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Falklands - Was it a Good Det?


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
I made a road safety film down there in the early 90s on my last tour. Never seen it since! Let me know if you saw it or its archived somewhere.


I made a road safety film down there in the early 90s on my last tour. Never seen it since! Let me know if you saw it or its archived somewhere.
Didn't do any good. As I came out of the terminal on my second(last) tour of the Falklands, a land rover was embedded in a Fire Engine.


I can honestly say I hated every day was incarcerated in that place.

Arrived raise the titanic on in reception still on 4 KIN months later, 5 people to every room that includes so called TV rooms extra 50p for a phone card charity donation thank you my pleasure .

Built our own bar GOOD NAAFI still involved BAD.

Orderly Dog was dangerous to say the least ..
Forgot to mention that my wife was a Cpl there at MPA in '91. She worked at both 12 and 38 fy. The RIB then was Green Jackets, then one of the Para regiments. My God, she has some horror stories from those lot. Luckily on my 2nd tour in 2007, the 38fy "Bronx" had been fixed by moving the RIB to 12fy end, apparnetly some RAF WO was given the task of sorting it out some years earlier. Alas, this also included shutting many of the bars. But, hey, I'll never have to go to that s**t hole ever again (both times in winter from April-August).


Loved it - joined the base conservation club. organised our MT and was off base most weekends. Work kept getting in the way :)


Can't lose that 100% manned posts stat down there.

Two tours of the shit hole myself, one in 1998-1999 at Hill Cove for 4 months listening for helicopters to turn up to be refuelled. Beer and BBQ with the locals tour that one.

2nd one was working with the REME lunatics in MTW in 2011/2012, had the misfortune of being guard commander over Christmas when HMS Montrose was in situ. Vomit everywhere.
When did you do your tour at HillCove Christmas or later. I used to send the refuellers and villagers christmas cards being an ex-refueller myself in 1987 at Hillcove. We stayed at the Freezer shed as accommodation near the Aladdin shop. As this hush hush not allowed to speak of names of families living there we used to eat our dinner at the R/R house. I suspect you drove to the point, as we had to walk the causeway with fuel and water everyday. Near enough buggered my knee doing that until near the end of my tour they shipped a knackered old landy


Two tours 1987 first half Red Zero Three Stanley as refueller living on the costels before moving onto Stanley Army camp. Later moved to MPA as Red Zero Three closed permanently. worked in supply as a petrol pump attendant till transferred to Hillcove for the rest of my tour. Still send christmas cards to this day to the villagers and fellow refuellers. 1990 Foxbay for the full package being bounced senseless driving to the site back and forth each day until the landowner over on West complained the land was being torn up to much. We got a small boat to cross over to the refuelling site and have jaunt around the sound in chopper waters to West. As before still write to the villagers at christmas with cards. Not to sure they are taken over by TSW personnel now. The video you had for youtube the driver doing the viewpoint I write to regular via email as I knew him and his family from Foxbay then. Still have very fond memories of my time. If I had the money the chance the wit and wherewithal I would go and live there but alas grow old and bald and have fond memories.


When did you do your tour at HillCove Christmas or later. I used to send the refuellers and villagers christmas cards being an ex-refueller myself in 1987 at Hillcove. We stayed at the Freezer shed as accommodation near the Aladdin shop. As this hush hush not allowed to speak of names of families living there we used to eat our dinner at the R/R house. I suspect you drove to the point, as we had to walk the causeway with fuel and water everyday. Near enough buggered my knee doing that until near the end of my tour they shipped a knackered old landy
I was there over Christmas. BBQ on the other side of the bay.