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FT Again!



So how do people think they did in the recent FT exams?

If the rumours are correct then the SAC-Cpl board may be interesting!

Was there any difference in the question style from last time?


Is there any truth in the rumour that only 9 SACs passed this time?

Makes it really worth postponing the SAC-Cpl board :pDT_Xtremez_35:


Is there any truth in the rumour that only 9 SACs passed this time?

Makes it really worth postponing the SAC-Cpl board :pDT_Xtremez_35:

The board was delayed as there was a lack of potential candidates for promotion. This still may be the case!

My personal opinion is that there may be some promotions this year but not as many as people think.

Assessments will still come into play, regardless of the number of people passed FT, so you will still have to be recommended for promotion at least.

If any of you are having problems with the exam have you spoken to anyone in your chain of command about it or are you simply burying your head in the sand and hoping for better luck next time?

Those who know me are well aware of my views on the subject. If you think there is a genuine problem with the exams then pm me and I will fight your corner with the powers that be.

On the other hand if you are simply not doing the work then you only have yourselves to blame!


Well the SAC-Cpl board have sat, and the report is available on the Manning intranet pages ... anyone heard anything yet?


Well the SAC-Cpl board have sat, and the report is available on the Manning intranet pages ... anyone heard anything yet?

Might have...

Spoke to the specialist member this afternoon and I think there will be some surprises afoot!

Not too sure when the names will be released but I will keep my ear to the ground to see when the next Apps course is.


Agreed! Some very surprising names will be coming off this one - we've already heard on the grapevine the board have been reading candidates with only 2 reports!


Agreed! Some very surprising names will be coming off this one - we've already heard on the grapevine the board have been reading candidates with only 2 reports!

They would have been C Cat candidates if I am not mistaken - a board may read some of these to ensure that the Reading Cell have done their job properly. I would be surprised if many (if any) C Cats are picked up.

The rumour mill earlier in the year suggested another board post Apr 09 FT exam to make up the shortfall.

Simply put, if you think you are due promotion, pass the exam!


Simply put, if you think you are due promotion, pass the exam!
I passed it, 2 years ago!

Is there any truth in the rumours that people at BL know exactly where they came off the board AND if they are on the next Apps course?

The only info we've got down here at SA is that the Drafter requested nobody ring to find out their position on the board till after Xmas :(


Rant on//
I've got to the point that I'm really fed up with people whining that they haven't passed the FTT exam and they should have been picked up but missed out out because of not passing the exam.

The simple answer is they need to sort out their LMF and get a grip and apply themselves to the study pack. If they can't be bothered to put some graft in to pass the exam and gain the Q that makes them eligible for promotion, it's their own fault end of!

And I hasten to to say the whinging isn't just coming from SACs. I know this shows a complete lack of sympathy, but we all know where to find that in the dictionary!
Rant off//


Hubfail sorry not directed at you mate, more of a broad brush rant at the apathy of some of the bods in our trade.

What I hear quite often from a lot people is them bleating about how they could have or should have been picked up if it wasn't for the exam. My answer every time is get yer finger out and do it then.



I think a number of people around the Units have been told if they are on the Jan Apps course. This is only fair as I think the course starts around about the first week back in work and if people have to travel etc etc.


Whilst I agree with your sentiment there are also some fundamental flaws with both the actual exam and the way it is marked. At a UTM meeting earlier this year all the UTMs were tasked with writing some scenario style questions based on the study packs. Although not a UTM I was asked by ours to write some of these. From what I can gather though the exam questions were exactly the same style as the previos exams although don't quote me on this.

Those on here who know me will know that I have some strong views on FTT. I do support it existing (I started my Prom 1 learning the 500001D Annex Q verbatim so I have little sympathy for those who dont put the work in!) but there are some issues that need addressing.

Why get rid of negative marking because not enough people are passing only to put up the pass mark by 20%? There is still no weighting given to each section (why ask 10 Qs on a module 100 pages long and another 10 Qs on a 10 page module?)

I have made my feelings clear throught the Chain, have all of you? If everyone that has passed the exam wrote to the Trade Sponsor (pm me for his name and address!) to tell him all the problems with the system then things may change!

Fearless Leader

NAIDOY, if you remember when a now retired WO did the Trade Review back in 2000/2001ish we were all asked for our comments and were invited to send them to the Trade Sponsor.

I did and incorporated all the comments from the NW London TG12 contingent and I know it got through because my little part of the trade was part of HQ2Gp at the time - or was it 11/18Gp? We've had so many fracking re-orgs who cares...

Anyway nothing was done, the rumour at the time was that the report was final and our comments were all binned. I spoke to the Deputy Trade Sponsor at that time and she had not seen any comments. As a result we lost all SACs overseas postings and a shed of other jobs as part of the drive to focus on the 'core of the trade'.

Fast forward 8 or so years and those same jobs have been 'recreated' at Ay Nik and many of those non-mainstream skills that were sh*t on by our esteemed retired WO are now front and centre of the branch. So much so that FCs are no longer FCs and the SFC has changed name. I like the new FT and I think it's been a long time coming, it just pees me off that a WO can have so much power and as a result we spend 15 years fighting off the aftershock of their influence.


NAIDOY, if you remember when a now retired WO did the Trade Review back in 2000/2001ish we were all asked for our comments and were invited to send them to the Trade Sponsor.

I did and incorporated all the comments from the NW London TG12 contingent and I know it got through because my little part of the trade was part of HQ2Gp at the time - or was it 11/18Gp? We've had so many fracking re-orgs who cares...

Anyway nothing was done, the rumour at the time was that the report was final and our comments were all binned. I spoke to the Deputy Trade Sponsor at that time and she had not seen any comments. As a result we lost all SACs overseas postings and a shed of other jobs as part of the drive to focus on the 'core of the trade'.

Fast forward 8 or so years and those same jobs have been 'recreated' at Ay Nik and many of those non-mainstream skills that were sh*t on by our esteemed retired WO are now front and centre of the branch. So much so that FCs are no longer FCs and the SFC has changed name. I like the new FT and I think it's been a long time coming, it just pees me off that a WO can have so much power and as a result we spend 15 years fighting off the aftershock of their influence.

FYI all,

I was part of the team, we fought long and hard to keep all the overseas slots but it was the Int types that decided our skills were no longer needed. At the time the inties were not involved in 2 wars around the world so so had the manning to cope. Now they don't. Much like TG9 who still have some TG12 filling some of their slots so to speak. In 2002 the TG9 sponsor categorically said no to a merger and that they also did not need our help in any way.

Fearless I do feel your pain. You were let down by your management and paymasters who did not see the need for your work in the post-ICCS world.

The WO in question did have his faults but I think it is unfair to lay the blame at his door. Your predecessor in that office didn't do a lot to help IMHO.