be called forward at short notice to go.... and that still stands.

This will also be a prime opportunity to professionally develop these guys to a better standard prior to selection. By the way, the 5 year rule for selection has been removed....

I agree with you FOMZ, the output from JATCC may be a better quaility of SNCO. It may also sort out a few of the FT who think they are gods gift because they are/were going to be a SNCO within 5 years.


Flight Sergeant
We shall see how this pans out.

I feel for them, and will do my bit to help them either go ahead with DE, or wait out until 2011. However, there will be no guarantee that their legacy rights will be upheld though, they've just put them on hold.
I can actually see a point where they may make the DE selection process compulsory for all fast trackers, maybe this is just a precursor to that.

Most have worked hard to achieve the goals set for them to become controllers. To have the goal posts moved, for some at the last minute, is galling at the very least.
The determined ones will probably take this in their stride, and most will have already applied and be in the process of going for DE.
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Warrant Officer
And by your posts RoJaws - no one at your unit seems to have been briefed from the email and theres more myth than fact.

I suggest you get your ATCAs to speak to the PFOM direct, rather than sticking ill informed comment in.

My ATCAs have had it explained in depth and although unhappy - understand and will use this extra time to their advantage for CPD. Ask yourself - why are yours different? :pDT_Xtremez_25:


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Sorry not an ops bod

Sorry not an ops bod

Can't your FTs just apply for DE ATC SNCO?


Flight Sergeant
Can't your FTs just apply for DE ATC SNCO?

Yes they can, however they had been briefed that they would be on JATCC at the early stages of next year.
This is now not happening, and they won't get their shot until 2011. They can apply for DE now, there is nothing to stop them.

@ Fomz, I have been on leave and have just come back to find this rather unpalatable mess at my unit. At this moment I don't know what our PFOM knows, when he received the email or whether anyone corresponded with our Boss about this.
Our Boss is on leave, and I was unable to contact the PFOM directly, but I did speak to our WO.
It sounds to me as though this information has been leaked early, either that, or this has been sat in someone's in-tray here for rather a long time. When did you receive a copy of the email, or rather, when did your PFOM? I would be interested to know.

It would have been nice to have been given the chance to brief our FTs properly.
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Warrant Officer
The PFOM at my unit was told Friday AM, I was told about 30 minutes after that. My No1 priority at that point was to ensure that I had the facts right, then make sure my ATCA's were fully briefed BEFORE the rumour mill started.

Its all down to the way you handle something like this.........

Yes they can, however they had been briefed that they would be on JATCC at the early stages of next year.

And how did that happen RoJaws? I saw the ATCA JATCC list last year and just because they pencilled, in lets say 40 JATCC slots for SNCO controllers, it doesn't mean it will happen. As with the PSL, until you get that piece of paper in your hand giving you an actual date - its not happening.

As I said before, Just because they were graded at 22 and there are 40 slots - that does not guarantee a place that year. Seems like some people don't know how the system works.


Flight Sergeant
Well, our guys were told Thursday, whilst I was on leave.

My No.1 priority on Friday morning was also to try and get the facts. Then I at least could act appropriately. The email has not been forwarded on to the concerned parties here.

However, as our WO had spoken directly to WO TG9 on Thursday it would be reasonable to expect that the information he had was accurate.

...rather than sticking ill informed comment in.

The only comment I have made is my conjecture that maybe this action is a precursor to all FTs having to complete Cranwell in the future before going to JATCC.
That was just my opinion, an attempt to provoke debate, this is a rumour network after all.


Flight Sergeant
....As I said before, Just because they were graded at 22 and there are 40 slots - that does not guarantee a place that year. Seems like some people don't know how the system works.

I am very aware of how the system works, I am a great believer in the "paper in hand" line of expectation. Its not real until its in black and white. The FTs, unfortunately, had been told by someone more senior than me that they would be going.

It is part of the problem I am dealing with, they thought it was a given, it's not.
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Flight Sergeant
We have no tower FOM at the moment. Haven't had one for nearly a year, it has been an ongoing issue. Many of the duties carried out by the FOM have been distributed amongst the ATC Sgts, and an ex SNCO civilian who volunteered to temporarily fill the post.
It has not been ideal, especially as many of us are first tourist Sgts and were concentrating primarily on getting our tickets. It has been a great deal of extra pressure in some cases.
However the issues concerning our lack of FOM has been addressed, and we should be getting one shortly.

I know one of the candidates very well, and I sincerely hope he gets the job.


Warrant Officer
Sounds like a damning indictment of your local management system to me RoJaws.


It's been a while since I popped in here.

r0jaws, WTF is your SATCO doing? He/she should have visibility of stuff like this waaaaaay before any formal message comes down through WO TG9 and the PFOM.

ex-SATCO (twice)
ex- Unit Cdr


Flight Sergeant
Hmmmm, I couldn't possibly comment.
However, he was on leave when we found out about this. How much he knew before he went on leave, I also couldn't say.


One thing I learnt was that the Boss needed to have visibility of everything that happened/was about to happen. It was then his responsibility to manage his people in the best way possible so that he could be the one to delver the news (via PFOM/FOM if appropriate). Failure to do this resulted in some very disgruntled airmen (been there, got the T-shirt). So, no Twr FOM but I presume a unit PFOM? How about a DSATCO? When I was away on leave I made damn sure that DSATCO was both empowered and capable enough to run the whole show, not just pitch up at Stn execs with a new notebook and polished Bic a couple of times a week.

Your chaps have a very real right to feel aggrieved. Not only have those muppets at HQ Air had to make a change of policy (ask yourself how many of them have recent/any command experience) but the message has been delivered in a slipshod fashion not being helped by a unit management that, err, seems to be unable to manage.

I'll get off my soapbox but I genuinely feel for your AATCs, sorry FOAs, sorry ATCAs. :(

Never Alert

Excellent post Hmmmm,

and I was thinking Fighter Controllers, sorry Weapons Controllers, sorry Aerospace Battle Managers were up the creek without a paddle...


Flight Sergeant
Hmmmm, Couldn't agree more.

It is fortunate that the FTs that have been affected here, have acted in a mature manner. I am sure that when they eventually get to JATCC, they will do well.