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APE 1B (or something similar)to return


Arty Monitors

I hear there are whispers that an exam similar to the APE1B may be re-introduced, to help sort out those worthy of promotion to Cpl and those who get it, thanks to over assessment.. The system the Scopies use works well and something similar could be adopted by us.

TTF now.
Ah....I now know that I have been in too long....

The wheel is re inventing itself.:pDT_Xtremez_09:

It will be intresting to see how some of the 'young things' get on if they have to pass a Promex before getting promoted.

Mind you if I was able to pass it then there is hope for all....:pDT_Xtremez_34:


Sounds like a good idea , if anyone from the TG9 hierarchy is watching....... make it so! Sooner rather than later as well if you ask me. Might be an idea to make the remaining fast trackers sit it as well before they get offered a JATCC.


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
It should be integrated for all tradegroups. I'm seeing some and have seen some right useless pricks getting their tapes all in the name of having that fantastic SAC(T) system being proven.

On the other hand though I would like to note that I know some quality SAC(T)'s who are worthy of their status and in the same vein I also know one or two JT's who are an embarrassment.


I sincerely hope it doesn't get introduced. Exams are only good for those who have an aptitude for passing exams. EQ v IQ. Do you want someone who can react quickly and appropriately in a live situation or someone who can pick up an AP and quote you the regulation - I'm damn sure I know which person I want to be with in a crisis. TG12 have created a whole world of problems for themselves with this one - not saying they should go back to not having it just that it does create a whole different set of issues. At the end of the day if there is doubt about someones potential at the next rank it should be relected in the SJAR! That is what it is for after all.


Warrant Officer
Unfortunatley, assesment creep is back with avengance - despite what people think. If you think its not - you must be blind.


I wasnt around for APE1B but it doesnt sound nice or fair - what happens to someone who has been in Ops all their career and find they have to answer questions about ATC just to get promoted, then fail the exam because they cant answer half the questions


Warrant Officer
You do what people did then - go to the lessons, learn it - revise it and sit the exam and if you fail - you do it all over again the next time the exam comes round. Anything that inceases trade knowledge can only be a good thing.

J Y Kelly

It's been a few years but if I remember correctly the exam questions were no harder than the TTF final exam but then I'm talking about the late 70's. The usual format for the questions would be something like "As Corporal i/c Trade Training you are conducting a lesson on .........." That would be the in to ask a question on almost anything. The trade has changed significantly since that time and of course the questions need be relevant.

The biggest obstacle that I saw was the attitude of the O i/c who wanted to keep his pass rate stats up. You weren't entered into the exam until you could pass the (hard) mock exams that he set.


Initial thoughts.....more b####y empire building...reinventing the wheel etc...

However, after thinking about it I think it's a good idea. Anything that introduces a bit more competion can only be a good thing. Those that really want to progress will pull their finger out and pass the exam, those that don't will soon get the message when all their mates have been promoted.

With regards to those who don't get on well with exams...lets face it, there's not much in our trade thats really high technical merit... just get on with it.

My only concern is the extra training burden/ administration that would be imposed on already busy units. I would assume that FOTF would produce the training package, rather than the home made ones I used years ago.

It would also enable good JNCO's to increase their standing on units and to have a go at instructing outside of the FOTF framework. So they will benefit too.

All in all, a good idea- as long as it's done right.


As long as it was kept a level playing field for all, regardless of Station, Ops or ATC then it would be a perfectly acceptable target for SACs to have to achieve. Probably the best way forward would be for TTF to create the course work, mock exams and final exams etc., although I would like to apologise in advance for suggesting more work for the TTF staff.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Frankly, I am shocked it was ever taken out. It is the most basic test of competence for a fitter aspiring to JNCO, irrespectiveof their background. What was it ever replaced with?

Heavens, no APE? Whats to be scared of?


I remember taking mine back in 84ish...just after getting SAC. No training package, just given the AP3418(?) and told to learn various chapters.

Six weeks later took the exam in the education centre in a classroom filled with other trades, also doing their version of APE1B. Finished ours (first) in about 45 mins and couldn't work out why everyone else was still working away.

Checked all the questions...twice..

Everyone else still working away..

Checked the back of all the pages of the exam paper in case I'd missed some questions...twice

Everyone still working away..

Eventually, after about another hour, someone else finished and handed their paper in so I handed mine in.

Only found out afterwards that other APE's, especially for techs was seriously hard and took a huge amount of study beforehand!!

Passed anyway... Next was RAFET1 and 2!!