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1st SJAR at a New Location, should you just expect a 'Dip' in recommendation?


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
Theoretically speaking if a time served, highly experienced 5yr+ Cpl who has worked extremely hard for many a year receives an overall B and 'Dev' with future rank of 'Cpl' on their 1st SJAR in a new post, should they just accept that as a fair result?

Points to note:

All previous SJARs (Bar their first one as a Cpl, naturally) allegedly had them assessed as an overall B+ and a 'Yes' (1st & 2nd RO) with a future rank of 'Sgt'. These SJARs took place on legacy platforms with their latest for a future platform environment.

Their first MPAR for this new post was very good, highlighting no negatives or room for improvement, even going so far as to mention that they 'achieved above and beyond' what was expected of them considering their time in the new post.

They even have all those extra ticks in those boxes that the board apparently loves such as valid secondary duties, community roles and personal development / education.

Their 1st RO is a member of the Senior Service so would this have a bearing on their approach to assessing a light blue?

The person referred to as the reportee is now at a loss on what to do, should they just accept it? They are of the opinion that there is no time left for them now (Entering resettlement period soon) as the board won't even read their SJAR this time round. A shame really as they are a highly competent individual who genuinely loves what they do but now they appear to just be there because they have to and not because they want to.

rocket scientist

It seems I was "over-assessed" as a Sgt for several years with the numbers not being backed up by enough evidence in the narrative. I asked my bosses why I hadn't been promoted and what was I doing wrong and also had a chat with the Chief Clerk. By chance, my 1st RO changed and he wrote me a heavily critical MPAR in order to give me a kick up the arse. That year my SJAR numbers were slightly reduced, the narrative filled with facts and evidence of what I'd done that year and I got promoted.

You can have high numbers but if the narrative doesn't support it then the board will see through it - maybe the current RO is actually a better report writer?

I'm a techie, not a shiney and this was just what I was told on my SJAR course.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
It happened a lot during my time in. I remember lots of HR bods saying "Don't worry, it will be read in context with your other SJARs". I thought that was bolloxs at the time and still do.

The pre-boarders (if they still exist) may read your report and score it higher based on the narrative, but I wouldn't hold out much hope. My recollection of the pre-boarders was an overworked small (four I think) bunch with targets that would give them a few minutes to read your SJAR and decide whether the 1st & 2nd RO were correct or whether to spend additional time (that they don't have) giving a different grade, explaining why and potentially having that read & checked by someone else who is equally overtasked.

I cant recall a single person in a competitive field who was selected for promotion on the back of a B and a Dev for the simple reason that a "Dev" means that they are not yet ready for promotion.


Theoretically speaking if a time served, highly experienced 5yr+ Cpl who has worked extremely hard for many a year receives an overall B and 'Dev' with future rank of 'Cpl' on their 1st SJAR in a new post, should they just accept that as a fair result?

Points to note:

All previous SJARs (Bar their first one as a Cpl, naturally) allegedly had them assessed as an overall B+ and a 'Yes' (1st & 2nd RO) with a future rank of 'Sgt'. These SJARs took place on legacy platforms with their latest for a future platform environment.

Their first MPAR for this new post was very good, highlighting no negatives or room for improvement, even going so far as to mention that they 'achieved above and beyond' what was expected of them considering their time in the new post.

They even have all those extra ticks in those boxes that the board apparently loves such as valid secondary duties, community roles and personal development / education. Doesn't really matter until you get on the Board.

Their 1st RO is a member of the Senior Service so would this have a bearing on their approach to assessing a light blue? It shouldn't !

The person referred to as the reportee is now at a loss on what to do, should they just accept it? They are of the opinion that there is no time left for them now (Entering resettlement period soon) as the board won't even read their SJAR this time round. A shame really as they are a highly competent individual who genuinely loves what they do but now they appear to just be there because they have to and not because they want to.

Don't accept it just yet. Book a chat with the 1st RO and discuss it.
Ask them to justify their thoughts (If the narrative doesn't make it clear enough). SJARs should be a 2 way thing now, so if He agrees to change it, bounce it back to him. If not, then there is always the option of the 'suicide box'.
It sounds like He still has at least 2 years left yet, so next time, this may just be seen as a blip, due to posting , and be disregarded by the next Board.
I was promoted/signed on with less than 2 months to go to my 22 ! :(

rocket scientist

For what it's worth, I've just looked through my SJARs -

5 years of A- and high recs = no promotion
a year of B+ and a high rec and I got my Chief


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
So theoretically speaking, if this individual feels that input is required in the so called 'Suicide Box' would they be justified in quoting their MPAR (Earlier stated as having no negative points and pointing out a development area (Say for example going from a Linewalker to the Co-Ordinator which the individual knows he will move into?

What about raising many points where Leadership, Management and Subordinate Development have been highly demonstrated but not mentioned in the SJAR?

The individual knows full well to keep emotions out of it.


Super Moderator
People put to much weight on what their "letter" is. Personally when I did 3rd member of a board it factored very little in my scoring of that individual. It was based on cracking examples in the narrative and an impressive front page explaining what they had achieved and what they plan to achieve.

Obviously there has to be a positive recommendation to get as far as being read by the board and this may be achieved by engaging with the 1st RO. Trust me sometimes plucking up the courage to challenge is worth it. I made suggestions to my 2nd RO last time round which resulted in her recalling it from HR as she had already finalised it.

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So theoretically speaking, if this individual feels that input is required in the so called 'Suicide Box' would they be justified in quoting their MPAR (Earlier stated as having no negative points and pointing out a development area (Say for example going from a Linewalker to the Co-Ordinator which the individual knows he will move into?

What about raising many points where Leadership, Management and Subordinate Development have been highly demonstrated but not mentioned in the SJAR?

The individual knows full well to keep emotions out of it.

Theoretically speaking, this individual in the first instance needs to discuss this with the 1st RO and and get him/her to justify the dev.

The grade doesn't really matter, but the dev will kill the SJAR before it gets to the board. As will any mention of developing in the potential.

If you're not happy with the justification then you need to speak to the second RO. The "suicide box" can be used, but I would leave it as a last resort, the 2nd RO may or may not comment on it.