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Fitness again!!!!



I have had my selection interview and my medical will be in approx two weeks.

Right my issue. I have always been a sprinter and totally useless at long distance running (if the 1.5 mile can be classed as that). It is hit and miss if I come in within the required time. If I do not do it within 14.35 Im usually about 1 min out (terrible i know). So my question is, am I able to improve my cardio-vascular fitness levels within 3 weeks or is it likely to not make to much difference? I do not have a problem with pressups or sit ups. The funny thing is im built for long distance running not sprinting.



Nut Nurse,

Without knowing your age...you should be able to get through the PJFT with a waiver if you can manage under 15min 46sec. If you can do it in under 14min 26sec then you'll be OK.
In 3 weeks you should be able to improve if you run the 1.5miles 3 times a week with a rest day in between each run.
Plan your route and set 0.5 mile intervals and time yourself at each of the 2 intermediate points. Next time you run check your interval times and if you find that you're falling behind from your previous day's time try stretching out the pace slightly (not too much)

You can plan your route on http://www.walkjogrun.net

A good set of running shoes will also help...go to a proper running shop (if you can find one) and speak to someone who knows what they're talking about! http://www.runnersworld.co.uk/news/article.asp?UAN=481
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Cheers for that Krusty. Iv been mostly doing it on a treadmil seeing as thats what the pjft involves. However i going do what you suggested on the roads might make the treadmil seem easier.

As for the waiver I asked about this and apparently my afco has never used it and says its for when the extreme happends like if your shoe falls of while running (as thats such a regular occurance :pDT_Xtremez_06:).
Think its time I pulled my finger out even further!!!!!

Nut nurse, (as you so politely put it)


before applying for raf i havnt really done any fitness stuff for a while, i just started running 3 miles every other day and in the gym on the tredmil the days i wasnt out.

the best thing to do is work out the spend of the tredmill so u run for 10 secs less time u have and complete the 2.40km.

just keep at it and it will all pay off !!

i go to the gym daily and i feel better for it, can manage to run to the bus stop when i see the bus coming and not be out of breath tellin the driver where i wanna go lol


haha yes thats never a good look. Im down the gym 5x a week, i must say I think its because I keep getting destracted by the fellas. I find myself sitting on the weights but not actually doing anything. God I hope my potential future employer doesnt read this :pDT_Xtremez_42:.

Im going to sacrifice going out tomorrow and run run run!!



Im have one thing thats driving me at the minute and thats knowing the in civvy street every things is currentl *u*ked and i have to support my little boy!

so when im down the gym i just get on it

but i no what ya mean there normal is a few night girls walkin about lol


Yeah, hmmm I want this Job more than anything, NHS def not for me. Think I need to keep telling myself while running, mind you to think and run this is all getting very complicated haha

PM (Thankyou to all contributions)

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
haha yes thats never a good look. Im down the gym 5x a week, i must say I think its because I keep getting destracted by the fellas. I find myself sitting on the weights but not actually doing anything. God I hope my potential future employer doesnt read this :pDT_Xtremez_42:.

Im going to sacrifice going out tomorrow and run run run!!


Too late - they probably have read it! :pDT_Xtremez_30:


:pDT_Xtremez_06: Dam!!! Think Ill have to deny all knowledge haha.


Celtic Bhoy

good tip i had from football coach go running with ankle weights on. do your normal distance seems weird first couple of times. When you take them off and go for a run you will feel like your running on air and will def improve your time. It wil be easier so you will have more energy to go faster


good tip i had from football coach go running with ankle weights on.
Not recommended.... more likely to cause injury than benefit! May be OK for someone who's already super-fit and whose knees and ankles can take the extra load, but not a good way to get fit.

Where exercisers can run into trouble is when they wear ankle weights during aerobic activities, such as walking, running and aerobics class. They can create a strain on the joints and cause injury to the ligaments and tendons in the leg. Improper use of ankle weights during aerobic exercise can result in acute and chronic overuse injuries such as tendinitis. Since women tend to have slimmer and more flexible ankles, adding ankle weights to aerobic exercise increases the risk of sprained ankles or worse, torn ligaments.
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1.5 m in 12 minutes

1.5 m in 12 minutes


ive been training for 8 weeks and ive got my time down from 14:10 on my first attempt to 12:25

i have been getting help from the guys at the gym where i will be taking my test, so heres what ive been doing (its been working great for me)

i think the guy called it interval training.

sprint for 1 minute (16-18kmph)
jog (10 - 13kmph) 1 minute

and repeat.
do this for as long as you can.

then next time you go, do your normal 12 minute run on a speed you feel comfortable 10kmph - 12kmph. and repeat this process over the 3 weeks youve got.

obviously ive had 8 weeks to do this. but its worked so im just passing on the info..
hope it helped!!!