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John Reid - Unfortunate Or Incompetent?

John Reid - Unfortunate Or Incompetent?

  • Unfortunate to inherit a cr@p department.

    Votes: 26 66.7%
  • Incompetent at running his department.

    Votes: 8 20.5%
  • A good egg, let him get on with it.

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Unfortunate to inherit a cr@p department and incompetent at running it too.

    Votes: 4 10.3%

  • Total voters


The Other Mods Made Me Do It
Today there has more scandals from the Home Office - 322 convicted sex offenders are missing, as well as thousands of passports.

In the past week we have seen paedophiles being let off a prison stretch because the Home Office have 'advised' judges not to send people down.

Additionally, drug traffickers can go abroad whenever they want, because no records are being kept.

Any thoughts from the E-Goat community?


Flight Sergeant
Personally i'd say he's incompetant, he can't say the problems he's facing are caused by the previous government because being labour he is part of the previous government.


As much as I hate to say it but I reckon he is unfortunate enough to have inherited a bag of ****e.
Thats not to say that his hierachy wont blame him for someone elses balls-ups they either put him there to sort it out or get rid of him with the blame, but unlike us I am certain he is more than financially compensated for his time.
But than again he is a an MP and therefore a TW@T. he gets what he deserves!!!
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Seymour Tw@tt

Personally I think he's ok. He's a rare breed among politicians, he tells you exactly what he thinks. But, cos he's a politician, that's not always the best thing. He has really inherited a bag o' sh!te... even more so than the Ulster job...

The home office is a nest of vipers at the best of times. You have the judiciary, the mongiest bunch of over-privileged mongs, who to help this country should all commit mass suicide. Like, where do they really come from? Planet @rsehole????

Then you have the chief constables. I believe it would be the best thing for this country to have mergers of forces - do you realise there are 43 police forces in England and Wales??? That's 43 Chief Constables! Talk about jobs for the boys. These are the blokes (and wimmin) responsible for some cracking ideas - don't chase thieves on motorbikes, just a telling off for yobs, wonderful. Trouble is, the poor bobby on the beat gets it in the neck...

So - the Home Office. A true definition of lunatics taking over the asylum...



Sorry Seymour I have to disagree with some of what you say. No doubt about it he inherited a bag of sh1te in the Home Office bt it is only what the lying hypocritical barsteward deserves.

Having met him and been privvy to a couple of his private thoughts on Social reform and public services I can assure you he most definitely does not say in public what he thinks or means. He is absolutely 100% closet communist still, and always will be. He is almost as big a liar as his boss.


Personally i'd say he's incompetant, he can't say the problems he's facing are caused by the previous government because being labour he is part of the previous government.

I totally agree, this mess is of their own making, they have had nearly 10 years to get this right, just another example of New Labour!!!!!:pDT_Xtremez_42:


He's been in the job long enough now to have got a handle on what's wrong with it, and tell the public before the red-tops splashed it. He didn't, probably because he was hoping to keep a lid on it and try and sort it - oops!

I'm with GEM on this one Seymour, probably the only reason the departments in such a sh1te state is because none of them have had the spine to get it gripped properly and keep buggering about with the police and judiciary, which is why they keep getting 'resistance' to their reforms.

As for merging the police forces, they tried that if you remember, forced the scuffers into funding the requirements and reports, then scrapped when the reports said it wouldn't work and screwed them over by not giving them the money back.

Seymour Tw@tt

He's been in the job long enough now to have got a handle on what's wrong with it, and tell the public before the red-tops splashed it. He didn't, probably because he was hoping to keep a lid on it and try and sort it - oops!

I'm with GEM on this one Seymour, probably the only reason the departments in such a sh1te state is because none of them have had the spine to get it gripped properly and keep buggering about with the police and judiciary, which is why they keep getting 'resistance' to their reforms.

As for merging the police forces, they tried that if you remember, forced the scuffers into funding the requirements and reports, then scrapped when the reports said it wouldn't work and screwed them over by not giving them the money back.

What I want to know is why they don't converge a few of the smaller forces into bigger ones. What the hell, some of them have little over 1000 officers in them! Now that must be a cushy number for the Chief Con, yet forces like Cumbria, the Met, any of the city forces must have a crappy time with their areas and responsibilities



They were looking to produce an 'East Anglian' force comprising Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk forces - they then realised that the Norfolk and Suffolk forces are mostly rural and would leech manpower from Essex, leaving the more urban areas short of manpower, which would likely cause an increase in undeteceted crime, while all the crooks doing Norfolk and Suffolk would stop blagging rural areas and move to the urban areas, where there would be fewer coppers :pDT_Xtremez_42:

The only answer is to get more coppers on the streets and back in the villages, when they had their own bobbies crime in rural areas was almost non-existent...bring back Dixon of Dock Green I say!


Girlie Brosette Mod - I owe you nothing...oooh ah!
Could we not have another option....unfortunate at inheriting a cr@p department and incompetent at running it too!


He came into position and publically said that the place was a pile of sh*te and needed sorting. Apparently, the last bloke (or was it the one before??) couldn't SEE what was going on!

I think this is him turning over stones and lifting carpets and finding all the stuff that people have swept under there in an attempt to hide them! As much as i hate this fnucking government I think he's actually digging these things out and is trying to fix them. It looks bad because it is bad but at least he's trying to sort it out!

Even though he is a commie tw*t!!!!!


Whilst he may be a bag of left wing cummunist poo, the Minister is very much a figure head. The Home Office is obviously a right bag of crap, but it has been let to go that way by the Civil Serpants running the various departments below him. Maybe he should drop some of those before he does puts his own head on the block.


Im not a Labour supporter but I think John Reid is one of the better Home Secs this Government has had.

Scaley brat

Trekkie Nerd
1000+ Posts
I think this man took over a bag of cr@p. He's a future leader of the labour party and possibly prime minister. As previously stated he is turning over the rocks, he deserves better support from us as he's exposing the flaws. Good on him, an MP worth having........

Ginger beer

The world according to me

The world according to me

Now I'm a bit of a conspiricy theorist. Reid, as mentioned above is a possible candidate for the top job when Tone stands down. The home office will always get front page tabloid attention when things go to cock, So how about this for a theory? Gordon the control freak wants to hamstring any potential challenge to him in the summer, so Reids ( and other) departments are strarved of funding in the short term to ensure poor publicity and Gordon gets in on the nod. Tony is so powerless now that he was jeered by his own backbenches last week at PMQ. I think things may get bloody once Bliar announces the date.

On a slightly different political tack, The immigration fiasco and the bleatings of the human rights/liberal beardy brigade may lead to a scenario that is totally of their own making, that is the resurgence of the extreme right in British politics. We already have BNP councillors all over the country, perhaps an MP in the next few years? That said, it will all be irrelevant if Tone sells us out to the EU superstate the ex-commie German leader has planned.


Thats an option i have been waiting for!!!

The department was in serious crisis, but he hasnt done bugger all about it!!!


True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
Of all the Labour politicians John Reid is the only one I've any time for. In his first Government job as Armed Forces Minister he came across as a guy who was serious about his intent to improve funding, equipment, reduce overstretch, etc. I was chuffed when he took over Defence from Buff-Hoon. If only Blunkett and Big Ears could have kept their trousers on things might be a little easier in the world of Defence.

I do sympathise with the fact that the Home Office is in a hell of a state, but it's now his job to sort it out and telling judges not to put paedos in jail is never going to be the right way to do it.

I think Guy Fawkes had the right idea!!


Warrant Officer
He's a politician ........

He's a politician ........

.....and thus a buffoon.
Would you vote for Joe Schmo off the street to run ICI, Glaxo, Tesco? No. So why do we think these dickwads can run complex depts. like the home office?
ALL of them are about as much use as a one legged man in an arse kicking contest.