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Drugs test during basics

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I don't have any dependencies. Tonight i went round a friend's and everyone there was smoking. Truth be told i was sat there thinking about what it actually was they were doing and asking myself, why the F**K would i want that? Why did i want that? QUOTE]

Perhaps if you really are sure it is a career in the airforce you want it is about time you made some new friends... some with better morals might be a good place to start.

Yeah, i already made a fair few on PRTC. I'm guessing i won't see these friends much once i'm in anyway either. You're right though, thanks.


My past is my past. It shouldn't matter to any of you. You should be more concerned with my present and my future. Presently i'm not smoking weed and won't ever again in the future. I admit, you don't know that but if it isn't true then i will deserve my miserable life anyway. If it is true, if don't make that mistake again, if i have sorted myself out and corrected the mistakes i've made in the past then i don't give a **** what anyone who read this thread thinks. They'd be wrong.

Your problem is now that you cannot be trusted. You have already lied to AFCO, you are a serial drug user, you hang around with losers and you are in self denial.

If by some accident you scrape your sorry drug ridden body into the RAF I predict a short career brought to a rapid end by one of 3 things

Reversion to type, you'll get caught drug using

Your attitude to authority sucks

You will tell one lie too many and get caught out not doing something you said you would, or worse doing drugss again when you said you wouldn't, after all you admit freely to still hanging about with your junkie mates.


Geek Scuffer
My past is my past. It shouldn't matter to any of you.

Ahh but fella it does because our past is what makes us what we are, once a liar always a liar.

Oh and also you realise that hanging round with your mates whilst they get smacked off their tits allows it into your system and can show on testing?


Ahh but fella it does because our past is what makes us what we are, once a liar always a liar.

Oh and also you realise that hanging round with your mates whilst they get smacked off their tits allows it into your system and can show on testing?

I didn't know that, no. I was actually told by my AFCO the complete opposite. The corporal there said for it to show up on any tests you'd have to stand in a phone box with someone smoking for about 12 hours or something ridiculous.


Geek Scuffer
for a urine sample probably very true but samples can also be taken of hair :) although you take the risk.


Ah right. Thanks for the warning. I'm guessing it's not just urine tests they do then? I didn't know that either.


Warrant Officer
Best you have a good hard think old son.

If you are serious... if you even suspect a hint of any drugs near you....... you leave.

You need to remember that any fighting force is only as strong as its weakest link and we don't like weak links.....think about that point.
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Best you have a good hard think old son.

If you are serious... if you even suspect a hint of any drugs near you....... you leave.

You need to remember that any fighting force is only as strong as its weakest link and we don't like weak links.....think about that point.

Yeah i think i can manage that for the next few months. I'm hoping once i'm in i won't be around weed even half as much as i seem to be now. If i can keep myself away whilst in the thick of it then i shouldn't have any problems in the future.


Warrant Officer
You are still making excuses..

Look, if you are serious - then get away from it.. its not 'all around you' thats how you just see it.

Penguins Suck

Snap yous spine
1000+ Posts
Yeah i think i can manage that for the next few months. I'm hoping once i'm in i won't be around weed even half as much as i seem to be now. If i can keep myself away whilst in the thick of it then i shouldn't have any problems in the future.

Right yous articemice listen i, yous are a druggie scum bag and we's donts want yous in the Raf. If i see yous in the bop injecting that maryjunearna i will snap yous spine. Real mens dont smoke weeds them get pis$ed on mines diamond white. now fcuk off back under thems stone you crawled outs froms
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1000+ Posts
Right yous articemice listen i, yous are a druggie scum bag and we's donts want yous in the Raf. If i see yous in the bop injecting that maryjunearna i will snap yous spine. Real mens dont smoke weeds them get pis$ed on diamond white. now fcuk off back under thems stone you crawled outs froms

Proper recuiter speak that.... :pDT_Xtremez_19:
I haven't lied to them and i haven't had to go to the AFCO since around August though. I didn't start smoking again until September.

This is irrelevant but I'd like to say it was only once or twice for around three weeks.

If you still think i should tell them, i will.

It's not a case of telling them when you go see them at the AFCO sometimes they appreciate being told of changes when they happen, as a change can alter when you join or even if you are allowed to join. You don't want to be the person who turns up at Halton only to be turned away because you did something stupid. It has happened, infact there has been several such occurances in the last two years.


You are still making excuses..

Look, if you are serious - then get away from it.. its not 'all around you' thats how you just see it.

forget it Fomz he's just a fcuking junkie and nort worth the electrons!


This has been an absolute classic thread throughout and is an impressive read......

The main issue that most seem to be getting at you for Arctine is the integrity one. You keep maintaining that you have been totally honest with the AFCO you are going through and that you have told them of your uses.

As someone else has stated you are obliged to keep the AFCO up to date with changes in your personal circumstances and the issue of using substances since being in the process and almost definitely since your selection interview is a change of circumstances.

Now let me get back to the integrity issue......having read through some other threads, there is one that you have started yourself that talks about "you may have messed up". This thread is all about how you lied during your interview and basically mislead your AFCO on the subject of your employment status. You say you got bored of the job and then in the thread i have mentioned you actually admit to being sacked for something that you did not do.

So take a moment and have a think about why everyone questions your integrity and see if you can see where they are coming from. Also can you say that you have been totally honest with your AFCO on the topic of drug use or for that matter everything you have put on forms or said at interview???

If you do have a good think about it and realise there is anything else you should really be telling your AFCO then i suggest you walk through the door of it and tell them, least they are not open weekends now so it gives you that time to have a good think


I'm not fecking BRANCH!
That's just whiled away half an hour of night shift, there's some GREAT one-liners in this thread - the rodneys next door are wondering why I'm chuckling away.

Thanks for a classic thread.

For the record, I'm half civilian on my mother's side so I'm down hip wiv da kids dog innit etc

Good luck with the CDT, be sure not to spill any (you'll be shaking that much!). Let us know how you get on.


My past is my past. It shouldn't matter to any of you. You should be more concerned with my present and my future. Presently i'm not smoking weed and won't ever again in the future.

Hanging around your (ex) friends leaves you open to more than just peer pressure. You may also fall foul of blackmail and other subversive groups who would love to have someone available to them with such a weakness. There is a unit in the forces who are very capable of investigating your private life and habits. They are very efficient at what they do which is how they gather intelligence about someone before that person suddely gets a drugs test on a monday morning...where the hell did that come from you may ask as you're standing there peeing your career away into a bottle!

Intelligence gathered by covert teams.

ANY person in the RAF has access to a confidential phone line to report suspicious activity. I have reported someone in the past for drug misuse and felt 10 foot tall when I saw the dogs round his room the day after I reported him. He had told me he was only a casual smoker of weed. When his room was searched they found extasy and cocaine.

Not only was he a useless druggie, but he also lied about the extent of his addiction....

Shows how much he could be trusted!


As an older applicant i have been reading this thread, as during my younger years i fell in with the wrong crowd and took many different drugs, i am not proud of what happened and have regretted it everyday since. i feel that as humans we all make mistakes and deserve second chances,although some mistakes are bigger than others.

When i told the AFCO i was told as it was so long ago i really didnt need to say anything, but felt that iof i was joining up then they should know really.

Although i do not know this chap on a personel basis if he was serious about the RAF he would have giving up smoking the day he decided to join and been upfront and honest when he started again.

It took a fantastic woman and an awful amount of willpower to turn my life around, im glad i did as i married that wonderful woman and have had 4 great kids.

My advice dear chap is tell your so called mates to do one get clean as from what i gather from this site and chatting to serving personel you will get a better bunch of mates in the RAF than anywhere so why jepodise that???????


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Yes indeed. Mr Hatter has a point. It is important that, over everything, your admission and perhaps any dependency does not define you as a person. Your abstinence just might.

As I see it, your harmful activities as a young man do not necessarily preclude you from a life in the forces, providing you have the integrity and maturity to deal with them up front. Were that not the case, we would have let quite a few classics through the net over the years - to our eventual detriment as a service - this i might add is a personal opinion.

This isn't a popularist view, but it's a big zoo. More than room for the odd animal. Just don't screw up.


Geek Scuffer
The recruiting forum is not the place for a debate on drugs use. Ot is unlawful to take drugs in the Armed Forces and you do so at your own peril. If you are caught by Compulsory Drugs Testing or any of the other means available to root out drugs abuse you will more than likely lose your job and the respect of those around you. As the OP's question has now been answered I am closing this thread so should anyone wish to try and debate the legalities of Drugs abuse please do so in another area of the forums.
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