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Any advice, ICT Technician



Have worked in the city doing IT for a few years but hate the boring office work and commuting. I almost went for the RAF a few years back but then my previous job came up and being 18 I chased the money and have regretted it since. I want a challenge and I'm aware I would have to take a big pay cut but think it would be worth it to join the RAF.

I have looked at the ICT Technician (Cyberspace Communications Specialist) role and it sounds like a varied role which I what I'm looking for but having read into it both on here and other sites it sounds like I might end up being stuck in an office again.

So has anyone got any advice for what I could expect if I do end up going for the ICT Technician role.

And advice is greatly appreciated.

There are a lot of people leaving the trade. For some it's about value and worth ( read up on NEM, where pay and conditions have both gone down) and the fact they are are working at installing Windows 7. That is something you probably did quite a few years ago.
the guys do work on some interesting bespoke kit, but don't expect to do that for a few years. Do expect to do guard, deploy to some places where you'd think you are part of a pioneer force. This sort of pioneer adventure could in fact be to a UK station, or one we've had for many years. A lack of investment all round then.
Dont let me put you off, the crack with the guys is second to none. That side, however much they try to destroy it with stats and PC wisdom, is holding out. BUT, you'll start at the bottom, with people way less qualified than you calling all the shots and making your life decisions for you. Quite likely you'll find yourself answering to someone younger than you and less qualified. Not a bitter pill to swallow, but one to consider.
The rough and ready side isn't for everyone, it's exciting to start with, but months 4-6 in a sh1thole will test the best of anyone. That is only just starting, so once more ultimatums from wives and partners start occurring expect fewer people to do even more. It's the RAF way now, if you like.
Would I encourage my lad? A personal question, but no I actively discourage him. A fall back option, but he is worth more than being treated like a lemming by a management that moves on every 2 years. Some would say that the leadership we had in our past successes has morphed into a spreadsheet and an auto emailer!?


I'm afraid until the Trade has had the chance to sort it's self out (there are plans afoot) then everything Applecruncher has said is pretty spot on. If you really want the Military lifestyle and want to move quickly through the ranks then consider the Royal Signals, your previous experience and quals will see you fly through the ranks (assuming you can stand the bull crap that the Army brings).


Flight Sergeant
I'm afraid until the Trade has had the chance to sort it's self out (there are plans afoot) then everything Applecruncher has said is pretty spot on. If you really want the Military lifestyle and want to move quickly through the ranks then consider the Royal Signals, your previous experience and quals will see you fly through the ranks (assuming you can stand the bull crap that the Army brings).

My wife is ex Royal Signals, and I've spent a large portion of my career working alongside them - so they are absolutely the last military career option that I would recommend!! Whilst a lot of the lads are generally a good bunch at Sgt and below, ALMOST all RS of SSgt and above that I have met have been utter cnuts, and from what I've seen of the Corps CoC and methodology, it's draconian and shortsighted at best.

If you're adamant about joining up, and can't get in the RAF, I'd say go for RN - at least then you'd see the world (instead of predominantly Lincolnshire) and you'd have better promotion prospects.

Whilst trying to remain neutral, here's how I see the Pros and Cons -

You'd experience the armed forces comeraderie
You will become a better person (sounds corny but I think military discipline does this to a person)
You will see things that you wouldn't in civvy street
You will (possibly) go places that you otherwise wouldn't
Your experience / knowledge may be useful for fast track promotion if you land in the right tour at the right time, with the right people.
You may be able to go straight for a Commission in the RAF if you are academically suited to the trade (we are desparately short on Eng Officers at the moment)
Cost of living within the military is getting more expensive, but pales in comparison to London!
With the current manpower shortages and PVR rate, promotion prospects could be very good.

You WILL take a massive drop in your income, for a significant length of time, which you cannot earn back by being more knowledgable
You WILL become extremely aggrevated by the military's position on the tech drag curve / learning curve (we are way behind most primary schools, and WAY WAY behind other world military powers such as the USA, China, Russia, Australia, etc...)
You WILL start at the very bottom, and your progression will be dictated by our promotion lottery system / how much your line manager likes or dislikes you (if you know more than they do, this could prove frustrating)
You may have to step away from your specialisation in order to get in (a bad idea if you ask me)
You would be joining when morale is at it's lowest point since the RAF was founded

There are probably many others, may I suggest that other goaters copy my lists and add new comments in red or something? That way we can build a nice pros / cons list up on without having to back-read the whole thread.
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Have worked in the city doing IT for a few years but hate the boring office work and commuting. I almost went for the RAF a few years back but then my previous job came up and being 18 I chased the money and have regretted it since. I want a challenge and I'm aware I would have to take a big pay cut but think it would be worth it to join the RAF.

I have looked at the ICT Technician (Cyberspace Communications Specialist) role and it sounds like a varied role which I what I'm looking for but having read into it both on here and other sites it sounds like I might end up being stuck in an office again.

So has anyone got any advice for what I could expect if I do end up going for the ICT Technician role.

And advice is greatly appreciated.


One thing you have to remember is that you aren't guaranteed the role you want within the trade. When you finish phase 2 training, you put preferences of where you want to go but you aren't guaranteed it. I didn't get any of my three choices when I left training, fortunately I'm enjoying the job I'm in now (mostly).

In regards to you taking a pay cut, have a think about your current financial commitments and whether or not you'd be able to maintain them over the year or so you'd be in training.

The truth is that there are some jobs within the trade that you could end up working in an office, however there are plans in the works to improve the trade. When or where we'll see the results of that, I don't know.



The first thing not to be taken in by is the "ICT Technician (Cyberspace Communications Specialist)" name.

I left the trade 3 years ago (luckily after working in the COMPUSEC side of things) and at that time there were only approx 30 Trade people (all SNCOs) actively working in Cyber Security.

This is a very small specialized portion of the trade and not the norm by any means. You will be working on older OS and apps and will probably bang your head against the wall at the time it takes those in charge to approve anything (by which time it's already out of date)!

From what you say of your technical background, personally I would suggest that you stay put as the Trade currently is in turmoil for pay / job specification / job satisfaction. If you still feel the need to join, the decision is yours to make bearing in mind that if you choose wrong, it will cost you money to sort the mistake.

I don't mean to put a total mockers on the job, but people are leaving in droves currently for a reason.


Have you thought about ICT Tech Reservist ?

It would give you an idea of what Service life might be like, without giving up your day job.... yet ?


I was an ICT tech, but PVR'd in Oct 2014 after 26+ years (Doesn't time fly !).

I worked on kit ranging from Satcomms to Radar, and spent over 6 months working on board with the Navy... never on any Cyber type stuff. The Cyberspace Comms Specialist (ICT Tech) is a bit of a misnomer depending how you look at it.



Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Thanks for all the advice so far. Some interesting things for me to consider.

If you don't mind disclosing it...what's your ballpark income right now? It may put things into perspective once you line it up with what you'll earn inside the mob over what time period when you've gotten used to the former figure.
Haha well I'm f*cked then lads, I'm just off basic about to move onto phase 2 soon (hopefully)!
I knew the trade would have it's ups and downs, but some of the comments are slightly unnerving to be honest. Ah well f*ck it the lads are good crack, ill get some quals off the back of it and hopefully by the time phase 2 is done the changes you guys are talking about will have happened.
To the OP, if it's something you have wanted to do for a long time and the financial side of things doesn't effect you too much (I took a hefty pay cut) then go for it, you live once and who wants to end up having regrets at the end of the day (proper cheese I know but it's true!).

Good luck with whatever you decide to do pal.


Have you thought about ICT Tech Reservist ?

I'm an ICT Tech Reservist currently at the end of phase 2 if you have any questions. By day I'm head of Software Development at a National cultural institution. I can't help with questions on deployment (actually working the trade in reservist terms) but I can assist on the parts which go before.


Just wanted to say thanks for the advice in this thread.

I have decided to join and have my PRTC in a few weeks time.


Currently in the midst of applying for this role, got my interview next week after I seem to have done well in the AST. If people are leaving as much as is suggested, does that mean that career prospects are going up for this trade then? It also looks from what I've seen so far to be a general purpose IT department Trade, or is it a dedicated group for a certain task?