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Welcome To Swinderby

I was there August '74 - can't remember much about it, as it was so long ago.

One thing I do remember was that there was no questions asked at the bar about your age - if you were in, you could get served. :pDT_Xtremez_30:


Warrant Officer
I was there August '74 - can't remember much about it, as it was so long ago.

One thing I do remember was that there was no questions asked at the bar about your age - if you were in, you could get served. :pDT_Xtremez_30:

You LUCKY barsteward!:pDT_Xtremez_31:
I was on the same intake. We got off the train at Newark (which was late) to be met by a pretty angry DI Cpl J****r, "Get on the fcukin' bus right fcukin' now you bunch of fcukers!". One of the lads just said "Fcuk this I'm off!", got back on the train and went home.

We were on the top floor of Reid block opposite the mess, Cpl D*k* was our Cpl DI, ex Rock Bofors gunner deaf as a post, mad as a hatter but a great bloke. We didn't have a Sgt for the first few weeks then got an evil b@stard Kyn****n who I believe has recently retired as a WO somewhere.

We also had to have a second MFT over the final weekend due to so many people going down with glandular fever, injuries and getting binned off the first one.

There was also the wimpy double-barreled would be supplier who got re-flighted loads of times who actually wet himself on parade.

Was the RTS WO for a few years and then the SWO at Halton. Retired a few years ago and is now the fire warden at Halton. Nice guy.
Was the RTS WO for a few years and then the SWO at Halton. Retired a few years ago and is now the fire warden at Halton. Nice guy.

I was there May - June 88, 9 Flt. Sgt Terry K******n and Cpl Andy R******n were the DI's. Could have knocked down with a feather when I got to Halton and there was WO "Parker" K******n. Remember Sgt K giving us a few "example" questions (nudge nudge, wink wink) for the forthcoming GSK exam. We got the highest score so won the inter Flt cup. :pDT_Xtremez_28:


June '64.No 4 Flight, No 4 Entry. No booklet, no women, no flypast. Just a short fat Irish corporal DI, who's great wish was to get out and be a postman in rural Ireland, and a tall flight sergeant, who was said to be ex-Grenadier Guards.Strained my arm just carrying the bedding from the store to the block, other arm stuggling with dirty great kitbag. Ah, happy days! On the jukebox Eric Burdon ' House of the Rising Sun'.


Happy memories!!!!

Happy memories!!!!

I can well remember the joy on my face on july 4th 1966, being met at the station by a nice shiny bus and being taken for a haircut and being introduced to my nice new hairy blue. Also what an honour it was to have all your kit and bed thrown out of a window, just like in bad lads army. Bring it all back i say !!!!!. ( if you believe that load of bo******s you deserve to have your your kit thrown out of the window ) The DI was a stroppy jock called Cpl Brett, he was such a nice man that i even remember his name.


I can well remember the joy on my face on july 4th 1966, being met at the station by a nice shiny bus and being taken for a haircut and being introduced to my nice new hairy blue. Also what an honour it was to have all your kit and bed thrown out of a window, just like in bad lads army. Bring it all back i say !!!!!. ( if you believe that load of bo******s you deserve to have your your kit thrown out of the window ) The DI was a stroppy jock called Cpl Brett, he was such a nice man that i even remember his name.

I got off the Bus and was met by a "nice" Cpl !


Flight Sergeant
I was there August '74 - can't remember much about it, as it was so long ago.

One thing I do remember was that there was no questions asked at the bar about your age - if you were in, you could get served. :pDT_Xtremez_30:

Didn't they introduce some badges that you had to wear when you went to the Naffi at Swinderby
I seem to have it in my head that those of us under 18 had to wear or had a different coloured badge that showed we were under age


I remember

I remember

Joined in Mar 78 and remember all the Jabs at the medical centre...as you went down the line some batarsd jabbed you with some concoction...lots of fainters If I recollect correctly

Also remember the drugs lecture, an RAFP in civvies with a suitcase full of so called class a Spliffs, pills, cake, and blocks of the devils tools. It was aimed to terrify and in some cases did.

Can remember not quite getting the turning on the march (TLV?) and the DI throwing his SD cap on the ground and jumping on it before tearing me in to little verbal bits of mush

pie sandwich

Didn't they introduce some badges that you had to wear when you went to the Naffi at Swinderby
I seem to have it in my head that those of us under 18 had to wear or had a different coloured badge that showed we were under age

I never went to swinderby, but at Halton the had little name badges and if you were over 18 you had a blue stripe on it if you were under 18 it had a yellow stripe.

These were made from a Dyno machine which was kept in the DI's office in our room. So come Friday night I went in there and made myself a new badge with a blue stripe on and went to the bar:pDT_Xtremez_28:

Pete Gill

Jan 82 for me on 5 Flt (or the survivors as 15 of us made the end:pDT_Xtremez_15: )
Regt trg was a week for the lot (Not 3 like these days) and MFT at North Luff was fun as they gave me a very pistol and flares to play with as sector guard. Saw the naughty Rocks moving through the corn field towards us and popping a couple of blanks at us so fired the very as per orders towards the enemy (to mark their postion) and set the cornfield alight.:pDT_Xtremez_30: Exercise stopped while we put the fire out but rocks wouldn't allow me to claim them as kills:pDT_Xtremez_27:


Unfortunately I beat you by three years ! there in 71 F#ck I feel ancient reading this thread ::/:

Christ, i beat you both, i was there in 66 and they came to us. By the way this is a message from the spirit world.

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Fcuk me Billy mine never looked that good, that is why it went out of the window several times.

Same here - even remember sleeping on the floor so's to ensure the first correct bedpack survived the rest of Swinderby - and they still threw the fcuker the next day! :pDT_Xtremez_28:


Was at Swinders in oct-nov '82. Pass out parade was a Vulcan flypast and we did MFT at Wattisham on a TACEVAL. Remember it being that foggy at Wattisham that nothing could fly. Spent a few hours down at the main gate with a pick axe handle 'fighting off' supposed CND demonstrators :pDT_Xtremez_31:


Swinderby GSK Book

Swinderby GSK Book

I was there in Feb 74, No 8 Flt. Would love to find a copy of the old General Service Knowledge manual we had to study from.