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Epilepsy in the RAF?



Hi. Well after 4 years of having dizzy spells, I went to the doc thinkin it was something minor. After many tests and medication trials I was referred to a Neurologist. He thought I may have epilepsy. EEG and MRI scan were inconclusive but I am now rubber stamped with Epilepsy!

I spoke to the Neurologist again today and he is 99.9% sure of his diagnosis.

The RAF downgraded me 13 months ago, I lost my driving licence and a lot of my auth's (EGR etc). I now have my licence back, still downgraded and need to go to Henlow and go in front of the Medical Board.

My symptoms were mnute, no-one new I had these dizzy spells and I was able to carry on with what I was doing, I just fely a little weird with it all for max of a minute!

I don't know what my prospects are:

Signed on for LOS30?
Allowed to go OOA (OPs)?
Medical discharge?

I was told there was a very small chance of being signed on to LOS30 (If not, I only have 2 years left!)
I'm told I may only be allowed on Non-OPs deployments (perhaps a 30 day trip on OPs).

I'm sure the MB will inform me of everything I need to know, but I may have to wait another few months to get down there! I'm a little tired of waiting and want to be armed with as much info/experiences as possible to prepare myself.

Has anyone been in a similar position? What are your experiences? Any advice?

Cheers everyone...
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Rambling Sid

Over here in the states they don't even consider epilepsy as a disability, as long as you are on medication to control it. However how that works for the armed forces I can't guess. Best of luck.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I don't want to **** on your parade but a pal of mine had one fit due to the heat in Ali Al and wasn't allowed to sign on passed his 9 year point. That was about 5 or 6 years ago.


If your diagnosis is indeed correct you will be perm downgraded and not be allowed to sign on. You will be made unfit handling live weapons which attracts an MES that does not allow you to sign on. I don't believe there is any flexibility in this. If you are in a trade that uses weapons (scuffers/regt) you maybe asked to remuster, if you refuse then you will be discharged for medical reasons, different from a medical discharge.


I knew a chevron deux about 20 or more years ago on 233 OCU who was epileptic, apparently it hadn't manifested intself until his first fit came when on Op CORPORATE with 1(F) Sqn. He was downgraded, not allowed to sign on and there were some jobs he wouldn't do, even simple stuff like night flying checks (operation of strobe lighting+epilepsy=badness).

Mrs TT is epileptic, she had a fit 2 months ago and is now not allowed to drive for 12 months. The upside is she's allowed free travel on local buses till she gets her licence back.

...If you are in a trade that uses weapons...
Doesn't every trade use weapons? Warfighter first and all that? :pDT_Xtremez_15:


Super Moderator
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1000+ Posts
This is all rumour

This is all rumour

You will not know the truth until you have your med board you will not know what is going to happen, if you are downgraded and can still carry out all normal duties then you'll get a G2 marker and be allowed to sign on.

If you can still carry out a worthwhile amount of your normal duties you will get a G3 or higher marker and may be kept in until the end of your current engagement.

If your illness stops you carrying out your current job you may be remustered to another trade or offered a medical discharge, if you want to cut loose you could push for this option.

I'm guessing your life is a bit up in the air at the moment and any one of the above may be a possible outcome, personally I would recommend you start researching SSAFA/RAFA/RBL and the help and advice they can give you.

One final bit of advice don't trust the SPVA, one of their jobs it to make sure pubic money is not wasted and they can be a zealous.

Good luck for the future and remember you are entitled to arrange your own independant second opinion.


There was a SNCO at Northolt ages ago (96-97 at least). Not sure of the details. Worked in the AIDU so drawing/printing maps wasnt that much of a problem I imagine. He was strangely enough called "epi".

Is that an infringement of PC?


Super Moderator
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1000+ Posts
G2 doesn't exist any more...

AxLxMxEx is the new format putting numbers in place of x's. It's on the manning site.

Appols things change so quickly these days, the cat may be different but the results the same.

Thanks for this will look it up on Monday if I get chance.


Super Moderator
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1000+ Posts
Calm down

Calm down

G2 marker and be allowed to sign on.
G2 (equivalent) marker with epi. Boll0x.

I was just pointing out the range of possibilities without implying any concrete path.

G2 or it's new equivalent, thanx Mono, would be unlikely, but if the OP gets a second opinion and that counters the original diagnosis then it would be possible.

The OP has doubts about his diagnosis, these could be true or they could be a part of the denial having been told very bad news, either way until it's all been properly assessed he's in the RAF drawing a wage.

If I was him I would plan for the worst whilst hoping for the best.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Evening TM

Evening TM

And 5-10 years down the line when it is concluded that he never had epilepsy he can start proceedings against the RAF/MOD for loss of earnings over a career that he lost due to a misdiagnosis.

Crack on......................:pDT_Xtremez_09:

Which is why I suggested getting a second opinion, it's the first thing the RAF will throw back in your face when you complain.

You cannot rely on the MOD to play fair by you these days.


My husband was diagnosed with Epilepsy 3 years ago, he is still currently serving. They were severe seizures requiring blue lights every time, but under control now.

He has remained in the services, but is not able to sign on, deploy, take fit test, handle weapon, drive MT vehicles, go on exercise and so the list goes on. He will leave the Army in 6 yrs time when his 22 is up. Some restrictions like fit test don't really make any sense!

There are also other personnel we came across while he was being diagnosed with other varying forms of Epilepsy, they were all perm down graded and stayed in for the remainder of their commitment.

If in years to come it is a mis-diagnosis and you were not able to sign on, then of course go for the unfair treatment etc. However ignore the diagnosis and suffer a seizure, your life structure will be an awful lot more complicated. They are not nice.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Very true. And you should always seek a medical opinion totally independent of that of tose representing the MoD.

Understand. These people are not your friends.


Appols things change so quickly these days, the cat may be different but the results the same.

Thanks for this will look it up on Monday if I get chance.

Busby, I do hope you are not in the medical branch. If you are and didn't know about this (massive) change...shocker! If you are admin you should still be aware.

rest have risen above me

Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
It can't be that much of a problem, my Flight Sgt must have it.. He's always having a fit at me...:pDT_Xtremez_42:I'll get me coat
I Hope it all gets sorted out for you..


Epilepsy in the RAF

Epilepsy in the RAF

Lads, lasses,
thanks for your advice etc. I'm off to see th doc on monday to be told my refferal is in place to the Med Board at Henlow. I've been told it may be another 3 months before I go, feeling a bit down about it as aremy family, with only 2 years+ to go until my 22... doesn't really seem fair that the wait is so long. Then again, fair isn't the RAF thing is it. I thought I could be cold but wow... I'm kinda toastie when compaired to the Forces head sheds! I'll keep you all informed of any progress... could be a while.

Disney:pDT_Xtremez_35: ...and I'm not blonde! (Fogducker)


Mate, I do know how you feel. I was diagnosed with epilepsy, told that my career was over and discharge was a done deal. As an newly married 20 year old SAC mech I was gutted as I didn't know what was going to happen next. That was in 1980, I'm still in, still deployable and still an Eppi albeit well controlled by medication and I've done alright promotion wise. I can't predict what the board will say but don't give up. The joke on the Sqn at the time was it would be a good idea to put me in a bath with the dirty washing and wait....as it would be a good way of not having to waste money in the block washing machine!!!! Good luck. Feel free to PM me if you want to chat....
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