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Cosford...A different perspective.

I have just read many of the threads regarding cosford and the people who work here!

What a sorry bunch of morons! Most of us at Cosford, those of us not hiding that is, do a good job and want to do a good job. The very few of you who work in the same office with the same fecking gripes about sh*te let the whole system and the good work of the majority down.

Cosford has been through many changes and it has been a bit slack, that is a good time to enjoy it and book yourselves on to expeds or AT courses or whatever not feck around boring the tits off everybody with your constant moans about....'the Chief made me empty the drip trays on a friday...it's againt my human rights!' and such w*nk as that.

I know most of you who sit here and whinge like gooduns and I know you know me....what entertains me most is that you are the same people whinging about waiting or not getting promoted! Very fecking funny.

I have just returned from a course full of all trades from the RAF. Obviously there were several F wits who I had no fecking time for but of the rest a good bunch of people and we had a good laugh. When I told them I was from the Midlands elite school of engineering the response was less than impressive as most of them had read these threads and commented on the lack of faith they had with the Cosford system.

Advice: Apply for a posting to get you out of friday pt OR LEAVE AND GIVE US ALL A FECKING BREAK FROM THIS GARBAGE!

Time for some positivity from others not the very few who are using up valuable oxygen in the classrooms and letting us all down.

Sorry for the serious tone....I think it was over due.

Over and out.


Master of my destiny
I have just read many of the threads regarding cosford and the people who work here!

What a sorry bunch of morons! Most of us at Cosford, those of us not hiding that is, do a good job and want to do a good job. The very few of you who work in the same office with the same fecking gripes about sh*te let the whole system and the good work of the majority down.

Cosford has been through many changes and it has been a bit slack, that is a good time to enjoy it and book yourselves on to expeds or AT courses or whatever not feck around boring the tits off everybody with your constant moans about....'the Chief made me empty the drip trays on a friday...it's againt my human rights!' and such w*nk as that.

I know most of you who sit here and whinge like gooduns and I know you know me....what entertains me most is that you are the same people whinging about waiting or not getting promoted! Very fecking funny.

I have just returned from a course full of all trades from the RAF. Obviously there were several F wits who I had no fecking time for but of the rest a good bunch of people and we had a good laugh. When I told them I was from the Midlands elite school of engineering the response was less than impressive as most of them had read these threads and commented on the lack of faith they had with the Cosford system.

Advice: Apply for a posting to get you out of friday pt OR LEAVE AND GIVE US ALL A FECKING BREAK FROM THIS GARBAGE!

Time for some positivity from others not the very few who are using up valuable oxygen in the classrooms and letting us all down.

Sorry for the serious tone....I think it was over due.

Over and out.

Well said BVM. Having never been an instructor (but recommended to be one), and reading these cosford bashing tw@t's threads, I have the utmost sympathy for you in that it is all too easy to have a pop without knowing the difficulties of the job etc. People should stop whinging for whinging's sake, get on with their fcuking jobs FFS and realise that they are in the military and not the National Union of Whinging T0sspots!:pDT_Xtremez_09:


Here! Here! R78..Couldnt of put it better meself.

The fact is they knew what they were letting themselves in for when volunteering for instructor duties.....serves them right.******

It would be nice for a few of them to do a week on the biggest Tornado Sqn.....See how much winging is done then when they have to clean drip trays, replen kim wipe rollers, keep the jets nice 'n' clean and generally have to work for a living.

Get a grip eh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Most of us at Cosford, those of us not hiding that is, do a good job and want to do a good job. The very few of you who work in the same office with the same fecking gripes about sh*te let the whole system and the good work of the majority down............not feck around boring the tits off everybody with your constant moans about....'the Chief made me empty the drip trays on a friday...it's againt my human rights!' and such w*nk as that. I know most of you who sit here and whinge like gooduns and I know you know me....what entertains me most is that you are the same people whinging about waiting or not getting promoted! Very fecking funny. Sorry for the serious tone....I think it was over due. Over and out.

BVM nail hit firmly on the head. The same office (TSG) group do seem to enjoy a damn good whinge, but strangely two of them aren't whinging about promotion any more. To be fair though TSG don't do it all alone they have the odd bit of help in slagging the place off from the "proper squadron" chaps down your part of the empire. Cosford can be darn good place to work with a huge job satisfaction and very rewarding end result.
Basically Cosford's like everywhere else in the mob you have good guys, not so good guys, whingers, skiving gits etc the usual suspects really. The difference, if there is one, is access time to the goat Cosford people seem to be able to generate a lot of keyboard time compared to others. Occasions like student PT time, prep time etc not to mention teabreaks and lunchbreaks. STOP KNOCKING THE PLACE IT AIN'T THAT BAD.

Those Cosford types who think it is bad just read some of the camp specific forums from north of the border and be happy with your lot.
Sermon over for now.

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
I for one enjoy the job. I like it where I am, don't want to try the dark side though. I'm not having any gripes about the forced/compulsory P Ed as it may turn me into a thin active techie.

I do have one big gripe though. What is the prime role of an AMM when they go out into the ever decreasing air farce? Liney. That being so, surely it would be a good idea for them to have a good grasp of what they are doing when they leave here with regards to being a liney. Well it seems the powers that be think not. I will probably get hunted down by the men in black Omegas for my comments, but here goes.

Changes to the way we train AMMs. On each course there will be about 5 who failed to reach the required standard on the aptitude test at the AFCO. They don't even have to pass things, just show they have the ability to grasp them and possibly be able to do it. They can however fail on safety. So my take on this is we will be churning out some complete retards (sorry if it offends some but this is in the crewroom and if you don't like it don't read it), but so long as they are safe retards who cares? They will only get 15 days of line training before they get to you out there. Apparently the trade sponsor thinks this is all they need, were any of you consulted? Best of luck with them.

I'll still do the job with the same amount of enthusiasm but some of the decisions being made are just crazy. It's the management and course design feckwits that make this place so $hite for some, but we can only do our best with what we get.

I probably went a wee bit Off Topic but I needed a rant and this seemed as good a time as any.

Rant over.

Oh and by the way, why the fcuk haven't I been promoted yet?
FLT ' They will only get 15 days of line training before they get to you out there.' ?????

Followed by a Q -course on type and 2 years minimum before becoming a candidate for FT. Most who I have spoken with say they are very happy with the quality of the AMM who arrive at their units.


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
If you think AMM's are bad, you should see the standards of (some) RN AETs coming through the "sausage factory".

I'd swap 1 LAC AMM for 10 RN AETs.

I think Cosford's doing a good job, sure you get throbbers coming through, but hasn't that always been the way?
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fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant

The reason people are happy with the quality of AMM they are getting is because they are being trained properly and being given the knowledge they need. Now just imagine the quality we will be producing when they get around 7 to 8 days chopped off the line phase. Add on the fact they only have to be safe and display potential to learn, not actually attain the standards currently required. The future is lookin bleak.

With this push for numbers the quality of product will be poor at best. The AMM course will become, at best, an attendance course. With this lack of quality more pressure is going to be put on the various Sqn training cells to bring the "new breed" up to standard. The first lot should be fcuking up on a flight line near you early 2008.

And who says you can't put a price on flight safety?
This thread isn't about the AMM's, I think that one has been done to death!

By the way Cosford is great full of good people ( in the main ) who do work very hard to produce well trained, educated and enthusiatic airman.

Now we are back on topic.
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fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant

I know this thread isn't about AMMs. I just took the chance to mention the fact standards are going to be slashed dramatically, as well as training time, for the future AMMs. It seems that the cock knockers that are intent on this change are unwilling to listen to reasoned arguements as to why it will be a bad thing. It's having an effect on morale as well. At the end of the day we are here to impart learning on the newbies, and to ensure they are capable when they leave here. This stupidity will mean instructors will lose heart and enthusiasm cos the course will have basically become an attendance course.

It also seems some of the course design bods have double standards when using the term "representitive modern aircraft". It seems the JP isn't good enough when it comes to replens and the like, Jags have to be used. However when it comes to marshalling the JP suddenly fits the bill. Either it's representitve modern or not!!!!!! Not just when it suits. That is, unfortunately, what some of us have to put up with here. In general most of us instructing are good eggs. Even some of the civies and blue suits in non teaching posts are nice people.


Cosford has been through many changes and it has been a bit slack

BVM, speak for yourself. Here at the turdis the biggest change has been blue suits being replaced with brown ones. Slack my arse, we have been chasing our tails for the last couple of years. If you look at the projections for next year it is going to get worse before it gets better. Given that we have earned a small fortune for tossford plc, what I would really like to know is where all the money went? Can't we spend some on recruiting more instructors? God, why am I asking such stupid questions..........off for a lie down in a darkened room.


Cosford has been through many changes and it has been a bit slack

BVM, speak for yourself. Here at the turdis the biggest change has been blue suits being replaced with brown ones. Slack my arse, we have been chasing our tails for the last couple of years. If you look at the projections for next year it is going to get worse before it gets better. Given that we have earned a small fortune for tossford plc, what I would really like to know is where all the money went? Can't we spend some on recruiting more instructors? God, why am I asking such stupid questions..........off for a lie down in a darkened room.

As someone who recently completed my MSAT Cse I feel for everyone who works at Cosford. I witnessed first hand the lack of instructors in Mech TS. Our Cse did not suffer but the staff were at full stretch. It would have only taken one off ill to stuff it up. You instructors have my full respect.


Cheers Swingwinger

Cheers Swingwinger

Thank you for your kind words. It is nice to hear that our efforts are being appreciated. Plenty of jobs going here for anybody who thinks instructing is a doddle.


Thank you for your kind words. It is nice to hear that our efforts are being appreciated. Plenty of jobs going here for anybody who thinks instructing is a doddle.

No probs Spurdog. You have my respect but it is not for me. It is no way a doddle, so anyone who thinks it is is sadly mistaken.
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I worked in the hall of whinge for a very long time. When I first got there we werew teaching SACT and trust me , that was busy, back to back courses were not uncommon. Then came the downturn in training, 2 years of complete slackness and people started whinging. Then when things pick up....yes you've guessed it, the whinging started!

I do however sympathise with you now, with all the civvies abandoning ship....I think if blue suits don't get posted in soon.....you are all doooooooomed!:pDT_Xtremez_30:


I have only just moved to Tossford and am enjoying the change. From were I standing yes there are w@nkers but most are goodguys.

The management needs a little re-jig just like any where else, but slack we are not there is lots of prep work going on in the background that most of the people going through the courses don't see, mainly to AMM courses.

All I can say is please don't tar all the instructors with the same brush, like Spurdog says "If you think it's a doddle then have a go.." or words to that effect.....
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This seems to be going right off topic!

The issue is not whether we are busy or not , it is the issue regarding the constant babble of how hard done by evrybody is at Cosfprd. My point is that we really don't have much to whinge about, Yes the management are making some extraordinary decisions but, they also have new processes and change confronting them...always remeber **** rolls down hill!

If it were up to me we would go back to the old phase based training when everyone knew what was required and when, things are disjointed and work is on going to improve the new systems but untill then we all need to get on with it and stop all the fecking moaning.

Things truly aren't that bad at the Midlands elite school of engineering. We owe it to ourselves and to the trainees to instill a little positivity.

Damn:pDT_Xtremez_25: Ive gone all serious again!

Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
untill then we all need to get on with it and stop all the fecking moaning.
Well what the fekk do you call what you were you doing this morning????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Ya moaning fekk


Get some in!

Get some in!

Nothing changes- I left in 96 after 25 years as an Avionics eng, well I think that's what I was? I joined as LFittNI then became LTechFS and finally Avionics.
My point is- I was an apprentice at Cosford (223 entry) and even back then the instructors were a moaning bunch of fecks. Most of them were too scared to work in the real air force for fear of getting found out so opted to teach smallies, and regale them with their tales from times gone by. I remember one instructor called Harry Chapple, he couldn't have had any mates left as they'd all been sucked down intakes or gone up in ejection seat. Despite all this we managed to fit into the real air force when we passed out. Over the years I noticed as the aircraft became easier to work on, the standard turned out by Cosford fell.

Just remember I was on the main gate when you were on Cow & Gate.