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co-loation issue

mild mannered janitor

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts

Right then serious question here about co-location, Mrs MMJ has been posted at the start of march to Waddington which she is mega excited about as it is a massive opportunity for her career progression.
The problem lies with me however, We’ve been up here at ISL for nearly three years and I am sort of working out of trade in a training unit, as it stands I have been told that I wont be considered for a move until at least June if at all because of a ban on my rank and trade leaving lossie (ATM Cpl).
Now while we were prepared for a period of separation we are now looking at a minimum of six months plus if not indefinite, I know that others of the same rank and trade as me from other units are being moved with no problems so I don’t understand why I can’t move.
Now before we start with the “man up” brigade I don’t mind a short period of being apart say four months as it would just be like any OOA but I’m not looking forward to having a separated family at opposite ends of the country as commuting to get the family together will be a one weekend a month option at best.
I’m getting nowhere with my management or PSF who just keep saying I am not going anywhere soon.
I would at a push even consider Marham and commute so I can at least see my wife and son at the weekends but even this is not an option apparently.
At this point I’m open to all suggestions (sensible one’s please) as I’m at a loss, all my JPA reflects my desire to move down to the area, co-location, I’ve even waived my ninety days notice and found someone willing to replace me at work.

Over to you


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
In the bad old days, colocation used to be time limited to around 6 months, don't quote me on the exact figure.

Have you put it to the adminers in writing that you are requesting a colocation posting?


It used to be possible for the wife to "claim" her husband to be located reasonably close to her. It was some time ago, but when I married Mrs Grump Mk1 she was at RAF Hospital Ely and I was at ISL. She put in a claim for me to be posted to the area.

PTR Hoar

You'd like to think the padre would have a bit of sway with stuff like this, especially where families are involved. Doesnt hurt to ask. Also like bubsy says It may be an idea getting it all in black and white with emails etc so at least they can't turn round and say in a few months time that you should have started the process months ago. No doubt you know how many useless management types we have up in the land of eternal gloom!


You'd like to think the padre would have a bit of sway with stuff like this, especially where families are involved. Doesnt hurt to ask. Also like bubsy says It may be an idea getting it all in black and white with emails etc so at least they can't turn round and say in a few months time that you should have started the process months ago. No doubt you know how many useless management types we have up in the land of eternal gloom!

I guess you could involve the Padre but if there are no posts available, even with his contacts you can't go.

Formally request it be investigated through your CoC and get an answer from Manning.

As you say, widen your options (Marham) and you may have more luck - then become a weekend warrior until such time that you can get where you actually want - remember to keep your preferences upto date!

Good luck


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
As others have said start a paper trail of your requests, stay within the boundarys of what is acceptable request wise for your rank and don't panic...From my experience 9 times of 10 when people think the co-location aspiration possibility is bleak it turns out to be alright...as long as you are appropriately pro-active in making your position clear. The chief clerk may be a good place to go for a chat after a while...nice and infomal where you lay your cards on the table and he offers you his honest opinion with 'duty of care' being a factor.

Sad to say but at some point most service marriages either stop being a marraige or one of you gives up their career...It's too demanding and expeditionary to cater for everyones needs and this should be, if not already, a factor in your deliberations...

Good luck.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
Sad to say but at some point most service marriages either stop being a marriage or one of you gives up their career...It's too demanding and expeditionary to cater for everyones needs and this should be, if not already, a factor in your deliberations...

From what you say MMJ, it sounds like your wife is thinking about her career and you are thinking about your family - remember, her taking this fantastic, career-enhancing posting has brought about this situation.

I dont think co-locations are a "gimme" any more - after all, in the cold light of day, why should your needs be given a higher priority than someone else who is also trying to get to Lincolnshire from the arse end of the world?

mild mannered janitor

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
From what you say MMJ, it sounds like your wife is thinking about her career and you are thinking about your family ?

And you are not allowed to have both because of what ? do you really think my wife wants to split the family up for any longer than necessary

remember, her taking this fantastic, career-enhancing posting has brought about this situation.?

So you are saying she should stay in a job that she has done for the past eight years instead of trying to develop her skill set within her trade ?

I don't think co-locations are a "gimme" any more - after all, in the cold light of day, why should your needs be given a higher priority than someone else who is also trying to get to Lincolnshire from the arse end of the world?

So why have co -location guidelines in the JSP ? they are obviously there for a reason see my comment above we figured it was worth the short separation because there was a system in place to get the family back in one place.

And as for the arse end of the world comment some people would think lincolnshire is the arse end of the world, it's a subjective view, i personally think the arse end of the world is marham but as i said I'm even willing to go there to keep my family together.

thanks for the constructive comment so far (mutty yours does not qualify as one of them) i will be starting the paper trail tomorrow and asking for the reasons why i can fill some of the up coming slots, i will also be requesting these reasons be put in writing.

mild mannered janitor

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Its either in the JSP or in an AP i will find out which one but it is along the line of within 50 miles or 1.5 hours travel time of each other, so i think waddo/lossie falls outside these limitations :PDT_Xtremez_30:


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I dont think co-locations are a "gimme" any more - after all, in the cold light of day, why should your needs be given a higher priority than someone else who is also trying to get to Lincolnshire from the arse end of the world?

Because the Service recognises the fact that to have both sides of a marriage serving increases the strain on said marriage more than if only one is in, therefore it puts a priority (not exactly a high one) on such situations to help the situation.

It costs nought, it requires just a bit of effort to keep two service people serving and feel appreciated.

As you probably know MWD Colocations are loved by drafters as they enable a them to fill two slots in less demanded locations as their priority is to be together rather than best location.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
As you probably know MWD Colocations are loved by drafters as they enable a them to fill two slots in less demanded locations as their priority is to be together rather than best location.

And you will know that RAF Lincolnshire is one of the most demanded locations and there are a lot of people who will be trying to get there to be with their non-serving spouse and family - IMHO, they are just as deserving of a posting there.

MMJ - I note from several of your posts in October last year that you had very little sympathy for someone who wanted to stay somewhere because of his wife's good job. Perhaps as you are both TG1, then you should have both tried for a co-location at Marham, which fits into Busby's description as "less desireable".
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mild mannered janitor

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
And you will know that RAF Lincolnshire is one of the most demanded locations and there are a lot of people who will be trying to get there to be with their non-serving spouse and family - IMHO, they are just as deserving of a posting there.

MMJ - I note from several of your posts in October last year that you had very little sympathy for someone who wanted to stay somewhere because of his wife's good job. Perhaps as you are both TG1, then you should have both tried for a co-location at Marham, which fits into Busby's description as "less desireable".

yes but the diference here is that yes we are both serving and my wife has been posted, and we have both done marahm together before, co location now exixts again so why should i not expect it to be upheld ?

and without trudging back to last october didnt that particular guy have the option to be a weekend warrior ? do i have that option ? no!! ive even offered to go to marham and do exactly that. I will however take the sensible advice and get the reasons for refusing to even look into moving me in writing from HR/manning and go from there.
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I'm not fecking BRANCH!
Service life just isnt conducive to both partners serving. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's always going to bring up these stresses. Many years ago, when Mrs IDO and I got married we soon realised that there was no way an air tragic and a scopey could coexist without problems. After much deliberation the decision was made that someone's career would be supported while the other would jack in the RAF and start a career which could follow from posting to posting. Sometimes one has to face up to the fact that no matter how 'unfair' things can seem, hard decisions have to be made for an easier ride in the long term. I've seen the Service change a lot in my twenty years, one things for certain - the Service will no longer pay more than lip-service to the wants of it's individuals. Competition is so fierce now to even be able to serve that the RAF can afford to not give it's people all they desire. Like it or lump it, if you dont like it there's always the door ... thats what they call 'natural wastage' and makes certain things easier right now.

That's obviously not what you want to hear, but it's something to mull over. Even if you get your wish this time, who's to say you wont be in a similar position in 3-5 years and having to jump through hoops again? There's more to life my friend.

Evil Stan

Speaking as an ex-drafter, co-locations were almost the most difficult of situations to manage. There are a couple of earlier threads I would like to pick up on, one referenced your wife's career drive. I would like to think that the 2 of you (plus kids if old enough) sat down and talked about the options if mum moved away and how you would all cope, making it a joint decision for the greater benefit of her career. That said, is it the Service or your spouse who has caused you not to be co-located? If it's a Service move, e.g. on promotion then you have my sympathies, however if not and you want your cake and eat it then do I need to remind you of the Service Need to keep your skill sets at your current location? Co-location is pretty easy to achieve for 2 x TG1 techies at the likes of Odiham/Benson, whilst also offering very good career enhancing promotion opportunities, but then a lot of people don't want the disruption of a high op tempo rotary MOB. Co-location in Lincolnshire was always and will always be extremely difficult to achieve in a reasonable time-scale, purely because every man and his dog want to go there for the geographical benefits of sitting plum in the centre of England and offering affordable housing. Chf Clk is your first port of call, with a quick ring to your Career Manager to see what the accurate state of play is. By all means use the padre route, but I suspect you will have to show evidence of hardship to manufacture a move to Lincs.


Flight Sergeant


Get your Wife to ask.
From what I see if you are a Burd you usually get what you want even if it means a bloke gets shafted.(Yes- I have been that bloke twice!!)
May be how she got this great opportunity.
Obviously I am not your trade or know your wife, but the ladies of the RAF always get their way after a few tears or stomping of feet.


I'm not fecking BRANCH!
Get your Wife to ask.
From what I see if you are a Burd you usually get what you want even if it means a bloke gets shafted.(Yes- I have been that bloke twice!!)
May be how she got this great opportunity.
Obviously I am not your trade or know your wife, but the ladies of the RAF always get their way after a few tears or stomping of feet.

Ha! "Tits and tears" works a treat, she could also claim general 'ladies problems' - nothing more guaranteed to fluster an ageing male and get any application rubber-stamped pronto!

mild mannered janitor

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
May be how she got this great opportunity.

she got the opportunity by being good at what she does and was selected for the job

Obviously I am not your trade or know your wife, but the ladies of the RAF always get their way after a few tears or stomping of feet.

that has never been her way she is ferociously proud of never going down that road but by working hard to get where she is.

We will get co located eventually and we were prepared for time apart but a slight idea of the timescale would be nice, when i asked for the reasons why i would not even be considered for a move to be put in writing i was asked why.

It seems when you ask for someone to put reasons in writing and a name to the bottom of it PSF and Manning suddenly become VERY reluctant to do so.


On the co-location issue albeit a little off topic. Can an officer who is married to a junior rank and have been co-located serve in the same small section? Officer is not a direct line manager of the other half.