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USAF BMI Standards.


Flight Sergeant
It occurred to me the other day that the RAF have taken it upon themselves to take "voluntary" BMI measurements from all those taking the Fatness test.
The USAF guys already take this measurement as mandatory, and being beyond a certain size will see you out on your ear.

I wonder how long it will be before this becomes a mandatory requirement for us as well, with potentially the same result?
In the current climate, I would say within the next 12 months.

Any thoughts?


Warrant Officer
At a secret AT base, all personell are in the process of being asked for their height and weight, so they can qualify for a 'gym key'....

Collecting this info by the back door perhaps? I would like to know how this information is pertinant to getting a gym key, who will have access and how it will be stored and used in future.......


Given that even the most rabid Gym Queen would admit that a BMI is no way of measuring fitness or ability, it would take a long time for someone to be kicked out for having a certain BMI. It was devised as a means to administer anaesthetic, not tell someones health or lack thereof.

Many Rugby players (pros that is) are clinically obese according to BMI, yet they are stupidly fit. Many Gym Queens would be obese as they tend to pack a lot of muscle for their size, despite being fit. It's a non starter for me im afraid.


it would take a long time for someone to be kicked out for having a certain BMI.

i remember a time not that long ago when it would take a long time to kick out someone who had failled their fitness test. In these troubled times i reckon its gonna be any reason to get people out

Drill Bit

Given that even the most rabid Gym Queen would admit that a BMI is no way of measuring fitness or ability, it would take a long time for someone to be kicked out for having a certain BMI. It was devised as a means to administer anaesthetic, not tell someones health or lack thereof.

Many Rugby players (pros that is) are clinically obese according to BMI, yet they are stupidly fit. Many Gym Queens would be obese as they tend to pack a lot of muscle for their size, despite being fit. It's a non starter for me im afraid.

Correct; BMI is bollox and is not an accurate measure of fitness. If your 20 stone, sweat kebab juice it's likely you're a fat tw@t, no need to take my waist measurement for that.

Similarly I could be built like a brick sh!thouse, able to reach level 15 on the bleep test, can rattle out the press ups ans sits ups but but be told me BMI reads that I'm obese; again a poor measure.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I'm liking the paranoia attached to the fitness test these days...You can't beat a bit of tin hat wearing!

To get us down to the required levels which at the moment stands at 38K we don't need to hound people out to be honest...Think back to 06/07...There was a stampede to the door in a great many trades especially pilots and TG1 techy types...The recession handily came along before too many retention bonuses were paid and the outflow slowed...People are still leaving all the same.

Now things are slowly picking up...Yes there is still doom and gloom in the press but as long as governments around the world get a grip of borrowing and make suffieciently brave cuts whilst engineering the benefit system to make people get off their arses and work as they'll be better off than on the dole the natural entreprenurial spirit in society will create need, demand, supply and profit...

People will still leave the forces and the pace may even pick up a little when we are again asked to do the same and even more with even less so I don't think the fitness test will be the major player you all believe it to be...most can pass it, the minority that don't will either do fat club or leave but I think most of us will walk naturally for a percieved better life outside...
I'm liking the paranoia attached to the fitness test these days...You can't beat a bit of tin hat wearing!

To get us down to the required levels which at the moment stands at 38K we don't need to hound people out to be honest...Think back to 06/07...There was a stampede to the door in a great many trades especially pilots and TG1 techy types...The recession handily came along before too many retention bonuses were paid and the outflow slowed...People are still leaving all the same.

Now things are slowly picking up...Yes there is still doom and gloom in the press but as long as governments around the world get a grip of borrowing and make suffieciently brave cuts whilst engineering the benefit system to make people get off their arses and work as they'll be better off than on the dole the natural entreprenurial spirit in society will create need, demand, supply and profit...

People will still leave the forces and the pace may even pick up a little when we are again asked to do the same and even more with even less so I don't think the fitness test will be the major player you all believe it to be...most can pass it, the minority that don't will either do fat club or leave but I think most of us will walk naturally for a percieved better life outside...

and that is it in a nutshell.


Thoroughly Nice Chap
Re: USAF BMI Standards.

r0jaws said:
It occurred to me the other day that the RAF have taken it upon themselves to take "voluntary" BMI measurements from all those taking the Fatness test.
The USAF guys already take this measurement as mandatory, and being beyond a certain size will see you out on your ear.

I wonder how long it will be before this becomes a mandatory requirement for us as well, with potentially the same result?
In the current climate, I would say within the next 12 months.

Any thoughts?
The ones I know don't have to!1


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Its more likely that the mirror tech's are collecting quantitative data to justify the health benefits of the fitness testing regime.
i know a PTI that is obese when using the BMI, so if they started kicking out people based on their BMI, most PTI's would be first through the door:pDT_Xtremez_42::pDT_Xtremez_30:


Flight Sergeant
Its more likely that the mirror tech's are collecting quantitative data to justify the health benefits of the fitness testing regime.

This is from the (rather dated) page on the Fitness test on the RAF Website:

Waist Circumference and Body Mass Index Measurement

Research clearly demonstrates a significant and inverse relationship between excessive body weight/fat and good health and fitness. On that basis, taking waist circumference and BMI measurements could make a significant contribution to the new Fitness Strategy. These measurements will be taken initially for a period of 12 months (from 1 Oct 07) before, perhaps, seeking higher level endorsement to include measurement-taking as an integral part of the RAFFT.


Just out of interest, you can't join the RAF at the moment unless your BMI is between 18 and 28 (17-27 for age 17 and under). 'Meat-heads' with BMI over 28 have to have a waist size of 94cm or less. Seems silly to have it as a requirement for joining, then disregard it after attestation!
Watch this space I say...........
Last year I was looking at changing service to the RN. I did all the admin, including a full medical, turned up at the AFCO with 2 x fitness test passes in hand, RN and RAF (they differ slightly) Then was told my BMI was too high and I was therefore unfit. Had to lose a shedload in a short time or no go.

The transfer had taken 18 months by then, and I am rapidly running out of time to serve - the RN didn't want to sign me on for any more.

Therefore I have binned it.


My BMI is 34 and according to the fat test I am obese and would need to lose about 4-5 stone to achieve my ideal weight. That said I am able to pass the fat test with ease and run around a rugby pitch for 80 mins quite happily and still drink copious amount of lemonade afterwards. That said should they bring this in then they might aswell get rid of Rugby as a sport.:pDT_Xtremez_25:


"Mistakes become career-enders during drawdown"

"Mistakes become career-enders during drawdown"

Fitness is the key to staying in the UASF...HERE as reported in the USAF's AirForceTimes (By Michelle Tan - Staff writer
Posted : Sunday May 23, 2010 9:41 EDT)


Fitness is the key to staying in the UASF...HERE as reported in the USAF's AirForceTimes (By Michelle Tan - Staff writer
Posted : Sunday May 23, 2010 9:41 EDT)

Just read it..... I particularly like the line:

"In other words, historically in the Air Force, you can be a borderline moron in your AFSC and make 20 years, but being a slow runner makes you a dirt bag"

Excellent! And quite true for us too!

But.....if it's policy to release guys girls if they don't make the grade, then so be it!

Drill Bit

My BMI is 25.9(Overweight); I'm 5'8", I have a 30" waist, I can run a sub 40 min 10k, wollop my RAFFT so does that mean I'm unfit and should be booted out?


Right so if you are a rugby prop your bmi would be quite high. so not raf then. dam.


I'm sure BMI alone would never be used as a reason to bin someone. But as a contributing factor, for someone who repeatedly fails the RAFFT, I'm sure it would make a difference.

Surely, the ability to pass a RAFFT should be more important than a height/weight ratio?
Sod the BMI pish, according that USAF article, they can be kicked out for watching porn at home!!!. That would be the majority of the RAF booted in a oner.