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Migrant workers earn more than British



When back home on leave found that there was 2 Polish health food shops opened up in my city...........WTF and when I drove home I kept on seeing cars with bloody Polish number plates:pDT_Xtremez_25:
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When back home on leave found that there was 2 Polish health food shops opened up in my my city...........WTF and when I drove home I kept on seeing cars with bloddy Polish number plates:pDT_Xtremez_25:

Whats the issue? Poland is part of the European Union. Im sure there are cars with UK number plates driving around Poland.

The worry wants to start if Turkey get full entry into the EU club!!


[QUOTE=T93;170057]This particular issue is not only a UK problem, but Europe (North/Western/Central) wide.

For example the city I work in here in Germany has roughly 270,000 inhabitants. Out of that loose figure, only 160,000 are true Bavarians (Or Germans, depends which way you look at it). The bulk of the external influx are from Eastern Europe, especially Russians & Turkish...ok Im aware that Germany has had a large Turkish population since the 50s, but a lot of the new ones are quite radical.
In fact one surgeon from a top Munich hospital has gone on record to request Germans to breed more, because (his words) "the true German will be a minority in Germany within 60years).
German family average=1.33 children
Turkish/Muslim average=3.20
Russian/East European average=2.65


Perhaps I need my eyes tested as there is much more info here than just a quote from a german surgeon. But hey ho[/QUOTE]



You need to clarify exactly where you read MY "moan"

Of course I come under the loose definition "migrant worker" and I would be the 1st to admit thats what I am, but I am here legally. However the EC dont seem to put me in that category (migrant worker) though!!

fyi: I am contracted to a German flagship company mobile services division. Who have just amalgamated with a well known Finnish mobile services provider.

Feel free to PM at anytime.

Wing boy

Fair one, but you certainly alluded to the german surgeons moan. Why would I want to PM you. Do I know you?


Fair one, but you certainly alluded to the german surgeons moan. Why would I want to PM you. Do I know you?



Yeah, ok. Cannot say I dont, but only for the workshy, under the RADAR, sponging off the state types. If someone gives something back in return to the host nation, instead of sponging. Then im all for it. Doesnt matter where they are from, as long as they respect local culture & appreciate local values.

Got me: The PM comment was for someone else, just copied in by mistake.

Never know though. We may know each other. All the guys I know from TCW were GR techs.


Trekkie Nerd
Saw some figures today (albeit in The Sun) that although migrant workers bring in £6 Billion to the economy every year, it costs an extra £8.8 Billion to have them here in benefits, services and crime prevention, so we're £2.8 Billion worse off. How is that good for the country?


I've never been one for taking the scum at face value, but if it is true then it further reinforces my previous point that migrants should not be entitled to benefits, and if it means scrapping the welfare state for the rest of us then so be it.


Warrant Officer
If the state made the wellfare system less attractive then some of the lazy b*******s who live here and do nothing, might have to get off their arses and work then we wuouldn't have a need for others to do the jobs that aren't being filled. Which would also mean the some of the immigrants wouldn't want to come here with thier large familys and use our state benifits because they wouldn't be that much better off.

Make it less attractive to sponge of the state and some of the problems we have would at least shrink.


1000+ Posts
Play it the Yanks way

Play it the Yanks way

Off Topic Certain aspects of the American welfare system -- especially AFDC payments -- came under criticism in the 1980s and 1990s, and the system itself became an issue in national elections. Many middle-class Americans resent the use of their tax dollars to support those whom they regard (rightly or wrongly) as unwilling to work. Some critics argue that dependency on welfare tends to become a permanent condition, as one generation follows another into the system. Some people believe the system encourages young women to have children out of wedlock, because welfare payments increase with each child born. Other experts maintain that unless the root causes of poverty -- lack of education and opportunity -- are addressed, the welfare system is all that stands between the poor and utter destitution.

The charge that social programs tend to trap the poor in dependency and deny them the power to control their lives has led to the redesign of certain federal programs. For example, the government has been allowing tenants of public housing projects to buy the buildings and take over their management.

A consensus in favor of more broad-gauged action came together in 1996. A new law overhauled welfare by replacing AFDC with the Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF) Program, a system of state-run assistance programs financed by federal grants. The law also limits lifetime welfare assistance to five years, requires most able-bodied adults to work after two years on welfare, eliminates welfare benefits for legal immigrants who have not become U.S. citizens, and limits food stamps to a period of three months unless the recipients are working. Off Topic

That might wake a few of the workshy, who claim they are better off on the dole, into action..
So they make a contribution to the country do they? Judging by some of the horror stories I hear about east European electricians, their only contribution seems to be to shock the indigenous population - often literally or with an invoice for crap work. BTW I am a sparks with aircraft experience as well as running cables.


Flight Sergeant
Why are they earning more? is the question that should be asked… How many self employed British builders, leckeys, plumbers ect now can’t make ends meet because of under qualified cheap labour from the East??

Well maybe if they didn't demand $100+ before they even thought about getting off their backsides to come and have a look at your problem, maybe just maybe the the new guys from over seas wouldn't be able to undercut them quite so much. It's really simple really, if your going to over charge and provide a shoddy service, don't be surprised if people take their custom else where. Either that or learn to compete with the new boys.


British Jobs for British Workers ...(Merged)

British Jobs for British Workers ...(Merged)

No, I'm not campaigning as my local National Front Candidate! This is Herr Brown's attempt at drawing a line under the immigration row.


  • His policy is illegal and easily challenged by any foreigner in a EU court
  • If there are 1.whatever million uk unemployed and over 600,000 job vacancies, then chances are the idle Brits won't take them
Poor effort Mr Brown. Do the decent thing and scrap the welfare state. That'll create British Jobs for British workers.
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BOH, Your thread ' British Jobs for British Workers ' seems very familiar. Im sure there is already a thread somewhere on this.

However this is a following on the Migrant workers thread, so it might as well be mereged.
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See there is the problem. If there wasn't any work the migrants would not come over, but as the Great British Public are too bone idle to get off their arses and do a job...

Scrap the Job Sekers allowance, scrap Incapacity Benefit (unless you genuinely can't work, but legislation is in place to force employers to make their workplace accesible to the disabled so a lot of them have no excuse now either) stop making it so easy for people.


I have worked with 'unemployed' people and the rules say that if they do not attend training or do not accept suitable jobs when offered then they should not get any benefits for 6 months. In practice the Jobcentres do not seem to apply these rules even for persistent offenders. We have had people in our place who have never had a job and they are aged in their 30s and 40s


That rule about compulsory employment is seriously flawed - they only have to turn up for the trial, and most are so feckin useless they get sent back on the dole after a week or so, and they don't have to work for another 6 months. Even better they can be "ill" during work trial, and back they go again. bunch of ******