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How are Auggies viewed by Regulars ?



Hi all.

I have recently joined the RAF Reserves and I'm currently going through my phase 1 training. I have a number of questions that I thought I would ask on here. The first being the title of this post. How do regulars look at an Auggie ? For instance. If I'm deployed to back fill somewhere for a number of months would I be treated the same as the regs, by the regs, or would I be given the jobs that no one wants to do ? Don't get me wrong, we all have to do jobs that no one likes, its the same on civie street, so I certainly wouldn't expect any special treatment ! I feel that being an Auggie, I will need to give that bit extra to prove to the regs that I'm up to the job, or at the same standard so to speak.

The reason why this question has come into mind is; on my second Sqn training weekend I was in a GSK lesson when one of our JNCO's commented that "for most of you this is just a hobby". Don't get me wrong, I'm not in any way having a go at this guy as in my eyes he's a top bloke with a lot of service under his belt and one that I have the upmost respect for. But it did get me thinking on how I will be viewed when serving.

My second question is about the Falklands. I have been told that it is likely that I will be deployed to the Falklands. I have no issue with this, infact quite the opposite, I will feel proud and honoured to serve out there. However, I have heard some negative comments regarding accommodation etc. What is the accommodation like ? do you get your own room, or is it a dorm ? is there wifi available ? in terms of phoning home what are the mobile phone networks like out there ? or how often are you allowed to phone home ? Also, if deployed how long would it be for ? would it be a six month deployment or more/less ?

Any answers on these questions would be much appreciated.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
A lot of questions there! Here's my slant:

Auggies should be viewed exactly the same as regulars. I take my hat off to anyone who is prepared to do military service for the love of it, not just the money. No need to put in 110% (100% will do) - by virtue of you being prepared to put your life on hold for up to a year makes you ok in my book!

As regards the Falklands - As I understand it, an auggy gets mobilised for a period to cover pre-deployment training, the deployment itself, and all the post-op and annual leave that you accrue through being mobilised. The unit I am familiar with mobilises personnel for 12 months in total, of which 6 months (max) is spent on deployment. However, they dont deploy to the Falklands, so the training programme and duration may be different.

As regards accom and facilities, the rooms are ok and depending on your rank depends on what your sharing arrangements will be (Offs & SNCOs get their own room), the food is good, there is internet and mobile phones can be used pretty much anywhere on the base, but be aware of the cost! You get a card which allows you 30 mins phone calls per week for free.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
I don't know what squadron you are at, but if some FTRS instructor voiced his opinion in that matter on ours, I might be more than tempted to take issue. He can HAVE that opinion, fine. Many do (and it's a disruptive and outdated culture that runs vertically to the very top, which is causing no end of trouble). But to say it outright to a Phase 1 trainee is plain wrong.

Suffice it to say that ours has lost 2 men on active service, doing their "hobby", and we are still sending more "hobbyists" out to the sandpit even now.

No idea how long your Phase 2 is, but you cant be deployed until that is complete, plus any specialist training required for the job.

Keyser Söze

Without exception Auggies, FTRS, Regs should all be treated the same, no-one should ever be singled never more so than when on Ops/excercise etc. Such remarks as have been made are ignorant, offensive and disrespectful.

Its one team ffs ! we can all have issues with certain people/sections (unless they're TG17 in which case they're fair game lol) but get over it and walk a mile in their shoes before tarring them with that sh1tty stick (unless its TG17 in which case they're always wrong even when they're right they're still wrong)


Looking at you location I think that your Sqn is fairly new. Part of the problem with the new Auggie trades that is that regulars in those trades will not have had much exposure to Auggies (and it sounds like your JNCO has not had much exposure to Auggies too).

For us movers, we are pretty much integrated with the regulars as we have had guys deployed since 1999 so most of us 'hobbyists' have served in Iraq or Afghan. From the feedback that I have seen, the regs love our work ethic as we really want to be there plus they value our experience outside the RAF.

As for mobilisation - I can't really comment on your Sqn. We are mobilised for 5 or 6 months which compromises of 1-2 months pre deployment training, 3 moths deployment and 1 month post deployment leave. If you are planned to go to the Falklands, then I would read up on the posts here as it does seem that how you enjoy your deployment depends on how much you want to make of it, do you stay in the bars every day or do you go tours etc.


you sound like a nerd, but as long as you can drink a vast amount of beer and don't mind shagging some very ugly wrafs, the falklands rip


I can speak from experience as I am on a RAuxF Sqn as a member of the training staff. He should not be in any way shape or form saying this is only a hobby. You are giving up your free time to come and defend your contry, he should be applauding you and have the upmost respect for you. I can certainly say that on our Sqn we are greatful for the likes of yourselves for having the energy and courage to do this. Your Sqn should be answering all the questions you have asked here on the forum. As most people have said you will not deploy until you are Q-Ops - Qualified Operations, and then it is only when everthing fits for you i.e famliy, work and such. we will not be coming to your front door and forcing you off somewhere at a moments notice.. PM me if you need any more advice or to answer any other questions your Sqn is not able to answer.And don't listen to the likes of this muppet.


How are Auggies viewed by Regulars ?

Hi guys.

Thanks for the replies and comments, they have certainly put my mind at rest in regards to how the regs would view an auggie.

Its onwards with the rest of my training now, and Im just looking forward t becoming Q-Ops and serving with the RAF wherever that may be.

Once again guys thanks for your advice, and offers of any future advice, its much appreciated.

One last thing; BALLBAG "you sound like a nerd" ... You seem to have an appropriate name ! ******


Hi guys.

Thanks for the replies and comments, they have certainly put my mind at rest in regards to how the regs would view an auggie.

Its onwards with the rest of my training now, and Im just looking forward t becoming Q-Ops and serving with the RAF wherever that may be.

Once again guys thanks for your advice, and offers of any future advice, its much appreciated.

One last thing; BALLBAG "you sound like a nerd" ... You seem to have an appropriate name ! ******

Well said sir, always fight your corner.:biggrin::biggrin:


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
you sound like a nerd, but as long as you can drink a vast amount of beer and don't mind shagging some very ugly wrafs, the falklands rip

There is no such thing as an ugly WRAF once they set foot on Falklands soil. I don't think the opportunity of drinking vast amounts of beer is as prevalent as it used to be either?


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
A lot of questions there! Here's my slant:

the food is good, .

Spoken like a true SNCO, ;)unfortunately as a Junior the food is shocking. It's common practice to remove choices from the JR's to move next door to the SNCO's when things start to run low. I saw it happen at least twice and nearly all the guys I worked with has similar stories. They are then replaced with the cheapest chicken nuggets on the market, chicken should never be eaten in paste form. The food in FI last time I was there was a disgrace most days, unfortunately though our leaders only see fit to supply a few pounds a day to feed us, the chefs do what they can with the resources they have.

There's no excuse for replacing a full tray of real food with deep fried crap though.