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Any advice?


Hi, i've been looking into joining the RAF as a PT, currently there are no spots available.. I have finished my level 2 Gym instructor qualification and i'm waiting on gathering the necessary funds to complete my full level 3 Personal trainer qualification.
I am just wondering if i joined now as a regiment gunner, would i be able to switch to a PT once there was availability with my qualifications? I know i can wait and join when there is an availability but i am pretty desperate to get out of the town i live in ASAP as there are NO opportunitys for me at all and this is something that could be huge for me.
Thanks a lot for reading and any answers you may provide me with!


My advice is to wait out dude. Keep plugging away at your courses and keep nagging your AFCO for any information on when the trade will open up again for recruits.


My advice is to wait out dude. Keep plugging away at your courses and keep nagging your AFCO for any information on when the trade will open up again for recruits.

Good advice from 'Deadhead', on a different angle, I have known quite a few rocks join the RAF Regt then re muster to PTI a few years down the line. You never know once you get your 'mudguards' at Honington, you may decide this is more for me.

RAF Bird

Stacker *********
Hi, i've been looking into joining the RAF as a PT, currently there are no spots available.. I have finished my level 2 Gym instructor qualification and i'm waiting on gathering the necessary funds to complete my full level 3 Personal trainer qualification.
I am just wondering if i joined now as a regiment gunner, would i be able to switch to a PT once there was availability with my qualifications? I know i can wait and join when there is an availability but i am pretty desperate to get out of the town i live in ASAP as there are NO opportunitys for me at all and this is something that could be huge for me.
Thanks a lot for reading and any answers you may provide me with!

Just had a chat with a friend of mine in recruiting and they said if your heart is set on being a PTI but the RAF isn't open now they would never tell them to join the RAF and re-muster. If Regt became a pinch point trade and PTI wasn't you'd have a big battle on your hand to re-muster. Have you considered the Army? That is what they would suggest - although they dont DE you can chose your trade and then specialise as a PTI.
Sorry to disagree with RAF BIRD, but my son who wanted to be a PTI was almost convinced by a recruiter that RAF Regiment Gunner was the way to go. I managed to talk him out of that and 6 months later he joined as a PTI.

RAF Bird

Stacker *********
Sorry to disagree with RAF BIRD, but my son who wanted to be a PTI was almost convinced by a recruiter that RAF Regiment Gunner was the way to go. I managed to talk him out of that and 6 months later he joined as a PTI.

You're not disagreeing with me - if it's the RAF he wants I'd completely agree with you, however he quite clearly states he wishes to join up now and not wait due to job opportunities in his local area. In this instance, after discussing with a friend in recruitment, that is what I was advised to suggest as an option.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Fluid, I think you'll find you agreed with RAF Bird there, because I know I agree with you both. It would be a poor show on behalf of the recruiter to give out that advice, I'd advise broadening your sports and coaching activities and working hard on your swimming so that you can be the best candidate you can be.


Flight Sergeant
Agreed, most - if not all - trades will be pinch-point pretty soon, if they aren't already, so chances of remuster from anything to anything else will be slim to none. Stick to your guns and hold out for RAF PTI.

If you really can't wait and just want to be 'in', I have to say I'd avoid joining the Pongos - perhaps give the RN some consideration? Or if you're really fit, and like wearing combats, the Marines?

RAF Bird

Stacker *********
Agreed, most - if not all - trades will be pinch-point pretty soon, if they aren't already, so chances of remuster from anything to anything else will be slim to none. Stick to your guns and hold out for RAF PTI.

If you really can't wait and just want to be 'in', I have to say I'd avoid joining the Pongos - perhaps give the RN some consideration? Or if you're really fit, and like wearing combats, the Marines?

2 months ago I'd of completely agreed with you - but having just been away on AT with the Army for 2 weeks and chatting to the Army ATIs I've had a change of heart. Funny that the RN even have PTIs - have you seen their FT standards? And peopple laugh at the RAF!


Flight Sergeant
2 months ago I'd of completely agreed with you - but having just been away on AT with the Army for 2 weeks and chatting to the Army ATIs I've had a change of heart. Funny that the RN even have PTIs - have you seen their FT standards? And peopple laugh at the RAF!

Fair point - I may be a little biased. My wife is ex Army and I've had many many years of her telling me about how badly the Army are treated compared to the other services. I wouldn't transfer to the Pongos for a million quid lol!


Waiting in my current situation for a PT spot to open up and become available to me isnt really an option, so should i join as just a regiment gunner? Or should i go for a trade, i.e engineer, mechanic etc, for stability and ease of finding work in life after the RAF for whatever reason? I've done a little research and i could always run a PT business on the side, through working online with clients or sessions with them when i'm on leave etc. Sorry for the late reply btw and thanks for all the advice so far!


Flight Sergeant
Waiting in my current situation for a PT spot to open up and become available to me isnt really an option, so should i join as just a regiment gunner? Or should i go for a trade, i.e engineer, mechanic etc, for stability and ease of finding work in life after the RAF for whatever reason? I've done a little research and i could always run a PT business on the side, through working online with clients or sessions with them when i'm on leave etc. Sorry for the late reply btw and thanks for all the advice so far!

Well, you won't need to score highly on the aptitude test to get in as a gunner I suppose...

I would suggest that you take the aptitude test, and then see how your results match up to the available trade groups - then see how these compare to your interests - and pick whichever one sits in the highest supplement pay band...

They are screaming out for Engineering Officers at the moment - is commissioning a viable option?

You can still do all the phys you want to as part of another trade, plus you'd learn a more useful skillset than 'can run / do pushups'. And like you say, one of the more technical trades will be of more use if you bang-out after 9 years (quite possible!)


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I predict a big upturn in recruiting for WSOp (EW) and (ACO) real soon...




You need to decide your priorities.
If is only PTI then try all 3 services.
If it is better prospects new location then take our test and hope they offer something interesting.
You will not be offered something outside your abilities.