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A poll for the Snecks out there

A poll for the Snecks out there

  • Total voters


Despite my youthful good looks, I have done my 22 allready...Just as soon as NZIS let me, I will be out...The only thing keeping me in just now is a roof over my head, and the payment of my standing orders!



Decorated war hero
1000+ Posts
If my latest plan comes off, I'll be out before I've done 22. Shame about the pension, but what I've got lined up, that won't matter too much.



sausage2 said:
If my latest plan comes off, I'll be out before I've done 22. Shame about the pension, but what I've got lined up, that won't matter too much.

Sounds a bit Baldrick Sausage old boy

A Cunning plan is it?

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Wasn't planning to but lack of redundancy and a whopping big mortgage is scuppering the plans of early retirement!

Like POB, NZ can't come soon enough! :pDT_Xtremez_30:


Warrant Officer
Told them where they could stick their extension of service as soon as it was offered, would have liked the extra 8 years as an insurance policy, but wanted to take a last tour away from Scotlandshire so had to say no. It's nice to know that the end is in sight, althought there is a lot that I will miss when I finally go.


Flight Sergeant
why wait for 22?

why wait for 22?

With the new pension deal some of us can be out after 18 yrs if we are 40, with the the first lump sum and EDP. That gives us another 25+ years to go and get a job and earn more pension.
Everyones a winner!!
Except the RAF who will lose the experienced and previously loyal workers.
Leaves me about 6 instead of 9 years. Thats at least 1 less DWR. Don't know how I will work the last Tour though.

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Mug? said:
With the new pension deal some of us can be out after 18 yrs if we are 40, with the the first lump sum and EDP. That gives us another 25+ years to go and get a job and earn more pension.
Everyones a winner!!
Except the RAF who will lose the experienced and previously loyal workers.
Leaves me about 6 instead of 9 years. Thats at least 1 less DWR. Don't know how I will work the last Tour though.

Glad the new pension scheme worked for someone.

Hopefully on my last DWR now! Take note PMA!!!!!!!! :pDT_Xtremez_25:


Cynic & Conspiracy Theorist
I'm Off!

I'm Off!

22 yrs is up in March, declined very generous offer of a further 8 yrs (want to get off this runaway train before we round the bend and find the bridge is out!), of on holiday to Oz December CV in hand!


Flight Sergeant
Ok exactly how many of you lot can I expect to see over in NZ. Sounds like they had a very successful recruitment drive earlier on in the year.


Flight Sergeant
Old man here! Staying to 55, I can take the hassle as I have seen it over and over again in the last 29 years. New pension suits and when I leave my mortgage will be 3 years behind me, hence all my pension and Grats is mine, I tell yez all mine! At the level I am at I have no problems with telling orifices that "that isn't a very good idea Cur!", wot they gona do? Sack me?


The only reason I'll be staying after 22 is if I need the extra time to do 2 years as a Chief so that I can get an FS pension or if we're back to the bad old days of loads of unemployment. Apart from that I can't see why you would stay in when if you left you would get your pension for doing nothing!

Offeh Kitt

Squashed said:
The only reason I'll be staying after 22 is if I need the extra time to do 2 years as a Chief so that I can get an FS pension or if we're back to the bad old days of loads of unemployment. Apart from that I can't see why you would stay in when if you left you would get your pension for doing nothing!

I think you are reflecting the majority of people coming up to thier 22 with that statement...we are all in the same boat by the looks of it and no RAF base seems to be any better than any other base (or EAW..(complete waste of money changing names for changes sake)) ...maybe it is time to get off the merry go round, as it does not seem to be going round or very merry any more....

Take me back to Germany, when life was simple and ruled by bitburger and dets, then i may think about staying in.... until then, 3 yrs and 6 months to go.


Having finally been able to log into the amazing JPA I can say that I will definately stay beyong my 22 point. In fact according to JPA I have completed 22.67 years. I have no idea what .67 of year is but there ya go!


Flight Sergeant
no 67 days would about .18 of a year. so I would guess that 22.67 would be around 22 years and 8 months ish.


The first 22 were great!!

The first 22 were great!!

Two and a half years to do to LOS30. (or 31) After 14 postings I have no great wish to move again, so last tour will do nicely thanks. Would have liked to go sooner with a large wad, but it wasn't to be!
Unfortunatley after a crackin time in the mob, the last few years has served up a hefty dose of disilusionment and to find that the light at the end of the tunnel was a train coming the other way was a bit of a blow, so better out than in.
Would like a promotion offer so that I could "politely!" refuse.



Done my 22 now too - and just hanging on to see if my name comes out of the pot for the latest round of redundancies. If not, papers go straight in for me to leave around Apr 08 anyway, as I will have done 2 years in new rank by then to qualify for better pension.

I have no desire to hang around and get screwed by JPA before turning purple!

Get Tae

Flight Sergeant
Always thought i would be a lifer but oh how things have changed.
I am sick of the 9 months away a year and with a baby due in 6 weeks I do not want to do the absent father routine.
Having completed 20 years with 2 years and 9 months left to do (some free time for the queen I joined at 17) I can safely say 22 connot come soon enough!!
I used to love being in the RAF but cut after cut has sickened me to the core.


Redundancy or Bust

Redundancy or Bust

Personally, if the big redundancy doesn't give me the fully funded exit criteria, then the 24 month exit plan will come into operation. Having done 25 years in the mob and approaching 42 yrs of age, (including a few freebies for the Queen), life in Boeing Banana Land has just about made my mind up for me to bang out!