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What jabs will I get?


What jabs will I need to get after joining? I've heard there are six including Hep A, Hep B, and Yellow Fever, but not sure if this correct or what are the others.


Warrant Officer
You will get everything you need to be in the armed forces.. The medics will know what you need, so no need to worry about which ones.....unless you are scared of needles of course.

In that case, You should worry ;) Huge javelin-esquire needles being thrown at your arms by blindfolded medics 30 feet away ;)


In that case, You should worry ;) Huge javelin-esquire needles being thrown at your arms by blindfolded medics 30 feet away ;)

Boy, standards have slipped since I went to Swinderby.....only 30 ft?

Wonder if they still give you a double PE lesson walking over the suspended beam immediately after your Yellow Fever jab. One of our flight bounced quite well after that one.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
You will get everything you need to be in the armed forces.

Interesting you should say that Fomz. I spent 25 years keeping up to date with my jabs, convinced that they were there for my protection. Then in 2013, just before I deployed to the middle east, there was a shortage of Typhoid vaccinations at military medical centres, although my local Boots would vaccinate me for £20.

The advice from the medics was "Its ok, you don't need the jab", and when I pointed out that I'd been having this baseline jab for 25 years as per the orders I'd been given and I'd really like the jab seeing as I'm deploying, was told that if I got the jab done privately I wouldn't be refunded the cost of the jab.

This sort of attitude was one of the triggers for me leaving.


Boy, standards have slipped since I went to Swinderby.....only 30 ft?

Wonder if they still give you a double PE lesson walking over the suspended beam immediately after your Yellow Fever jab. One of our flight bounced quite well after that one.

Apparently my CIO didn't fancy forwarding my medical records to recruit training, and RTS didn't feel like telling me before I turned up for day 1 (which was a little late for me to go home and grab a copy)

So first medical centre visit comes along and I received every jab in one go - 4 in one arm, 3 in the other and a sugar lump (Polio? Yellow Fever? no idea...)

I felt a bit rough for a day or two afterwards.


So first medical centre visit comes along and I received every jab in one go - 4 in one arm, 3 in the other and a sugar lump (Polio? Yellow Fever? no idea...)

I felt a bit rough for a day or two afterwards.

The polio would be the sugar lump and the one that hit all of our flight hard was the Yellow Fever jab. Even getting the boosters to YF later in years made me feel like sh1t for a day or two.

As for feeling like a dartboard, I well remember that also and I had given them my civvie medical docs!


Would the Typhoid jab be standard across private and military sector. If not would you fall foul if you became ill as a result of going private such as self inflicted. If I remember rightly and this is dusty clogging ye olde braincell. The Malaria pills or injection can't remember was changed late eighties. If I recall people during the nineties were falling ill on holiday resorts or when they came back. just my ten pence worth.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Apparently my CIO didn't fancy forwarding my medical records to recruit training, and RTS didn't feel like telling me before I turned up for day 1 (which was a little late for me to go home and grab a copy)

So first medical centre visit comes along and I received every jab in one go - 4 in one arm, 3 in the other and a sugar lump (Polio? Yellow Fever? no idea...)

I felt a bit rough for a day or two afterwards.

I remember the jab queue at Swinderby. All queued up outside in overalls on a dull January morning. Once inside the medic block we went to shirt sleeves and underwent the needle and sugar cube barrage. Top bit of overalls back on and paraded outside till everyone in the flight of 50 had finished. Then double march to the gymnasium for a couple of hours of PT, which was a bit of circuit training then round after round of the gymnasium "assault course".

From this I was able to understand the reason the RAF had mirror techs. They were not there to help you get or remain fit, they were there because the RAF was allowed to give jobs to the most stupid of W@nkers.


The jabs we needed within our group were Yellow Fever, Hep A, Hep B and Tetanus. They also checked my diphtheria records. Hep A and Hep B were out of stock though, so we need to come back for them later.