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Rocking the Boat?


Flight Sergeant
Now what I am about to post is my idea, not policy just a thought. In this day and age of money saving requirements, I have come up with a radical plan. We streamline the officer corps!


All Officers join up and leave training as Fg Officers, regardless of whether they have a degree or not, in fact we ban degrees completely. As long as they have A Levels that'll do fine, plus there are far to many modern dance and media studies degrees for my liking! and get rid of Plt Officer, its a waste of braid. They remain as Fg Off's until such a time that their OJAR has enough recommendations for promotion to Flt Lt, then they are boarded and selected (the same way we are) then have to go on a commisioned JMLC! Heres the rub though, IOT make it more competitive we would ensure that Sqn Ldrs are in charge of Sqn's! Not Wg Cdrs, they would have Wings, exactly what it says on the tin! By having Sqn Ldrs in charge of Sqn's you only need 2 or 3 Flt Lt's as Flt Cdrs, therefore IOT be promoted you have to be 5hit hot at everything, not just have a degree, wait 3 years and pick up the rank (and pay of course). Pilots would be Officers (most of them would be happy as Fg Offs, at the end of the day they joined to fly not be saluted) All Navs would be SNCO's and any other aircrew (loadies, air eng etc) would be JNCO's. By doing this the RAF would make a massive saving not having to pay out as many wage packets from the rank of Flt Lt upwards. Think of an average FJ unit with 3 Flying Sqn's, thats 3 Wg Cdrs, then an OC Ops (a pilot normally) an OC BSW, an OC FSW, and probably an OC Depth, thats 7 Wg Cdrs! Get rid of the 3 from the Flying Sqn's and make OC Ops their top cover! There are normally 2 Sqn Ldrs per Flying Sqn get rid of one (you only need 1 CO) and have the senior Flt Lt as the 2 i/c. How much would that save then!

Awaits incoming!


The cull would be better off starting with those holding Air Ranks. :pDT_Xtremez_25: That way there'd be fewer feckwits at the top end, each currently with too much time on their hands thinking up new morale sapping ideas or stupid targets. :pDT_Xtremez_42:Once they've gone, those at the coal face could get on with the job rather than sending in stupid and pointless stats sheets on information that's already available if the higher ups could be bothered to put the effort in and look. :pDT_Xtremez_21: It'd also reduce the number of useless shiny magazines that are generated by these over-paid oxygen thieves trying to justify their (non)jobs.
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Somewhere else now!
So who would be in charge of an office consisting of RAF, Navy and civvies? Still a Sqn Ldr? Maybe the civvie Wg Cdr equivalent? Or maybe one of the WO's? :pDT_Xtremez_15:


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
That could be a Mister - Out-ranks the lot of 'em?


How about starting with the Supply Branch Stax? In the not too distant past there were just about the same number of Corporals as there were Flight Lieutenants.

All those IPT officer posts dontcherknow.

Do they really need all those IPT posts to be filled by officers?

As previously mentioned why not use Warrant Officers ?


Master of my destiny
How about starting with the Supply Branch Stax? In the not too distant past there were just about the same number of Corporals as there were Flight Lieutenants.

All those IPT officer posts dontcherknow.

Do they really need all those IPT posts to be filled by officers?

As previously mentioned why not use Warrant Officers ?

Because quite simply, the RAF is run by officers, for officers.


Flight Sergeant
Now there's an idea with merit, utilising someone with 30years+ experience to manage those less life qualified.

One of the main roles of a WO is to guide JO, in fact one WO said it me that it was his number one task. He saw his role to give as much experience to JO as he could before he left, I doubt he is the only one.


Flight Sergeant
How about starting with the Supply Branch Stax? In the not too distant past there were just about the same number of Corporals as there were Flight Lieutenants.

All those IPT officer posts dontcherknow.

Do they really need all those IPT posts to be filled by officers?

As previously mentioned why not use Warrant Officers ?

I fully agree! IMHO there are far too many in the branch. Its not that long ago that some of the Fg Offs coming off the SOT went to Stn Adj jobs! What a waste of training!

To answer the Air ranks comment by Odie, this would happen in time under my idea. Unfortunatley if you bin them now, they leave on vast pensions, I would rather see some work from them until they retire.