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Huge Pay rise.



Rumour has it, a high ranking officer has informed the masses that this years inflation busting pay rise will be 1.5%

Anyone heard such morale boosting news anywhere else?


Master of my destiny
Rumour has it, a high ranking officer has informed the masses that this years inflation busting pay rise will be 1.5%

Anyone heard such morale boosting news anywhere else?

Wind up! Even with this government's brass neck, they wouldn't dare!:raf:


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
My money's on 1.9% pay rise this year.

Followed by 1.9% pay rise in 2009. But you will be able to get loads of LSA (TAXABLE OF COURSE) when again we put our lives on the line in the move for the Oil in Iran.

Oh and you WILL still be TAXED when OOA despite being OOA for between 4 -8 months.

For Queen and Country and all that tosh...........


Higher Pay Band Shiney
You'll get a few quid back in council tax though!! Don't know what we're moaning about.:pDT_Xtremez_42:


I did hear on the rumour mill that the x-factor will be increased as a back door payrise.

But if it happens I will be very surprised.

How can Gordy say inflation is 1.5% when everything I buy or pay for are rocketing up, petrol, gas/electricity and food. I would love to meet the guy doing the maths on this and buy him a new calculator.


I did hear on the rumour mill that the x-factor will be increased as a back door payrise.

There's certainly a rumour doing the rounds that it's going from 13% of our total pay up to 20%. :pDT_Xtremez_14: Just how true that is remains to be seen. :rolleyes:


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
If we dont get a very good pay rise, there would be hell to play in the media, possibly to the extent that the Govt would be brought down.

I reckon the public are largely apathetic to fireman, police, nurses, teachers etc and they would not gain much public sympathy.

However as some of our comrades come home from war zones in coffins, then we could be treated as a "special" case by the Govt Spin Doctors, which in turn would increase their popularity without them being accused of caving in.

.....At least I hope to God this is how it pans out.

Ross Kemp's Documentary could not have been aired at a better time really with an announcement imminent.

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
Ross Kemp's Documentary could not have been aired at a better time really with an announcement imminent.

Makes you wonder about Sky TV's loyalties doesn't it? I bet the BBC wouldn't have shown it at this time of year.

I reckon we have 2-3 weeks more speculation before we are put out of our misery although we were into March before last year's announcement was made.


Tashied Goatee
If we dont get a very good pay rise, there would be hell to play in the media, possibly to the extent that the Govt would be brought down.

I reckon the public are largely apathetic to fireman, police, nurses, teachers etc and they would not gain much public sympathy.

However as some of our comrades come home from war zones in coffins, then we could be treated as a "special" case by the Govt Spin Doctors, which in turn would increase their popularity without them being accused of caving in.

.....At least I hope to God this is how it pans out.

Ross Kemp's Documentary could not have been aired at a better time really with an announcement imminent.

I'm sorry but i have to dissagree....the government doesn't give a sh1te and to a certain extent the public just want to keep their eyes and ears closed.

I would expect you at best to get an average of 2.5% (maybe up to 7% for lower ranks again)....anything more and your lucky....they may increase the x-factor but i doubt it as this would be some sort of admission thats it's been way too low for way too long !

Fingers crossed you get a good one, but prepare to be dissappointed.

Crack on....................:pDT_Xtremez_09:
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Warrant Officer
Got to agree with tashy here. Never underestimate the power of the publics apathy.
If it doesn't concern them, they don't care.


To be honest it wouldnt supprise me if,, just like the police, the forces had to take an effective pay cut. Lets face it, Tax exemption for time served on ops, and this supposed 25% council tax cut again for time served. The government are going to want to take it back some how.

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
To be honest it wouldnt supprise me if,, just like the police, the forces had to take an effective pay cut. Lets face it, Tax exemption for time served on ops, and this supposed 25% council tax cut again for time served. The government are going to want to take it back some how.

They have never given it to us so they can't take it back. Every time they introduce something like the Operational Allowance it comes with the caveat "to be paid for out of the existing defence budget". So the £1500 we each get for spending time in the sandbox must equate to a couple of tanks by now.
I can see a 2% on our pay and a 4% rise on the x factor (thats the total x factor, not your total pay) which will be spun too say that we're getting 6% when it actually amounts to around 2.4%.

To be honest after seeing the way the coppers got shafted I can see this scottish goverment backdating the pay for jocks in blue suits


I can see a 2% on our pay and a 4% rise on the x factor (thats the total x factor, not your total pay) which will be spun too say that we're getting 6% when it actually amounts to around 2.4%.

To be honest after seeing the way the coppers got shafted I can see this scottish goverment backdating the pay for jocks in blue suits

Sorry mate just because HM Gov is populated by and large by fellow scots, one of whom got there by some very dubious means in my opinion, it does not mean that we like, support, trust or would even p!ss on them if they were on fire in the street.

Wonky Tonka

I can see a 2% on our pay and a 4% rise on the x factor (thats the total x factor, not your total pay) which will be spun too say that we're getting 6% when it actually amounts to around 2.4%.

To be honest after seeing the way the coppers got shafted I can see this scottish goverment backdating the pay for jocks in blue suits

I tried hard not to bite on this one, but get a grip!

Mr Brown doesn't give a rats ar*e about the country as a whole, so there's no chance of him making an exception for Scotland.

As Tourettes said, they might be Scots, but they are all still politicians and as such are only slightly above journos in the pond-life stakes::/:


I have to agree with those who are going for a pay rise of between 1.5 and 3 %. We in the forces are probably the easiest group to stiff, after all when was the last time the Armed forces went on strike!!::/:
Annual payrises are generally given with one hand and taken away with the other (MQ\Accom\PAYD\Food Charge rises) anyway, it just seems to hurt more at the moment!

Anyway, cant stop to think about pay issues, we should all be prepping for next OOA ??

Talk about kick 'em when they're down.

Just remember, we have no retention problems, no mass PVR's and we are certainly not over-stretched!!