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Occupation. Good or Bad.


Just watching the start, and holy f*ck, what a programme. Hope the rest is as good as the start.


Lets select 3 people who have managed to accumulate all the traumas affecting anyone that ever went anywhere near a desert, and make them all mates from one call sign.

Bit at the end was funny though. More of that please.

I mean, the IPS doing a check point? How unbelievable is that with the militia quietly waiting in the queue until they clock the blacked up lads back down the line? Please.

Anyway nothing like bas, nowhere near ****ty enough.


pie sandwich

I will be honest I gave it a miss because I thought it would be bo11ocks, since most dramas are when they are based on the forces, but I might have to give it a whirl on iplayer

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
I will be honest I gave it a miss because I thought it would be bo11ocks, since most dramas are when they are based on the forces, but I might have to give it a whirl on iplayer

Slightly off topic here PS.

Look up Tumbledown on youtube with Colin Firth as the lead act. Very British , very BBC and very recognisably military.


Inch High PI

I thought it was quite well done, lots of squaddie humour in there too.

I wish James Nesbitt would take off his fcuking Dessies when he is clearly back in the UK though. (That was meant in a non-gay way).


The Other Mods Made Me Do It
Apparently we had about sh!t load of wokkas in Basrah when it was made. Every time they are outside 2 fly over.


It must have been an everyday occurance to have a Brit in civvies wandering about the streets with a few hundred tho in $ in his day sack !!

Wouldnt have got 100 yds ffs


Warrant Officer
Well its a damn sight more realistic than that bag of b0ll0cks that is Warzone/whateverthereafprmachinearecallingitthisweek. :pDT_Xtremez_14:


relistic or not it is a good tv drama when compared with the reality/talentless tv sh1te we are usually bombarded with.


Though its was alright. Found the "2 chinooks" in almost every outside setting pretty funny.

Off Topic
One thing i hate seeing though are dead brits [even if it is a program on the BBC]
It just makes me feel a bit sh1ite, i cant help but think to myself that could be me. Hope at least 1 other person knows what im gassing about!


Flight Sergeant
I thought it was pretty poor
From the opening shots of them debussing from an M113 APC (U.S) it pretty much went down hill
They were carrying SA80 A1 (L85A1) when everyone else who went to Iraq got L85A2
Was Nesbitt an Infantry Colour Sgt or a RAMC Sgt? it seemed to change every 5 minutes
Although in fairness he seemed to be on tour every 5 minutes
He just seemed to go to Iraq whenever he felt like it and then wander round Basra untouched
They overrun a hospital where 1 British Soldier and his interpretor is and let them both walk out despite shooting the doctor
As for him cutting about Basra in one Landrover with no top cover what a load of tosh
Although I don't suppose he needed it because if he had thrown a stick in the air he would have hit a Chinook
Don't even get me started on the beret which he then handed down to his son who in the end was so embarressed he topped himself whilst trying to get a signal on his moby (probably on Orange)
Squaddie dashes into a room and dosen't check the knicker drawer?
What a load of rubbish first thing you do is find the birds trollys 'specially a foreign burd
Dash - Enter - Locate - Empty - Sniff - Pocket - Wank over later that's what you do on entering a strange room or is that a Wraf's room I forget

I suppose it was good for civvies to watch and may have highlited some issues but IMHO poorly researched and a bit of a mis mash which seemed to include alot of urban myths


Not sure exactly how accurate it was but it was watchable stuff.

As a civvie it was good to watch, better than alot of drama's out there - but like its been mentioned.. Unsure how accurate it was, judging by other people comments not very!

Good watch anyway IMHO!


Super Moderator
I also thought this was a bloody good drama, emphasis put on the word drama.

Yes, there was some areas that could have been more factual but it was still very watchable.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I thought it was pretty poor
From the opening shots of them debussing from an M113 APC (U.S) it pretty much went down hill
They were carrying SA80 A1 (L85A1) when everyone else who went to Iraq got L85A2
Was Nesbitt an Infantry Colour Sgt or a RAMC Sgt? it seemed to change every 5 minutes
Although in fairness he seemed to be on tour every 5 minutes
He just seemed to go to Iraq whenever he felt like it and then wander round Basra untouched
They overrun a hospital where 1 British Soldier and his interpretor is and let them both walk out despite shooting the doctor
As for him cutting about Basra in one Landrover with no top cover what a load of tosh
Although I don't suppose he needed it because if he had thrown a stick in the air he would have hit a Chinook
Don't even get me started on the beret which he then handed down to his son who in the end was so embarressed he topped himself whilst trying to get a signal on his moby (probably on Orange)
Squaddie dashes into a room and dosen't check the knicker drawer?
What a load of rubbish first thing you do is find the birds trollys 'specially a foreign burd
Dash - Enter - Locate - Empty - Sniff - Pocket - Wank over later that's what you do on entering a strange room or is that a Wraf's room I forget

I suppose it was good for civvies to watch and may have highlited some issues but IMHO poorly researched and a bit of a mis mash which seemed to include alot of urban myths

It was a drama, not a documentary! Regarding the A2, it was because they couldnt get hold of any A2 theatrical weapons.


Flight Sergeant
It was a drama however I stand by my comments about the in mistakes
Theatrical weapons are only plastic so how hard would it be to create a A2 cocking handle ?
Or what about a nice BB gun I found a rake of replicas for about £300 after about 5 minutes on google (see below)
Maybe it's just me but a bit of accuracy would help the story
It was a good story but I assume that whoever the advisor was hadn't been to Basra around the time it was set
Compare it to the other BBC drama Warriors about Bosnia and this was sadly lacking
If anybody knows - were the MOD contacted for help kit wise etc
I remember Soldier Soldier had full MOD backing and I assume Warriors did also

Look what £310 buys you
