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UK in recession within months



Some economists believe the chances of a recession in the UK are now 50:50.

They had hoped the slowdown in the economy would eventually reduce inflation, without turning into full-blown recession.

There are a number of definitions of a recession, but the most commonly used one is when there are two quarters in a row of economic contraction, or negative growth.



Do you know what really astounds me? Gordon Brown was the chancellor suposedly running the budget before becoming PM and now the dozy cnut has now set us on a downward slope to recession. I am flabbergasted at the total incompetance of him and his government. Tony Blair must be pi**ing himself silly as we speak.

Rant over..........and out

Warwick Hunt

Persona Non-Grata
1000+ Posts
So what's the difference between a recession and a "Credit Crunch"? I have heard numerous experts stating that we're actually in a recession NOW and the term "Credit Crunch" is being bandied about by Spin Doctors to make it sound a little bit better, as recession obviously sounds bad.


Warrant Officer
Tony wanted to do a ten year stint and refused to hand over his train set beforehand.

When Gordy gets his hands on the train set, he refuses to put it down until it's completely fcuked and useless.



Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Can it get any worse? Are we reaching the stage where I dig up my lawn and plant vegetables? Do I need an Anderson shelter at the bottom of the garden? Will I need to fill environmentally friendly, carbon-neutral sand-bags?
Foookit, I'll make a cup of corrrfeee and attend to really important things (like sorting out my fishing tackle cos there's f**k all I can do on my own to change the economy)


Warrant Officer
So what's the difference between a recession and a "Credit Crunch"? I have heard numerous experts stating that we're actually in a recession NOW and the term "Credit Crunch" is being bandied about by Spin Doctors to make it sound a little bit better, as recession obviously sounds bad.

I would say the the phrase 'credit crunch' is a new term that simply describes the availability (or lack of it for larger products such as mortgages) of easy credit. During the recession that we went through in the late 80s early 90s, credit wasn't as easy to come by as it is today. IMHO credit is far too easy to obtain nowadays and a return to the need to place a deposit on items bought on credit (thereby demonstrating a commitment on the part of the borrower to save at least a bit of money) is long overdue.
That said, I recall during the late 80s, that being in steady employment during an economic slowdown, you could go into a retailer and practically dictate your own credit terms they were that desperate for business.


Warrant Officer
We should bin the Olympics now. We can't afford it anymore and it won't bring in anywhere near the amount it's going to cost.
We should bin the Olympics now. We can't afford it anymore and it won't bring in anywhere near the amount it's going to cost.

also there are whispers afoot that Sarf Africa might not be able to afford the next world cup, so guess who might be footing the bill for that one. Now I would love the World cup to be hosted here and I hope we eventually get it, but not with the complete set of batsrads that are holding the purse strings at the moment. " Its alright 2.7bn is all its going to cost us for the 2012 olympics", erm really so why is now at 7.9bn and rising?

Rant over..............and out

Tony Blair

Do you know what really astounds me? Gordon Brown was the chancellor suposedly running the budget before becoming PM and now the dozy cnut has now set us on a downward slope to recession. I am flabbergasted at the total incompetance of him and his government. Tony Blair must be pi**ing himself silly as we speak.

Rant over..........and out

Actually Gordon was only Chancellor in name, you don't believe I'd actually have allowed him to make any important decisions surely?

Still I bet you lot wish I was back running the country don't you? It is true you never now what you have until it's gone.

Mind you my property development business is doing fine now, mine and Cherie's after dinner routine brings in the spending money and the kids don't have to work. Must admit I couldn't have done it without you Army people though, nothing like watching tanks and things roll over the enemy to catch a few votes. Still Gordon will be OK he has another year to identify how to get you into Zimbabwe, fight and beat Mugabe before going to the polls.


Warrant Officer
Don't worry, we have our Gold reserves if things get tight... Oh no, that's right Labour sold a load off at a low price. Does anyone actually know what happened to the Money? Or was it just handed out to the Idle and feckless? :pDT_Xtremez_35:


Don't worry, we have our Gold reserves if things get tight... Oh no, that's right Labour sold a load off at a low price. Does anyone actually know what happened to the Money? Or was it just handed out to the Idle and feckless? :pDT_Xtremez_35:
prolly went to finance that cnut Bliar's property portfolio

RAF Bird

Stacker *********
I just got a letter through from my electricity/gas supplier e.on (other suppliers are available!!) and my monthly bill has gone up again to £70.

Less then 2 years ago it was only £42 a month. That's £336 a year increase almost what a 40% increase (can't be arsed to work it out properly)

No wonder people are struggling when our wages go up a measly couple of percent but we're working twice as hard. Nice work there Labour thanks alot!!!:pDT_Xtremez_09:


Well recession is always good for retention, might help those manning problems if people arent so keen to leave. Every cloud has a silver lining. Leave and be unemployed, stay in and be screwed but at least get paid (well sometimes), you choose.


Well recession is always good for retention, might help those manning problems if people arent so keen to leave. Every cloud has a silver lining. Leave and be unemployed, stay in and be screwed but at least get paid (well sometimes), you choose.

So what you are saying is that it is not government incompetence, but actually a novel and imaginative retention tool to maintain the Armed Forces at their current level. Interesting way of doing business. I kind of like that idea. What they have not thought of is that by maintaining the Armed Forces they have a well formed organisation ready to shoot them all when the revolution comes!

Broon/Bliar et al have ruined what was left for them. They have the respect of virtually no one in UK. But ultimately I have little confidence in the other lot being much more capable when they eventually take over. Just as long as the Dollar stays as weak as it is I can continue to live the life in South America!

pie sandwich

Whats the old saying:

Ah yeah thats right

Viva La Revolución



Flight Sergeant
Do you know what really astounds me? Gordon Brown was the chancellor suposedly running the budget before becoming PM and now the dozy cnut has now set us on a downward slope to recession. I am flabbergasted at the total incompetance of him and his government. Tony Blair must be pi**ing himself silly as we speak.

Rant over..........and out

The thing is he could be the best chancellor in the world, it wouldn't make a difference as whats looming is a world wide recession. NZ posted a downturn of .3% for the first quarter of this year and it looks like that second quarter is going to be worse. There has been nearly 20 years of boom now its time for a adjustment.

Sad git

During the last recession I got made redundent, had my car stolen and house broken into. That was a proper recesion.

This is only a credit crunch ................... the difference is so far I have only been made redundent ...............



Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Martin Blank wrote:

its time for the good life!

As long as Felicity Kendal is on hand to sooth the aching limbs after a good dig, who cares about a recession?


Warrant Officer
Lets not forget though, this has not been brought on by the current administration..... Its all come about from the sub prime lending market in the colonies.......

What sort of fcuking retard gives a mortgage to someone with no job, no income and no assets.............oh yeah.... the ones that work in Colonial banks. The world famous NINJA mortgage.