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Saluting Officers on Bikes


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
I thought you only saluted Harry's car if he was actually in it. I.E if it's parked outside SHQ with the flag on it but no one in it then ignore it, same goes for bikes with flags (Which I must admit I've never seen).

Nope. Flags on it, means his ass is in it (in theory), so if you see a car with a flag on it (excepting during the 6 nations, obviously), you salute it in the assumption that somone worth saluting is inside. ...


Nope. Flags on it, means his ass is in it (in theory), so if you see a car with a flag on it (excepting during the 6 nations, obviously), you salute it in the assumption that somone worth saluting is inside. ...
I agree if the car is moving as you've no idea who's inside, but if you know it is empty but the flag has been left on i.e parked outside SHQ you wouldn't salute it would you?


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
In theory, that shouldn't happen as the first thing the driver should do is take it off when he debuses. The whole activity is founded on the understanding that you may not be able to see if the main-dude is in the car or not, so the presence of the flaggy thing tells you (think matelots saluting quarterdecks on a boat).


Flight Sergeant
Looking out over the airfield at Lyneham when Queens Flight used to taxy past with the standard flying. We used to watch for the time when they'd take off with it still out. It never happened though - pause at the end of the runway - rolling - and it was gone! I guess it must have been something like a magicians bunch of flowers trick in reverse.


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
I remember a SNCO at the airbase in North Yorkshire going into the Sqn SENGO's office and getting a rollicking off said rodney for not wearing his hat and not saluting the Queens Commission.

Off trotted the snec, got his ferret from his locker went back to the SENGO's office jumped to attention, did a smart about turn and saluted the hat hanging on the back of the door before turning back to a rodney that was going purple with rage.

Well done PJ it was the best thing that ever happened on that squadron apart from twenty odd snecs putiing in their PVRs within a 30 day period.


I remember a SNCO at the airbase in North Yorkshire going into the Sqn SENGO's office and getting a rollicking off said rodney for not wearing his hat and not saluting the Queens Commission.

Off trotted the snec, got his ferret from his locker went back to the SENGO's office jumped to attention, did a smart about turn and saluted the hat hanging on the back of the door before turning back to a rodney that was going purple with rage.

Well done PJ it was the best thing that ever happened on that squadron apart from twenty odd snecs putiing in their PVRs within a 30 day period.

If you are entering an Officers office you should salute the Officer, only if you are wearing your headress, whilst the Officer in question was a little over zelous, the SNCO should have known better. He should have been wearing his headress before entering the office, his display of bravado was uncalled for and would only serve to make him look stupid and it was probably due to this episode that the others left the service, they were obviously disgusted by this buffoons antics.

Simple answer is yes, if an Officer is on a pushbike and you are on foot then you salute unless there is a local ruling to the contrary.


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
If you are entering an Officers office you should salute the Officer, only if you are wearing your headress, whilst the Officer in question was a little over zelous, the SNCO should have known better. He should have been wearing his headress before entering the office, his display of bravado was uncalled for and would only serve to make him look stupid and it was probably due to this episode that the others left the service, they were obviously disgusted by this buffoons antics.

Simple answer is yes, if an Officer is on a pushbike and you are on foot then you salute unless there is a local ruling to the contrary.
We didn't wear hats while working on aircraft !!

Rambling Sid

I worked in the Commcen and if we had to deliver any messages within the building where we worked we never put hats on. This was a general rule of thumb, and I worked for 3 tours in Group HQ buildings. If we had to go outside for any reason, like paper burning or to another building, then we put on our berets.


I've been out for nearly 20 years now and was shocked to see standards had dropped that much!
Eye sight standards that is if you cannot see some jumped up hoop wheezing his way towards you on a bike in time to hide behind a tree,skip in to the nearest building etc,best get down to specsavers!

GD on Wheels

Jumped out of a wagon out side the NAFFI at Bruggen with no hat on with an officer walking by, just stood to attention said "Morning Sir" he saluted back and off he went.


SNAFU master
Simple answer is yes, if an Officer is on a pushbike and you are on foot then you salute unless there is a local ruling to the contrary.

This works particularly well if the said officer is riding a "racing" bike (with dropped handlebars). It makes it a lot more difficult for him to salute. It's even more fun if you are on an ordinary bike, and salute as you pass.

Scaley brat

Trekkie Nerd
1000+ Posts
This works particularly well if the said officer is riding a "racing" bike (with dropped handlebars). It makes it a lot more difficult for him to salute. It's even more fun if you are on an ordinary bike, and salute as you pass.

My understanding of this was if they are on a bike and you're on foot, you salute but they are not expected to return it. Not that it really matters to civvy conny scum ::D:
I've been out for nearly 20 years now and was shocked to see standards had dropped that much!
Eye sight standards that is if you cannot see some jumped up hoop wheezing his way towards you on a bike in time to hide behind a tree,skip in to the nearest building etc,best get down to specsavers!

Indeed, ******************8:pDT_Xtremez_40:
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Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Indeed, My Bad:pDT_Xtremez_40:

My bad WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT MEAN. My bad toothache is playing up, my bad hairdo looks rubbish, my bad use of English really winds people up.
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JT 4 ever

everyone knows if you see an officer approaching, no matter if they are on a bike and broom stick or on foot, you quickly chance direction, run into the nearest building, look the other way or tie your shoe lace... FACT!


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
everyone knows if you see an officer approaching, no matter if they are on a bike and broom stick or on foot, you quickly chance direction, run into the nearest building, look the other way or tie your shoe lace... FACT!

Not exxactly the path of least resistance, but fine. Whatever pushes your buttons.
was told by a training officer recently that we definitely do not salute an officer on a bike - health and safety reasons. They might have an unfortunate accident...