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CAS for a day


Thoroughly Nice Chap
If you got to be Chief of the Air Staff for the day what would you implement? Nothing silly like more cheeseburgers for night shifts that occur with an R in the month etc. Serious ideas! Its been mentioned in previous threads that people are taking note of what is being said on here, so lets use it...

If I was CAS for a day, I would give Stn Cdrs the power to adjudicate on FMQ allocations for single parents and over-ride DE archaic policies, give him the right to say "This man/woman can have a FMQ, forget the regulations, let him have one".



Warrant Officer
Turn SAMA back on and sort out JPA - properly. Then keep SAMA online until such time as JPA ran without any glitches. :pDT_Xtremez_14:


Decorated war hero
1000+ Posts
I'd bin LEAN and all the other waste of money schemes that are being forced upon us. People need to be made aware that the RAF cannot be run as a profit making organisation, as they are trying to do at the moment.


fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
If you look on JPA, provided you can get on then you can apply for the job of CAS. Good luck to the first who applys.:pDT_Xtremez_14:


SirSaltyHelmet said:
If I was CAS for a day, I would give Stn Cdrs the power to adjudicate on FMQ allocations for single parents and over-ride DE archaic policies, give him the right to say "This man/woman can have a FMQ, forget the regulations, let him have one".


A Stn Cdr can already dictate who has an MQ on his estate - provided there is a good reason - and single parents are entitled to an MQ.

And if I was CAS for a day I would put a halt to all the change that is going on at once within the RAF. Reflect for at least 5 minutes and do things in a more staggered and organised way - you wouldn't find a big multinational company implementing several different programmes all at once!!


Instigate a top to bottom review of everyone's post in the service by a team of serving snco's and junior officers (not above Sqn Ldr).- get rid of those that don't contribute to the RAF's core task- delivering airpower.

Look deeply at what we're spending money on and dump the waste,cancel part of Tranche 3 Typhoon- Invest said cash in-

1. Better accomodation for all ranks
2. Free Bupa Healthcare for all ranks and their immediate family (continue when you leave at reduced cost).
3. A decent new pension scheme- not rip off AFPS05.
4. Revamp the F6000/Promotion system- promote the 'warfighters' not the secondary duty/day workers/sport billy's. Use JLMC/ILMC/TMT as a filter and only promote the best trainees, looking for 10 Cpl's- send your best 20 SAC's and promote the best 10.
5. Cut the waste of money- everyone gets 10 days a year for sport/AT, want any more? - take leave. Badges/Rucksacks/Waterproofs that don't fit/Mission Statement signs that change every 6 months/Trousers that don't press and shrink on cold wash/Glossy magazines that no-one reads etc..
6. Stick up for your service in joint (i.e Army) organisations.
7. Scrap the 90 days away/ OOA rule for personnel on frontline sqns- let the remfs do the OOA.
8. Revamp the pay system, less for the daisy/support trades, more for the shift workers and providers of air power- aircrew/eng/ops/RAF Regt etc..
9. Introduce loyalty lessons at Cranwell, ensuring that officers understand that loyalty goes down as well as up.
10. End the 'two airforces' culture. One part that works Mon-Fri, gets every weekend/BH off, gets a lunch hour, finishes at 4 on a friday, does an OOA every 4 years. The other part that works shifts, goes from one det to the next without a decent break, skips lunch because there's a job to be done, works weekends.

rest have risen above me

Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
How about a small military coup?
...lol Let's just hold Tony Bliar to ransom until he gives in on some important issues
Re instating the issue of stockings and suspenders to WRAFS, and changing orders to ban them wearing trousers.
Making Rat packs back to a decent standard (Babies Heads in a tin non of your boil in the bag moussaka)
Make aircrew fly in shirt and tie like in those really spiffing WW II black and white movies. (no more romper suits around station)
Make SWO's the most scary people on the planet and allow them to hand out the death penalty for dirty shoes or long sidies.
And bring back the NAAFI wagon...:pDT_Xtremez_28:

I look like Bruce Willis

I Suck Like George Michael
When I am Chief of Air Staff there will be Air Power classes on a Saturday Morning and an annual QA, Core Values and LEAN exam, a bit like CCS, however, if you fail you get dischared with disgrace.


If i was cas i would stop all medals for people who are doing what there paid for(SAR).
Only pay aircrew flying pay for days they actually fly and scrap JPA.
Oh and promote all Jelly tots.

Bum Custard

If I was CAS for a day then I'd implement a system where by all the war dodging pieces of excreta who pull a sickie just before they are due to go out of area would have their pay decreased untill they are up graded again.
Sounds to55 if you are genuinley down graded, but it grips my sh1te when people have to do more than their fair share of OOA's just because some to55 bag twisted his sock.:pDT_Xtremez_25:


SAS Inspector
I would re-introduce a families officer for every camp and get rid of DHE and poxy MHS. This might just mean that SFA is actually in an appropriate condition when you march-in and not a pigsty as my last 3 have been. They might just ensure that people are not just thrown in SSFA 15 miles away cos the contactors have not got off their rears and prepped the quarter that has sat empty for the last 8 months. The camp has a say on who gets employed to carry out repairs and you don't have to sit in all day after a month waiting for a bloke to turn up and spend 5 mins tutting saying they don't actually have the spare parts with them and then having to resubmit the complaint a fortnight later and having the whole bloody merry-go-round start again:pDT_Xtremez_25: .


A twisted sock is a very serious condition that can strike anybody at any time. Especially those people that happen to have an allergy to sand and leaving the UK. I suggest you read up on this condition before you start pointing the finger.
And whatever you do, never suggest a pay cut out loud. Some Zob will read it, make the idea his own and get promotion, and knighthood and his/her own private island out of it. Copyright your posts so you get the credit.

PS: Chin up, I'm sure you'll get all that you deserve for going on these terrible trips without any consideration for yourself so that others may have a care free life here and the time they need to recover from their appalling ailments.

Ed Basher

How about not closing any bases until there is enough accommodation at the receving end for everyone to live in!!!

Get Tae

Flight Sergeant
I agree with everything you two have said, especially the aircrew pay thing. Working at Ice Station Kilo I see the plastic snecs (Yes you are plastic you did NOT earn you three stripes!) wandering about with thier fingers stuck up thier posteriors getting flying pay for a maximum of 10 hours flying a MONTH.
JPA is the way forward, get flying pay for the days you fly, watch the fight to go flying then! :pDT_Xtremez_14:


Thoroughly Nice Chap
Get Tae said:
I agree with everything you two have said, especially the aircrew pay thing. Working at Ice Station Kilo I see the plastic snecs (Yes you are plastic you did NOT earn you three stripes!) wandering about with thier fingers stuck up thier posteriors getting flying pay for a maximum of 10 hours flying a MONTH.
JPA is the way forward, get flying pay for the days you fly, watch the fight to go flying then! :pDT_Xtremez_14:

It grieves me to say this, but having seen the SH crewmen working I believe that they have actually earned that rank. I cant comment on the Siggies at ISK but the SH guys get my vote

Get Tae

Flight Sergeant
So because they hang out a helicopter they deserve to be Sgts?

What about everyone else in the RAF that takes anything up to 20 years to get to Sgt? (and some that dont get in 22 years that deserve it!)

Outdated world war two pish is my opinion!
(brace for impact..............)



Thoroughly Nice Chap
Get Tae said:
So because they hang out a helicopter they deserve to be Sgts?

Maybe you should see the effort these guys put in in Telic and Herrick. Training is hard, the risks they take aren't small. Personal view is that they deserve the rank.

Would be intrigued on your views on the bravery that is shown by SAR crews, would you do it for Cpls pay?

Get Tae said:
What about everyone else in the RAF that takes anything up to 20 years to get to Sgt? (and some that dont get in 22 years that deserve it!)

Now that sounds like sour grapes to me!

Try and give a better argument


Sorry, and with the utmost and total respect for our SH crewmen bretheren, but utter bollox! Who decides what is important? Who decides who gets paid more? What about the controller in the tower who talks down a jet or the liney who signs his life away by signing off a 'see off' or the SAC in the med ctr who hands out the drugs, or the OCU Sootie who suddenly finds himself called up to be a VIP driver in Basrah? Or the guy who administers first aid to his mate injured in a roadside bomb? Whatever branch, trade or rank, we all do an important job. We are all essential to our overall goal. Yes, we tolerate premadonna (sp?) pilots on flying pay because, when it comes to the crunch who else does what they do? But for the rest of us, for fook sake, grow up!!! Across the board, our jobs have responsibilities (and risks!) - that's why we joined up. If it was pay you were after, why the fook do you work in the public sector? Do the job because you love it, not for the money.



Thoroughly Nice Chap
I understand what you are saying Bluntend and I do agree with what you say about varying responsibilities etc. However, I cannot see the problem with having DE NCO aircrew, if Get Te wanted to do it then he could have. He had the same choices at AFCO that we all had, he chose his route, I chose my route and the aircrew guys chose theirs.

The system isn’t wrong; I believe the system works well. The guys get paid well, they get their flying pay and they have the rank. The rank is there for a reason; would you listen to an SAC crewman? Well, maybe I am wrong there, you would listen to an SAC crewman but would Major Barton-Bendish of the 1st foot and mouth listen to an SAC crewman? No he wouldn’t. The rank is given for credibility; however, the rank isn’t given as such. They have to go through selection, they have to go the airman aircrew command school or whatever it is called this week, they also have to pass aircrew training AND OCU.

They do all the leadership stuff that we do via JMLC and IMLC in the course of our careers, the only difference is time scale. They cram it all into 4 years.

It is all down to choices, we all had the chance but not all of us take it. I am trying to see what ‘Get Te’ was aiming at, is he knocking the guys themselves or is he knocking the system? I have met many a crewman who has come through the ranks, met many a crewman who has come from a sister service and I have met many a crewman who was a DE. They have earned the respect of the guys who fix the cabs on the SH squadrons. There are some knobs, but they aren’t all knobs, it’s like saying all RAFP are cocks when not all of them are (majority in their case).

As for 20 years to Sgt, that’s the system, it works for some in your trade and not for others, it’s a $hitty world in the RAF and that is one thing that will never change.

I mentioned earlier that the NCO Aircrew go through selection and the airman aircrew course at Cranwell, well get this one. In my trade you can go from LAC to Sgt in 5 years, there is no how to be a SNCO course. If selected they do JMLC prior to Controllers course and IMLC after the course. These guys are Controllers first and SNCOs second. That’s what the trade requires. They learn to be SNCO slow time at the same time as consolidating as Controllers. Is that right? You guys tell me.

I will add, there is no amount of flying pay that would put me in a helicopter over Basrah day in and day out. I think they earn the money out there, but that’s my opinion.


Trekkie Nerd
SirSaltyHelmet said:
I understand what you are saying Bluntend and I do agree with what you say about varying responsibilities etc. However, I cannot see the problem with having DE NCO aircrew, if Get Te wanted to do it then he could have. He had the same choices at AFCO that we all had, he chose his route, I chose my route and the aircrew guys chose theirs.

The system isn’t wrong; I believe the system works well. The guys get paid well, they get their flying pay and they have the rank. The rank is there for a reason; would you listen to an SAC crewman? Well, maybe I am wrong there, you would listen to an SAC crewman but would Major Barton-Bendish of the 1st foot and mouth listen to an SAC crewman? No he wouldn’t. The rank is given for credibility; however, the rank isn’t given as such. They have to go through selection, they have to go the airman aircrew command school or whatever it is called this week, they also have to pass aircrew training AND OCU.

They do all the leadership stuff that we do via JMLC and IMLC in the course of our careers, the only difference is time scale. They cram it all into 4 years.

It is all down to choices, we all had the chance but not all of us take it. I am trying to see what ‘Get Te’ was aiming at, is he knocking the guys themselves or is he knocking the system? I have met many a crewman who has come through the ranks, met many a crewman who has come from a sister service and I have met many a crewman who was a DE. They have earned the respect of the guys who fix the cabs on the SH squadrons. There are some knobs, but they aren’t all knobs, it’s like saying all RAFP are cocks when not all of them are (majority in their case).

As for 20 years to Sgt, that’s the system, it works for some in your trade and not for others, it’s a $hitty world in the RAF and that is one thing that will never change.

I mentioned earlier that the NCO Aircrew go through selection and the airman aircrew course at Cranwell, well get this one. In my trade you can go from LAC to Sgt in 5 years, there is no how to be a SNCO course. If selected they do JMLC prior to Controllers course and IMLC after the course. These guys are Controllers first and SNCOs second. That’s what the trade requires. They learn to be SNCO slow time at the same time as consolidating as Controllers. Is that right? You guys tell me.

I will add, there is no amount of flying pay that would put me in a helicopter over Basrah day in and day out. I think they earn the money out there, but that’s my opinion.

Blimey SSH! I find myself completely agreeing with you!!! MEDIC!!!!!! :pDT_Xtremez_42: