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Armed Forces Day


Anyone going to Cardiff for Armed Forces Day on June 26th? Maybe arrange a mini meet of egoat members i'm sure there are going to be a few beer tents to rendevous in!

Warwick Hunt

Persona Non-Grata
1000+ Posts
I'll see you there matey! Looking forward to it massively. I'll be working it, so I won't be able to enjoy the day freely, but if it's anything like last year's one at Chatham Dockyard, it'll be a fine day...providing the weather holds out!


I'll be there (working!) as one of the event organisers unfortunately. However, I can confirm that the main bar is situated very close to the big screen that will show the England match that evening! That is of course assuming that England win their group........


We are definately attending now and will be wearing my E-Goat shirt, any other goaters if your going IM me to arrange meeting up in beer tent obviously.:pDT_Xtremez_14:


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
I went to the Stoop for a rugby game courtesy of Harlequins who were offering free tickets for forces personnel and their families in recognition of the sacrifices we make.

Sadly, from what I see on TV and read, it appears that Armed Forces day has now become another working weekend for many Forces personnel putting on entertainment for the public. I spent a good while researching what myself and my family could do this weekend which involved the civilians putting on something for the benefit of me rather than the other way - the Harlequins offer was by far the best one I could find.

Next year I see Edinburgh will be hosting it. Hopefully the Scottish parliament will acknowledge the intended meaning of Armed Forces day, not have loads of soldiers working, and perhaps offer free entry to the castle/zoo etc for forces personnel.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Next year I see Edinburgh will be hosting it. Hopefully the Scottish parliament will acknowledge the intended meaning of Armed Forces day, not have loads of soldiers working, and perhaps offer free entry to the castle/zoo etc for forces personnel.

I see you are missing the point of armed forces day, which is not about honouring the armed forces, but forcing the armed forces to jump through just one more highly visible domestic hoop to assuage the guilt of years of shameful neglect on the part of the government - then job done for another year and back to the world cup.

As for Edinburgh, an excellent idea. Just in time for an MR4 flypast. Never seen a "sim" do that before.


Warrant Officer
and perhaps offer free entry to the castle/zoo etc for forces personnel.

Erm, entry to the castle is free anyway, just show your 1250/MOD90 at the door or ticket booth. The castle is a military base.
I know this because I asked for reduced entry whilst on a visit there when on detachment at Leuchars and was told to show ID at the door and had a great day there.
Also I missed the last train back to St Andrews that evening and slept in the guardroom of the castle itself.


BFBS did us proud out here, but not as much as the guy from our section who went and did a solo set on the guitar! :pDT_Xtremez_30:


Cynic & Conspiracy Theorist
I went to the Blues & Booze at the Bury in Odiham, good turnout from the locals!!!!:pDT_Xtremez_19:


Warrant Officer
Armed Forces Day? Not in Gloucester.

What happened instead? Gay bloody Pride!

A national day of support to the Armed Forces and the gayers decide to have a parade, so what does the council do? stopped the Armed Forces parade. It was held in the end in a small village church just south of Gloucester. For a county with a proud county regimental history and so many links to HMF, It was shameful.

Nothing in the city center to even mention it.

According to the local press, the gays had a great time - well whoopedy doo. They have 364 other days of the year to celibrate their gayness.

The cycnic in me says it was a diliberate ploy by them and if the council had said no.. well they would have no doubt been all branded homophobes.

Hopefully next year, the city will ACTUALLY take part and relegate the gays back to a dogging site somewhere.