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Det Rules - Good or Bad

Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
no-ones_princess said:
You sireee are an argumentative tosser when it comes to me. I hope you get an infection in your japs eye. (kidding) I love to hate you.
Big pan of rabbit stew on its way to you then Vim F - should keep you nice and warm next time your on nights......................:PDT_Xtremez_19:

Tim P

I think its as much about avoiding hurt for the partner back at home really. The shoe can of course be on the other foot, the old box of OMO washing powder in the kitchen window for instance. I wonder if jack the lad would be quite so full of himself then if the p*** was being taken out of him.
If people will go and get themselves laid on detachment, keeping mum can protect them but only for a fimite time. Serial offenders get complacent and the truth comes out despite the 'rules'. In that respect they are slain by their own sword. Those who stumble across an opportunity and foolishly take it probably punish themselves more than a discovery ever would.
I personally feel lit to be no-ones place to interfere in other peoples nuptuals and I have some knowledge that I will take to the grave with me.
I cant help thinking of a bloke, married with a couple of kids who had a blatant indiscretion on a ferry over from BFG to the UK. All the wives (including his) heard the record dedication in his real name on BFBS (supposedly) from the girl he had pleassured so fully during their night of lust.
I have come to think its not a good thing to go sleeping around but making that public is never good either.. the rules protect the innocent as much as the guilty.


If you are applying 'det rules' to protect the innocent, then may be you should have any 'minor indescretions' that make you a guilty tw@t.

As a wraf Sgt I was on the rx end of one of my SACs informing me pi**ed up in the Rugby Club of my husband's 'minor indescretions' on a rugby tour. Not only was I gutted but the 'hard boys' of the RC decided that he needed a good kicking - w@nkers - poor little sod (the SAC) felt that as I was his sneck i should know.

I fully understand the concept of 'det rools', but playing the field, shouldnt be included. Anything 'untoward' I have done on det - Mooning out of a Herc at an F3 (Aircrew had a camera - bugger) made it back to the UK before I landed!!


i don't like the fact that det rules exist, but would never tell the other half of a person who'd played them, thats just not cricket.


I would never grass on anyone but the fact remains DON'T PLAY AWAY FROM HOME AND NOT EXPECT TO BE CAUGHT!!!



Exactly... If you can't keep it in your pants, someone will probably talk and expect to be burned...

If you don't play away, theres nothing to wory about.

Would still never grass though. That is plainly wrong and splitting couples up is not my bag baby!!


Master of my destiny
If you expect to be protected by Det rules, you're on a loser anyway. They don't really exist anymore, if it ain't the t0sser with the mobile, it's some twisted Corrie lover (usually a rate saving tw@t alone in a hotel room etc) who just can't resist any gossip.:PDT_Xtremez_09:


If you expect to be protected by Det rules, you're on a loser anyway. They don't really exist anymore, if it ain't the t0sser with the mobile, it's some twisted Corrie lover (usually a rate saving tw@t alone in a hotel room etc) who just can't resist any gossip.:PDT_Xtremez_09:
Spot on realist. Too many plastic saints with their halos out there.

I Look Like Kevin Costner

Grand Prix fanatic..
I do not mention to Mrs ILLKC what other people get up to on Dets cos I do believe that what happens away should stay there. I personally do not cross the line, even though I have ocassionally had the chance (and I'm an ugly bas***d anyway). However, with the digital techo heads gizzmo'd up to the hilt on the trips away now, the concept of Det Rules really is dead.


Am I still right in saying "there are no ugly females in the FI?"[/QUOTE]

Thanks mate! I feel totally s@it now, I must be fffffffffffugly, never got chatted up once in the FIs.:PDT_Xtremez_21:


1000+ Posts
Am I still right in saying "there are no ugly females in the FI?"

Thanks mate! I feel totally s@it now, I must be fffffffffffugly, never got chatted up once in the FIs.:PDT_Xtremez_21:[/QUOTE]

You were probably too pretty BB and everyone assumed you were taken :PDT_Xtremez_28:


You were probably too pretty BB and everyone assumed you were taken :PDT_Xtremez_28:[/QUOTE]

Ah, thank you my lovely! I loikes you! They probably thought I was a bloke!

Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
Just so you don't feel too bad there were sh1tloads of Fugly birds when I was there a couple of years ago. Apart from some of the Silverback Saints there was a kin huge hairy Gwar WREN, who had a room under mine - she was real FUGLY but somehow captured a different bloke everynight who she took back to her room and from the sounds of it she clearly raped em and dipped their bits in Cillit Bang cos those blokes did sh1tloads of screaming. If you don't believe me just ask ElTenEleven - he wasn't one of her victims but he deffo heard the screaming and the big Silvia Back nearly had him cornered on the bus back from Castaways



Just so you don't feel too bad there were sh1tloads of Fugly birds when I was there a couple of years ago. Apart from some of the Silverback Saints there was a kin huge hairy Gwar WREN, who had a room under mine - she was real FUGLY but somehow captured a different bloke everynight who she took back to her room and from the sounds of it she clearly raped em and dipped their bits in Cillit Bang cos those blokes did sh1tloads of screaming. If you don't believe me just ask ElTenEleven - he wasn't one of her victims but he deffo heard the screaming and the big Silvia Back nearly had him cornered on the bus back from Castaways


Thanks I feel great now!!:PDT_Xtremez_34:


My better/worse (depending on if you know who I am, who he is) half is currently away on det somewhere sandy.

I would love to think that he is loyal and faithful to me, but I doubt it.

I cannot judge him, det rules have saved me a lot, until someone on my shift decided to tell him what I had been up to all my time on shift during a night out in Swindon. Thankfully someone else stepped in and convinced him otherwise.

I think that something important will be lost if det rules are gone, everyone can cope with not hearing what happens and just having suspicions, not everyone can cope with knowing the absolute truth.



Surely behaving whilst away is the safest option. I'm never one to spill the beans on someone who does the dirty while away, but personally, I couldn't handle the guilt of shagging someone behind the missus back.

Det rules.... ok, protects people who really should question their own relationship, but you'll never catch me needing them.


Thats fair enough for you, but some of us are still young enough to have a bit of fun.


Thats fair enough for you, but some of us are still young enough to have a bit of fun.

Monobrow, I'm going to get some mileage out of that one!!

Noodle, MB isn't OLD enough to have had any fun yet....:PDT_Xtremez_42:

There are too many people around these days who blab about what goes on on det, irrespective of the rights and wrongs of events. You usually find out all sorts from the wives in the patch (lots of it incorrect). Some things should just stay on det...

Next time I have to plant someone outside a bar, I'd rather the missus found out from me first, not the sqn megaphone and his gossipy wife.

Oh bugger..........
